I know of at least one provisional that was for Josh. That would put us at a tie.
But there are more……..
I know of at least one provisional that was for Josh. That would put us at a tie.
But there are more……..
Ok This calls for a recount. All those ballots hand delivered must be double checked. It’s over for Belmar and NJ.
Any idea when we’ll know? This is insane!
Have to wait until Freehold opens.
How do you verify,who REALLY lives in town?The wink vote.
Recount is important but beyond that let me ask a couple questions. First, when I vote my signature is double-checked against the documentation of my signature on record. Is this part of the process for mail-in ballots? Second, for fourteen years (as Social Services Director) I requested/received in-house voting for a large nursing home where most residents could not go to the polls. The process for voting closely paralleled what we experience. A Democratic and Republican election official worked together to oversee the process. They offered people the opportunity to vote, sometimes reading the ballot to the voter if necessary, no comments/suggestions were spoken, no campaigning or innuendos whispered to voters. I am not suggesting that these cautions for a fair and untainted election are necessarily appropriate, and certainly not realistic. However in a borough where coercion and fear are believed to be part of business as usual by many residents, and retribution a stinging whip strike many others have felt. This election deserved more than a recount, it deserves scrutiny of the process. On the other side of this argument, I will share another thought I have this morning. Knowing write-in ballots are distributed and completed long before Election Day, eleventh-hour campaigning (including the excellent and powerful mailers that went out from Josh’s campaign) were lost and meaningless to voters who had already marked their ballots. This should be recognized as a fact and factor in future efforts to give Belmar the honest, resident-centric administration we deserve.
Wonder who did the write in. Every vote does count in a local election.
#4 – Good point. One thing I’ll sai is that in walking the town, it’s easy to sea that many of the houses with Brennan sines are absentee owners – they seem to be shut down.
Go Vallario!
People were called yesterday to come back and vote for Tom.The kid moved out of Belmar over a year ago.#notmycouncilman
Every absentee ballot MUST be gone over very carefully! No one does dirty politics better than Jersey Democrats. They can’t be trusted to follow the rules.
Once they’re counted you can’t change them. You have to challenge them before they’re counted.
Recount !
probably a DJAIS mail-in/absentee vote
#11. As someone who reported a dozen Dems not eligible to vote and they did nothing in Freehold, very frustrating. Vallario exceeded my predictions with one exception District 4. For Josh not to win significantly there was a major campaign blunder, especially how well he did in District 3.
ADMIN: last year you ran a piece on a Mr. Fitzgerald I think discussing allegedly voting in Belmar along with his wife and her sister and his son even though they live elsewhere most of the year. Please repost. By law I think you must vote where you live most of the year – not where you have a summer house and are on a planning board for residential building approvals. These are the types of votes that should be challenged
You have to challenge them before election day.
Provisional Votes:
A voter that refuses to show ID in places that require them.
A voter’s name does not appear on an electoral roll.
Voter registration is out-dated with wrong address or misspelled name.
A voter’s ballot has already been recorded.
Provisional ballots are counted if and only if a voter’s eligibility is confirmed.
Opinion: This will get ugly.
Dilly, dilly!
District 4 had no leadership from the chair. Plain and simple. Write Ins were simply selfish neighbors and they couldn’t have cared one wit for the larger picture.
#14 is correct, he never ventured that far south in town.
How can you challenge when you don’t know what absentee ballots have been submitted?
You can get the names and addresses as they come in in the days and weeks before the election.
There was only 1 write in for borough council. District 4 is where I live. Josh lost by 5 at the poles and another 8 by absentee.
Provisionals will take until Monday to process.
That’s where the head of the Republican committee should oversee the mail ins. I noticed there were no challengers this time ? Or did I miss something?
There was only 1 write in for borough council. District 4 is where I live. Josh lost by 5 at poles and another 8 by mail-in. We are usually very strong here. Provisionals won’t happen till probably Monday
The head of the party did not support the candidate…maybe it’s time to replace her.
No committee anymore
I still think we should switch to a non-partisan system in Belmar. Get both parties out.
I’ve been wanting that for years!! Mr. Pringle changed it during his term from my understanding. Now how can the residents change it back?
#27 I agree
Josh did very well for someone with no well-oiled, aggressive political party machine behind him.
27 – Regardless of the outcome of this election, there seems to be momentum for change and maybe a non-partisan election can now be pushed for.
Boink the labels. People can be conservative/liberal/ independent without party bass style separations at the polls. Party bosses rule you otherwise. Yesterday some poll lady didn’t understand English very well, communications was very tenuous, people being told to signi 4 docs, confused, repeat papers, etc. Investigate the tallys. Report all actions at the polls, good and bad.
