Click on the image to hear last night’s announcement.
I heard he said not to give any money to this guy:
Or this guy:
It says “Bet they blame Trump”.
Click on the image to hear last night’s announcement.
I heard he said not to give any money to this guy:
Or this guy:
It says “Bet they blame Trump”.
It’s called “SOLICITING”
He may possibly make a donation to a family that had a $200k house ..make it a $850k house…Then the owners can take out a reverse mortgage. Uh duh
Well, there’s one thing we learned about Matt during the Sandy aftermath. He didn’t put his hand to work in then and dollars to donuts says he won’t do it down in Rockport, Tex. either.
So why not just send the big check via FedEx? Why does Matt Doherty have to get in an airplane to deliver a check?
136 years of existence and still going strong, the American Red Cross is a tried-and-true organization which provides assistance during critical times of need in America. Unlike Mayor Doherty, I do trust where donated money goes to when I give to this great American charity. Unlike under the Doherty control I don’t worry about the American Red Cross wasting donated money and also “losing” gift cards. Sorry Mayor Doherty, my money goes to professional organizations and not self-serving political hacks.
Christie downfall = Doherty’s @scension. You know the old saying “Lie down with dogs you get up with fleas”.
LOBBYING IN TEXAS. Chapter 305 of the Government Code requires a person who crosses either a compensation or expenditure threshold to register with the Texas Ethics Commission and to file periodic reports of lobbying activity. … This lobby law is administered and enforced by the Ethics Commission.Sep 15, 2015
Quick- call the mayor of Rockport. Tell him the one person not to get involved with is Matt. Then again, maybe Rockport has a bunch of people who lost wedding rings. Our guy will show’em how to handle that.
He vio!zted his own Borough of Belmar Pay to Play Ordinance; so why should a scofflaw such as Doherty pay attention to a State law of Texas?
Doherty’s the 2010, 2011 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 rendition of Reverend IKE!
Other then some BS photo op, can someone seriously tell me what business Matt Doherty has going to Rockport ? Am I missing something ? I wonder if he’s gonna take his shirt off and expose the big “S” -then unfurl the bright red cape.
Ethics? He don’t need no stinkin’ ethics. He is desperate to appear as a good guy. Many Belmar residents know better. Texans are not stupid; that’s why they remain the Lone Star State.
Matt Doherty, c’mon man, stop being such an narcissist.
Time for those JCP&L, Masser, MerriMakers checks to flow to this circus act. Their payback to the ringleader will never end.
#4 …. Buddies @ Ashbritt would gladly pick-up travel expenses.
Smart person would rent a truck, fill it up with water and then drive it to Texas and give the donation to dry land distribution National Guard Temporary staging area. That’s a REAL Hallmark moment with a CERTIFIED BANK CHECK.
Tax deductible.
Any act of kindness toward a city that was totally devastated should be praised and not scorned. I understand the cynicism brought on by reliving the memories of Hurricane Sandy. Give the Mayor credit, he learned from 2012 and is taking a check and not gift cards that can’t be used by the volunteers.
#17 – You are correct, but many do not trust this guy and his motives. Folks should give to the American Red Cross if they want true accountability for their donations.
#18.Point taken. Unfortunately more of each dollar given to the Red Cross goes to their administration. I recommend Mercury One or Samaritan’s Purse so 100% goes to victims.
#16 – This is not a smart person and this is all political.
Instead of making donations and having free access to the beach. My suggestion would have been to take proceeds of our daily badges and send to the Red Cross on behalf of the town of Belmar.
Everyone on this website is always picking on a Matt! He is the one who got the boardwalk completed and the pavilion done for almost free.
Where is the money he giving coming from? His bank account?
Walked my dog this morning on Ocean Ave from 15th ave down to 5th ave.Every car had a ticket on the west side of ocean ave that was parked at 6am except for the Playbowls van in front of Playbowls. Selective enforcement it seems.
24, I’m sure they donate free things to the ticket writers. That’s just how it’s always been.
On my way out of BOA this evening I happened upon Chris Keating from Channel 12 News prepping for a segment. I figured it was about gasoline prices because the backdrop was clearly the EXXON station. When I got home I saw Mr Showboat televising his (personal emphasis) on CASH donations from beachgoers. Not a peep about the other Corporal Works of Mercy from our Belmar region just the only beach to donate. Nothing about the 16th Avenue Club driving to Texas 9/15/17 with a tractor trailer truck full of donations, etc.
The DCA was very clear. They suggest towns not become charity distributors and if they do, a rider needs to be passed via a resolution.
No stinkin’ DCA Board is gonna tell Big Puss & Boots Doughty and Quicks Draw McG what they can and can’t do with their power. Ask the Judges of Monmouth County. Kinda like calling the kettle black.
Who’s the man with the power, what man, what power, the man with the power of who do, you do?
#4 – He just has lots of free time. Why not road trip?
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