Republican Council candidate Josh Vallario weighs in on the Taylor pavilion.
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Weighs in? He said nothing.
Sorry, its a very weak comment. How about for starters demand that the Mayor and council adhere to the same ethics that are required by Brookdale which follows the State of NJ ethics rules. The Democrats do not want ethics they only care about making the unions and other business interests that donate money to them.
The sleep walking candidate awakens to make a nonresponse response. Based on this first statement of views, said candidate should go back to sleep.
“time to try something new” requires specifics. If the status quo is not best for the residents of Belmar, what is? You can’t gather consensus for change and not state the appropriate alternative policy. Well, you can but the approach will not be fruitful.
Sorry missed the 10th ave station opening. Not down that way much.
The booking process should be open and not subject to people being favored nation status.
Dave should not need to OPRA the schedule of who has booked the venue.
Venue booking should be no more than one year out.
I think most people would like to see open and fair process.
A most favored nation clause (also called a most favored customer clause or most favored licensee clause) is a contract provision in which a seller (or licensor) agrees to give the buyer (or licensee) the best terms it makes available to any other buyer (or licensee).
From what i am seeing here is there is not a heck of alot of people outraged about what is going on here, as long as the taxes don’t go up let the kids play and do what they want.
#7 Exactly right. Higher property assessments may have riled up a few, more meaningful if they learn that the mayor’s property assessment was lower than the sales price. (Was the new house on Inlet terrace a bad investment?) Complacency, it’s ok in my world, so all is fine…not good overall! A hit in the pocket speaks volumes.
Will somebody decipher what this guy said?
#8 truth be told the Mayors house is historically one of the ugliest house homes on the terrace, no porch , no character, but I heard he has killer collection of cargo shorts. How does someone compare a multi million dollar catering business to a town resident is beyond me. This guy is selling Belmar off one by one , watch the Marina is next . All of this will end up costing the town in money and it’s own identity.
#1, #2 #3 and #9. Listen to some Tom Waits lyrics. E.g. “And the owner is a mental midget with the I.Q. of a fence post”
Talking points for Josh:
Jack Bakers INC.was supposed to be a banquet hall and a small bar.We got Marina Grill.
Taylor Pavilion was supposed to be a community center, with rocking chairs. We got a banquet hall, with a nice view for its private guests.
Any questions?
Did Vallario actually waste 5 minutes writing nothing ?
Those who can do, work in private industry and become wealthy……. Those who cant, become politicians or teachers…. Just another weak individual, with no substance….
No parades, no drum role, o action packed news reels, no media attention at all? Something stinks at the 10th Avenue Pavilion secret opening with no fanfare, just bills?
No tenant? No rebidding?
Weak candidate by Belmar repubs. Josh – How about showing up to a council meeting for starters and confronting this council to show where you truly stand on issues. Why should I vote for you?
If you don’t vote for Josh you get a DEMO …RAT
#17 – what’s changed since 1 REP was elected? What do you expect with another?
#18..Then vote for the DEMO…RAT…
Why not start a second Democratic party like Spring Lake did a few years back for the Republicans because they were having issues with the Republican party candidates being put forward
I’m sure Josh, like everyone else in Belmar, reads this blog. Josh- do yourself a favor and at least comment. Do you have an opinion or thought about anything going on . It’s probably already too late but at least try. Say something man !
Swamp request from #21.
Everyone, please invite Josh to sit down with you in person so you can see if he has the chops to retire the council entertainer and help Belmar in a nonpartisan manner. Civility and intelligence go hand in hand.
His EMAIL address is above. Try it because it might be enlightening.
#22 – Why am inviting anybody to sit down? Shouldn’t the candidate make themselves known by ringing doorbells? We don’t need another politician that we need to run and bow down to. There’s already 5 of them on the council.
Just seeing this Blog Post now and feel it necessary to respond.
#14 – I am not a politician. I am a resident that has had enough and wants to make this town better for my kids… Note – I had a thriving 17 year career in the private sector – designing, building and managing Large Scale data centers all over the world; towards the end of my career, I managed projects with budgets up to $100M – I was a Director for the largest financial asset management firm in the world. I now operate a development business that I grew from nothing – a business that I painstakingly spent every night and weekend to build over the last 15 years. I am extremely qualified to sit on that Council – feel free to google me. Or, at the very least email me to learn more about my qualifications.
As for what my comment about the Pavilion meant… It is simple – right now, Merry Makers monopolized the weekend spots at the banquet hall. It flew under the radar and the residents got the short end of the stick. If I were part of the administration while the deal was taking place, It would have been flagged. My previous statement did not condone the actions of the administration. I do not agree with what occurred. It was merely a talking point to begin a conversation and engage with the public.
The weekends are booked. There is a lease on the Cruz Bay space. We need to make sure that this kind of thing does not continue. There is a way to fix this situation and it starts with supporting my effort to make our town better.
Mr. Vallario, thank you for speaking up. Please continue, as time is short before the election.
How about the new outfall pipe? Why is it being installed on Belmar beach, doesn’t Lake Como and Spring Lake have more lakefront homes which can be impacted by flooding? Shouldn’t the new pipe be located in the same place as the original pipe, behind the seawall, in-between Belmar and Spring Lake? How would you like looking out from your home on Ocean Ave at a 60″ dia pipe? And what about your property value? Doesn’t seem like the Mayor & Council were looking out for the best interests of their constituents.
26. You might be unaware. Spring Lake’s property is to the end of the cement walkway and not the Arches.
#26 …. the new pipe is being installed on Spring Lake beach …. look at a detailed map for the municipal boundary.
You can’t be any clearer Josh. Thank you for elucidating your position to move forward Mr. Vallario.
It takes guts to run against the machine in Belmar. Only the naive want you to saber rattle.
Independent voters in Belmar make the call at the voting booth anyway. Democrat and Republican know who did what during these past 7 years and it ain’t pretty.
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