Forget the mail in votes, there were over 800 voters that like the way things are, they probably do not live near the bars, or care about the traffic from the events. It is not the form of government that matters it is the people in it and it does not bother the 800 plus that voted for Tom. Lets wait and see if the Judge goes forward with the trial. It seems the Judges are keeping the Mayor and Council in check if we can not.
#16. I did challenge Mark, Grace and son living in Brooklyn Fitzgerald to no avail two years ago. Get me a list of those who voted in this election and I will give you to specifics and total number of fraudulent votes.
For me and the Republicans in Belmar, The headline should read: LOWEST DISTRICT 4 VOTER TURNOUT IN YEARS!
2014 Seebeck 263 votes
2016 Vallario 354 votes Walsifer 17 more
2017 Vallario 223 a difference of 131 votes from the year prior.
Oh, I get it now 231 djais votes were not cast?
If the mail-in votes are analyzed by district, we would see if a large number came from the senior building, some by designated messengers as well. That building is a notorious Democrat stronghold subject to the administration’s orders.
#18 It is the candidate’s responsibility to connect with District 4 voters. #25 I know for a fact, it was just the opposite, Josh never wanted support from The Republican Committee. Doing the math, DOES ANYONE REALIZE that 15 voters in district 4 cast a vote for Guadagno but wouldn’t cast a vote for Council seat. Also, District 4, 14 voters voted for Sean Kean and no vote for Council. THERE’S YOUR ELECTION!
To #34 A Voter 2,
There are a lot of Automatic Democrat Voters who just vote the D column.
I know some.
You should all ask yourselves how it is that Teddy and I (living in Florida)know more about your election than you all do, I wonder why that is!
Believing that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, thinking it will produce a different response. May I suggest the following beginning now for 2018.
1. Create a coalition Dems. GOP, & Independents. Why? It worked to get 60% in 2014 Pavillion Bond Special Election. Not to mention all have the same goal, namely to get rid of this corrupt administration. Voters with the same goals and aspirations working together.
2.Encourage and support 2 candidates Democrats to challenge in the Primary. Encourage 2 candidates Republican to challenge in the Primary. Then promote all four ( 2 for mayor and 2 for council. Advertise and hold get togethers and forums. Get a lot of good press for unheard of coalition unified to get their local government back. FACT: If those mighty and respected Belmar Democrats who supported Josh had run a good candidate in the 2017 Primary, regardless if Josh lost you all would have won. Think about it
#40. You could not be more wrong. Why? there are 10% swing voters ( 190 ) mostly District 3 and 4 who have and can again give all of us that most needed 60/40 victory again. So guys and gals who will listen to common sense. Who will pledge to leave party behind and get the job done for the common good? Aileen Fahy, Peter Piro, Terrance English, Mike Seebeck, Joan McDermott, I hear a bell tolling.
One year in Belmar, a voter was registered at an address in the middle of Silver Lake. All registrations need to be checked…
Again questioning chair leadership role in encouraging participation in local election vs County and State candidates.
#44 There is no chair in Belmar just a figure head.
I read the newspaper avidly. It is the only form of continuous fiction. (Aneurin Bevon, quoted in the observer, 1960).
Let’s not have awl this defeatist talk. Wait for the provisional ballots. It’s only one vote, so Mr. Vallario is still very much in this thing.
Dear Teddy,
I am honored to have you comment on my comment.
#4….Does anyone in the party committee have responsibility for insuring that voters are not registered in another state in addition to NJ and actually are voting [illegally]in both states? I am sure there are people who are still registered in NJ but have now registered in other states and are voting elsewhere but the NJ rolls have not been purged. If they are registered and vote outside NJ they are NOT entitled to also vote in NJ and there could also be an issue of people switching from one state to another in for example alternate years. You can bet there are no state or county officials checking so if the locals are not doing it either there are sure to be scammers getting away with it.
Anon – you can be a challenger at the polls. I didn’t see any Republican challengers when I was there. Would be nice to only complain if you’ve first put forth the effort.
I was a challenger at district 5 from 4pm till 8pm. No one was suspicious.
Aileen, it’s so reassuring that the 5th distrct was covered by you. However the 4th district was very questionable according to voters in the A – G lines/machine.
Aileen knows everybody in 5
53: my point exactly. The desk poll worker was out of her depths and should have been assigned a helper from the Board of Elections or replaced ad a questionable competent for the job. Sorry, we like people but people have to be able to function at the very least without lines let alone when there are lines of voters. Solutions from all solicited
So many poll workers quit in Belmar. There must be a reason.
