Now that the election is over some lawsuit expenses can be paid.
From yesterday’s payment of bills list:
Gibbons is handling Loko and the Harmon brothers.
I guess this is connected to the Michael Druz lawsuit.
Susko, DeSanctis and Metra missteps still costing us. One problem is the mayor just refuses to give up and appeals all the lawsuits he loses.
I think this appeal is on the civil rights violations for the rejected petition against the changes to the conflict of interest laws.
300,000.00 ( THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND!!!!!!) in leagal fees!!!!!!
This is all a waste of OUR money!
Oh no pass the aspirins please. Can’t believe it. I knew somebody that was sued –lost– and would spend plenty appealing WASTE OF OUR MONEY
If these charges are not adequate proof that this mayor must be voted out, I give up the notion of common sense. But hey, he is a master of spending other people’s money and spinning tales of untruth.
Also, Borough insurance premiums will skyrocket with this drunk at the wheel.
Money well spent to lose lawsuits that could have been prevented from happening!
#4 Madame Snark Unfortunately there are lots of voters that like the way things are such as lots or bars. Only when the cheap summer kiddie rentals disappear is there a chance of things changing but i am not optimistic.
#7…. The Cheap Summer Kiddie rentals will never disappear, because the Belmar public school system is not adequate. If Belmar’s school system was in the same league as SL, those cheap summer rentals would be million dollar homes. Belmar’s biggest liability is the school system. If that improves Belmar will attract young families as full time residents, purchasing the vast majority of the rental…
#8 Belmar’s school is better than Avon,so your theory holds no water.
#8 – These obsolete skools are our state’s and the nation’s biggest liability. We knead a new concept of edumacashun badly;
#9 Who the hell cares. The end is near. We need to get ready for Armageddon.
#8 – used to live in town, but the schools were one reason we moved out…another was that the library – not a big fan that I could check out items from other public libraries.
Crazy that Belmar is one of the few (if not only) one not to participate in county system. The other was house was to small
#9…. See the link below, Avon ranked #91 and Belmar #457, considering test scores.
I know this is just a blog, but make a comment that is true. I showed you some data, please show me information, that supports your statement.
Good job #13
Anyone know the status of the lawsuit that was filed by the mothers of the two girls that drowned this past spring? Hopefully that was not settled.
They didn’t actually file lawsuits, only notice of intent to sue.
#13 Drop out the ESL kids and then tell me the scores!
#13 – That’s what happens when 2/3+ of the student bodie are Mexicans.
#17….. You go find the data that eliminate a group of minority children… Furthermore that is a disgraceful comment… You must be some how involved with the FAILED BELMAR SCHOOL SYSTEM… Public school workers and administrators have the best excuses for failure…
#18… Exactly what does that statement mean??? Because reading between the lines this is what I am hearing.. The Belmar School System is fine and Mexican children are incapable of learning. Please tell me I am wrong with my interpretation of your comment….
#19 – Well, yes, of course I’m involved. I pay my taxes.
Every generation has immigrant children. Look at the Supreme Court of the United States. Their relatives were subjected to discrimination too. Education made the difference. Strong ethics to have your children succeed in a new culture made the parents icons. Often the children were the interpretors for the adults which empowered those children as contributors to their families and communities.
#20 – I just call’em as I see’em. The board and the teachers are conning the public. They know the scoop. But their jobs depend on the continuation of their lies. The point is anymore it’s all about the vendors. They dispense whatever stuff they’re selling to the scools/taxpayers and don’t want anything to change. So if it makes you feel better to think I’m a bad guy and your’e morally better than me, have at it.
