A letter from one of my favorite readers.
Hi Dave..hope you are enjoying your home and new surroundings.
Last week I was walking on the sidewalk corner of 13thAve and Main St.(Post Office side). All of the sudden I felt this piercing pain in my right ankle. I could not put my foot down nor could I stand on my other leg ..Ended up falling…Worst thing that could happen to me with two hip replacements, two knee replacements and both ankles fused. As I was falling I remembered to fall on my side..Kids were getting out of school..Special police officer crossing them at that intersection.A man got out of his car to help me…After a few minutes on the ground covered in leaves this man helped “lift” me onto my feet. . I could put weight on my right foot.. Felt like I was going to black out for a few seconds..Proceeded to cross Main St then 13th Ave..Slowly walked home..I was fortunate the man stopped to help me because the special officer was not helpful.A few days later returning from doctors (no fractures) a friend and I drove by that intersection.The leaves were gone. I noticed the pavers are uneven. They are NOT level with the 13th Ave sidwalk. ..Which is a perfect example of putting pavers down unevenly and done cheaply AND what caused me to fall.Sunday was Fall Festival at Pyaone parking lot and plaza. There were three police at the 8th Ave parking entrance chatting among themselves. Why wasn’t anyone patroling traffic while people crossed in the middle of 8th Ave? That crosswalk between the senior building andBurritos is USELESS. Very seldom do drivers stop when a pedestrian is in the crosswalk.On weekends patrons of the plaza eateries and bars park on 8th Ave in the yellow curb zone AND totally block the “useless” crosswalk. That day a large black 4 wheel drive was parked on the crosswalk. I mentioned to one of the police officers. He walked over to check it out..I did not see him write a ticket. He was talking to Burrito patrons..maybe asking around who owns that car?Come on! Write a ticket! No playing favorites !!!!!When Doherty was mayor I sent him and the council numerous emails about the lack of enforcing pedestrian crossing laws, speeding and failure to stop at red lights. It is time for change in Belmar. Get out and vote for candidates who truly care about their town and residents.
I’m happy you’re alright. As far as driving and walking, it’s all a new situation these days due to the new manner of living. We all just have to do the best we can and hope for the best. To a certain extent that includes the paving stones as well. Everything is tied to this new manner of living.
The Administration ripped up the relatively new pavers last two years or so for some sort of correction and, by the way those pavers disappeared, only to haphazardly install all new uneven pavers all over town!
Risk Management must be hunkering down for the onslaught of claims. Negligence personified.
No wonder no police patrol Lake Como. They’re too busy socializing at the Belmar Plaza. I haven’t seen a patrol car in Lake Como since Labor Day.
#3- Perhaps you should have spoken up two years ago when Doherty/Wilton were shortchanging the residents of both towns by reducing the amount of Officers patrolling the streets, all for their selfish political gains. Hey, where did those two guys disappear to anyway? You really gotta chuckle looking at all those former Doherty/Wilton supporters and how they were all duped. They must feel like real a-holes at this point. Kinda like those Obama supporters. Lets hope they all stay home this election day and allow us to put some new blood on the dais.Drain the swamp.
Duped, Hoodwinked, Bamboozled that’s what happened to the Voters by Mcdirty and Company. I actually feel sorry for the misguided and misbegotten of Belmar.
They got the SIX figure jobs and colluded, not YOU.
#4 -FYI- I did vote to keep the Police Dept!!!!!!
I’m sure you did. The problem was the People were lied to by Doherty/Wilton. D/W had a guy from the State of NJ come in to push the merger by giving false and misleading facts and numbers. His speech was designed to make the people of Lake Como feel like the ONLY option was to merge the PDs. He lied. And the people of Belmar weren’t even given the opportunity to vote on whether we should sacrifice our Police services and subsidize the safety needs of another town, again all in the name of Politics. Perhaps Matt or Brian would like to chime in and defend your positions, Oh that’s right, they’re too busy working their $200k state jobs.
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