Aileen, i only asked the question and i don’t believe you answered it, however it is nice to know that for at least 4 hrs in one of five districts there were no obvious violations of the law by persons choosing to vote in more than one jurisdiction. I am only suggesting that someone in the party structure at the local level needs to be alert to part time residents with residences in other jurisdictions who for whatever reason might be voting in Belmar and elsewhere. Belmar has numerous people who are second home owners due to our nature as a shore summer resort community.
Oh I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean by party structure. I’m not sure what we can do other than become a poll worker or a challenger. I witnessed all who voted in district 5 and 1 (right next to me) from 4 till 8. I heard from other volunteers that there are rarely Republican challengers.
Unfortunately putting forth the effort in Belmar gets you put into a catagory of voter “suppressionist” In the 2014 election we challenged 145 absentee ballots. That’s out of close to 400 cast. So we were not targeting anyone other than those who we believed were not valid voters. The decision to not allow a vote is not done by the challager but by the county board of elections. Out of those 145, 47 were found to be INVALID by the board of elections. That’s 1/3 of the challenged votes folks!!! 1/3!! That’s a huge number. And do you know what we got for trying to protect the integrity of the vote here in Belmar?? Maligned by our Mayor on radio and in the press as suppressionists. Sued by the democratic state committee, a case that was later dismissed in court! A year later mind you. Now that was a truly “frivolous” suit.
Joy DeSanctis was removed from the poling place even though she had legitimate leagal roving county credentials. She was maligned from our borough administratior and Mayor as having been ordered out by the county board of elections. A lie! In actual fact she read a letter from the county at the next town meeting that cleared her of any wrong doing and told her she had every right to be there. Never an apology from our Mayor or BA.
One disgrace after another at the polls. I remember challenging a neighbor who was trying to vote again under her daughter’s name. If I didn’t gracefully remind the Judge to look in the book under her real name and see that she voted already early in the day she would have been able to break the law and my idealistic nature. I didn’t care who she voted for; all I know, in retrospect, it was 1 vote, but it sure sounds familiar?
Well #58 has explained very well why there is a paucity of repub poll challengers. Mayor’s[and dems] strong arm tactics on Joy were effective [right down to pottys and tree plantings it would seem]. Aileen, the structure i am refering to is the local party committee, consisting of a male and female party member from each district which elects a chairperson. Part of their duties are to examine the voting rolls provided by the county and to know the people entitled to vote in their district so that challengers can object in the appropriate cases. Most of this is done well prior to election day. And #58, was there useful support at the repub county level when the 2014 events occurred? You are right to say that 47 out of 145 challenges [only absentees?]being upheld is YUGE and the integrity of the process is the whole point of allowing challenges in the first place. Why have them and waste everyones time if they are not allowed to serve their function?
Holy schnikes!! That’s crazy. And so sad.
Voter fraud is very real in Belmar.
Oh and by the way, the judge ruled in our favor the DAY of the election. That’s when they tried to stop our challenges. It was AFTER that the lawsuit was brought against the 6 of us. Talk about intimidation. I learned a painful lesson. It still irks me that i didn’t have the nerve to challenge the next election. Why? Because in Belmar if you go against the machine, you are punished. I know people hate to hear that. That they want to believe it doesn’t happen. But I know it does because it happened to me
Anon I don’t know who you are but you have not been involved in Belmar for to long and you are full of it. Katrina is correct on all points. But let me say as one who did the tutorial for “poll challengers” you have no clue. Also as a former Dist 3 Rep committee member we did all we could to identify suspicious voters (remember Tom?) So we were engaged in the process but we were told by someone recently they did not want the help of the committee because we were to negative against the mayor. Not only that but our chair was viciously attacked by a turncoat (we know who but maybe you don’t). Now if you want to try and organize a new group of Republicans to get thrown under every bus in town go for it. See if you get any support, and don’t bother replying to this unless you use your real name.
#64 I considered whether your post merited a response, particulary in view of the fact that Josh Vallario appears to have been successful and that is my desired result. I decided that my comments were perhaps misconstrued so i am clarifying them. I reacted to the concerns and comments of previous posters and asked a question and fail to see how that makes me’full of it’. I am an admirer of Katrina and i sympathize with what she and Joy had to endure after the 2014 efforts to keep the elections honest. The rest of what you said is inside baseball to me and as far as organizing a new group i can think of nothing more painful,well maybe eating a quart of ground glass. So you have my reply sans identity presuming admin allows it.
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