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My 68 Cents Worth

The latest plan offered by the mayor to finance our overpriced pavilions is to charge every man, woman, child and baby $.68 a month for 20 years.  His plan was laid out for the Coast Star last Thursday:


According to the mayor, the residents who filed the petition are “arguing” over 68 cents, per resident, per month, over the course of 20 years.

The mayor said he arrived at that figure by deducting the $484,000 from insurance and the $3.68 million the Federal Emergency Management Agency has told the borough it would be reimbursed from the $7 million bond.

This leaves about $2.84 million to be paid.  (Then $2.84 million should be cut from the cost of the project.  Considering all the union giveaways and the lush engineering costs that are part of the $7 million, it shouldn’t be hard to do.  Give the project to me.  I’ll get the things built for under $5 million.)

If the Monmouth County Superior Court rules the remaining $2.84 million must be split between the current and beach funds (That’s a big “if”.  What “if” the ruling is not so favorable?) — with each incurring about $1.42 million — then the borough would pay off a portion of the current fund’s $1.42 million using the over $700,000 the town got through the Buy a Board Campaign, the mayor said.  (Whoa! We still have that money?  We didn’t buy any boards with it?  And now we’re going to use it in a backhanded way to build pavilions instead?  Is that even legal?  Boy I’m damn glad I didn’t “buy a board”! )  

There is pending litigation pertaining to the pavilions in county court that will determine how the pavilion financing will be allocated between the current and beach funds. Where the money will be allocated will be determined once the pavilions are built. The litigation was brought by Belmar residents after the town tried to put the whole pavilion bond against the beach fund.  (Which would have very possibly triggered a lawsuit like the one we lost in 1989.)

Once that $700,000 is (fraudulently) used for the current fund — and not factoring in concession revenue or renting the space in the Fifth Avenue pavilion — Mayor Doherty said the borough would amortize the remaining $719,000 over 20 years with a 3-percent interest rate, for a total of $957,170 to be paid back.  (Who knows if those buildings will even last 20 years, with all the hurricanes and rising sea levels that “global warming” is going to cause.)

Dividing that figure by the number of residents in town (including babies, I guess), the term of amortizing the funds and the months in a year, each resident would owe 68 cents per month for 20 years to rebuild the two pavilions, Mayor Doherty said.


So here’s an illustrated version of the mayor’s new plan:


OK “residents”.  Get your 68 cents out now!  All of you!  And I’ll be back next month too!


And 20 years later:

Yay!  We can finally stop giving Mayor Doherty 68 cents a month!




  1. Tom Burke wrote:

    What, we still have the money so kindly donated to rebuild the boardwalk? I know I made my donation, and so did my wife…..I am not pleased that it did not go directly to the boardwalk costs. I too question whether it is proper to now use it to rebuild the pavilions. I would to use it if it were totally designated for the safety pavilion that is proposed at 10th Avenue.
    That is a lot of money that was raised with the intent to use the proceeds for the boardwalk…..many people may be upset that this may in fact not be the case.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 6:52 am | Permalink
  2. guest wrote:

    Does the budget include hiring an additional 4 DPW employees to maintain these buildings? I said 4 because that leaves 2 employees to do the cleaning in each building and the other two guys to watch them do it while drinking coffee. Considering that the DPW building is always kept so clean and orderly I am sure they will do a fine job.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:33 am | Permalink
  3. Teddy Ehmann wrote:

    Again, with this Engineer, and administration you must add in large change orders favoring the builder for the many “unforeseen expenses”. Then there is the big bonus for finishing on time.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:47 am | Permalink
  4. admin wrote:

    C’mon Ted. It’ll still only be about $4.75 a month!

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:55 am | Permalink
  5. Guest wrote:

    We are really going down hill in Belmar.
    1. Have you been to 7/11 on ocean ave, they have RED BULL bar tables out front, is this from the Bar Anticipation dumpster?
    2. There is now indoor refrigerator equipment in front of the 8th ave pizza place, selling smoothies, who approved this circus look.
    3. The road side bathrooms are an embarrassment.

    That was just my morning walk.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 9:09 am | Permalink
  6. VITO CORLEONE wrote:

    I think I gotta talk to the boys and do somein like a drawing for pavillions. Yea and make a few bucks for us. Yea we can draw.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 1:38 pm | Permalink
  7. Guest wrote:

    The 68 cent metrics is one of the most pathetic forms of political mumbo jumbo I have heard thus far in this pavilion battle. Also, the $700,000 that was raised for the boardwalk rebuild should have been sent directly to the bond holder for the boardwalk borrowed money as a direct pay-down of that debt. Hey Mr. State Attorney General, are you listening?

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:21 pm | Permalink

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