The enrollment at the Avon School is 174. The enrollment at Belmar school is 597. Student-teacher ratio is about the same…12:1. I taught at the Belmar Elementary School for 22years, and served on the Belmar Board of Ed.for 6 years after my retirement…before landing a seat on the Belmar Council. I have great confidence in our local school, system and am invited as a guest reader from time to time. I get to walk around the building…getting to observe how expertly and professionally instruction is being delivered by our teachers. The state testing initiatives basically drive the curricula, leaving little room, in my opinion, for individual differences .Obviously, children with varying capacities process and learn at different levels of ability. When I taught we used the Stanford Achievement testing program to ascertain academic growth, regression or stagnation. My greatest joy didn’t come from a very bright student who scored off the charts. It came when a student who struggled showed growth in subject areas…maybe not at actual grade level. When I taught 5th grade , I had students who entered my class at the 4th grade level …a year behind . By the end of the year, they’d achieved a 5.5 ( fifth grade/5th grade level of achievement in all academic areas. So test scores that are published tell only part of the story. Let’s not judge our wonderful Belmar School on test scores alone . Many of my students still live in town. Are doing well, have great jobs…even the ones who didn’t score well on state/standardized test.
#Tom is correct. Can learn if you can’t speak the language. Borders, language , culture………………..
#22 – Excellent point. But those former immigrants went to school, many of them not knowing a word of English and instruction was totally in English and they learned. These Mexican children are taught in Spanish and are failing. They have no future here other than be wards of the state. Some people think they’re doing these Mexican children a favor by taking their side, but I assure everybody, they’re doomed to a life at the bottom rung of the economic ladder here. This is a technological society and if a person isn’t smart enough to understand that technology fully, they are not going to amount to anything. This is just harsh reality.
The children are learning, plain and simple truth. Those that are impaired have great challenges and I hope technologies will level the playing field rather than make it more expansive.
Tom-Google “5 Facts About Hispanics and Higher Learning” collected by The Pew research center . This information includes doubt the largest representation of Hispanics in our country. While data show Hispanics are not on the same level in numbers of other student groups attending colleges, they are certainly making progress, heading in the right direction. With technology, instruction could be non-verbal..if a child doesn’t speak English, the technology teacher, or another student can demonstrate skills necessary to use a computer. As tech instruction becomes more involved through the grades, the Spanish speaking students become more proficient in the English language. In my opinion all appears hopeful for our Hispanic students, many of whom are born here , and , by virtue of this , are U.S. Citizens. Not trying to disprove your ideas…just stating what seems to be factual .
Thank God we have Claire to correct everything
Good morning Claire – A few things. As I said in another post, the immigrant predecessors of these Mexican children were thrown into classes without knowing a word of English and did well. There were no special classes for them – it was sink or swim. Classes conducted in a foreign language are an indication the “students” are not up to par. As anyone can see they’re done with school at an early age. Also, as another poster says, the scores tell the tale. BES is way down the list on the state scores. not that I values test scores all that much. In my own case, I did very badly all the way through school. But it was a different world then. The work these children’s parents are doing now is on the way out and they will not be able to be of any value here. Their best bet is Mexico. It does them no favor to advocate for them to remain here. They have zero chance. Those immigrants of 1880-1920 were needed and their children had a future and an ability to be come Americans as we’ve seen. These children have no chance.
Tom-I didn’t know that the Hispanic students are being taught in Spanish…makes no sense…should be English immersion…Old Man-always happy to set the record straight..speaking of languages, your sarcasm is much appreciated !!
29, 30 & 31…. The bottom line is Belmar test scores are low and the school administration needs to be accountable. All the administrators and teachers receive a salary and benefits to provide a service. Get the job done, there are no excuses. The only way to truly change the town is making it a year round family community and it starts with improving the school system. If not just change the name of the town to BARMAR as someone on this blog has suggested.
#32 It’s over. Throw your money onto bitcoin and pray.
Watch what could happen to the schh8 system by viewing the WORE. Those kids don’t have a chance. Crime rules.
the children will become products of their environment …. now, the arcade across the street from school is the environment …. parents can park their kids in the arcade (pay by the hour) and go-about their busy way…
#35 – I didn’t know people put their children in the arcade and walked away and paid by the hour. Well, in a way that is educating them for the life they will lead.
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