A really good point that John Paff makes at the end of the story below is that by settling these civil cases without trial (and with taxpayer dollars) the public is denied the opportunity to learn just exactly what happened in these cases and whether or not there was improper behavior by those on the public payroll.
Just digging around in the Coast Star netted these four cases Belmar has settled since 2012:
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Regarding the case of George Giresi-from what I understand, he was told not to issue summonses to the Jewish School on 11th Avenue. Being a conscientious employee, he responded to the surrounding residents’ complaints and issued summonses as needed-which deemed him “not a team player” by the council which resulted in his termination. In my opinion, Matt was trying to appease the 11th Avenue school because they show up on Election Day. Another example of how Matt’s career ambitions are more important than the residents’ quality of life.
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