This thing of ours is featured in the widely read PolitickerNJ:
Belmar mayor’s race: a wave of post-Sandy project politics stirs up seaside Monmouth borough
……………..Doherty was also irked that Pringle mentioned his wife, Maggie Moran, in the letter, noting her former role as an employee of Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) as well as her public relation firm’s ongoing representation of the powerful statewide union. Pringle inferred in the letter that these relationships represent “conflict issues.”
Moran is a force all her own in New Jersey politics. An adjunct professor at Rutgers University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics and former senior staffer for Gov. Jon Corzine, she is one of the lead organizers of the Ready for Hillary political action committee that is laying the ground work for former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s potential 2016 Democratic presidential nomination bid.
Doherty told PolitickerNJ that while he has accepted personal political donations from LIUNA leader Ray Pocino, Belmar’s pay-to-play ordinance forbids any candidate committee from accepting any political action committee donations, including those sponsored by unions.
“We are compelled by state law to award projects to the lowest bidder,” Doherty said. “In this case, the lowest bidder happened to be a unionized firm.”
As for his wife, Doherty was direct.
“[Pringle] brought up my wife in a political attack piece. Most politicians know that wives and children are off limits when it comes to attacks,” Doherty said. “It doesn’t matter who my wife is.”
“That’s ridiculous. I think he’s thinking about the Mafia,” Pringle replied. “He’s a sitting mayor that is deciding issues that have a direct benefit to a client of his wife. Is he arguing that you get a pass if the person you are benefiting is your wife? That’s the most ridiculous thing that I’ve ever heard. That’s from The Godfather, not from the state’s municipal ethics law, that you can’t raise an issue about someone’s wife.”
While the internecine strife between Democrats Doherty and Pringle continues unabated, there is a Republican candidate looking to take out Doherty: Belmar Councilman Jim Bean.
Bean, the sole GOP member of the five-member borough council and who filed ethics complaints against Doherty last year, politely declined a request from PolitickerNJ for an interview, then issued a statement.
“I understand your ambition to inform your readership of the happenings in Belmar, but it is my desire to just speak to the people of Belmar directly about local issues affecting their lives and about what I can do to help. I don’t believe discussing this under the spotlight of large, statewide media would be helpful to the people I wish to serve,” the statement read. “Thank you for understanding.”
Pringle served as Belmar’s mayor for 20 years, from 1990 to 2010. After he said that “if I wanted to [run against Doherty], I would,” Pringle showed support for Bean.
“Jim is courageous – he sticks by tough positions despite the fact that he gets battered four to one on every issue,” Pringle said. “He legitimately only cares about Belmar. He doesn’t care about county or statewide politics. He has no ambitions beyond doing what’s right by his community.”…………………….
What do you say, Vito? Wives or no wives?
This is different. Back in the late 30’s early 40’s my wife did the cooking and taking care of the kids. I must say now things have changed. After careful thought on my part I agree ..Yes WIVES…Uh salute to the new way. Now I must rest..Up early and then a nap.
All politics is applesauce to me …. I don’t care who wears the pants in the Moran household.
Thank you Kenny and Jim. Belmar first.
And Dave too.
Opening scene from pilot of “The House on Inlet Terrace”: 7:00 A.M.
She: Ok, dear, I’m off to meet Hillary for brunch. Anything you want?
He: Put in a good word for me, but I still have to deal with this “Belmar thing.” What an annoyance. Why don’t these people just do what I want.
Before falling back to sleep, he makes a note that he must redo the exterior of the house in white siding, more appropriate; tan is so bland. Whom to call…oh yeah, one of his (non-union) buddies.
You have to give credit where credit is due. Thank you K. Pringle and J. Bean and all of the locals (and you know who you are) who had the wherewithal to do this again. We have a 1 mile square town. Why is the outside world so interested in what goes on here? Usually people do not care about small towns. Obviously the people who live here do care about their town.
Yo Tulip….Outside world interested because there is lots of money involved. Does anybody think they would care otherwise? People here are going to be on the hook for plenty($) unless things change quickly..Now I must rest..Getting late. Michael.. get me a glass of red wine.
When I say thanks Dave also, it’s because without this site that Dave created and has put so much effort and hard work into it. would have been much harder to accomplish what the good people of Belmar did on Aug 19th it helped us stay informed and be aware that there were so many others that felt the same way.
Vito Corleone
What’s this with wine with all you people? Don’t any of you drink shots of Jack Daniels with beer chasers anymore like normal people?
ANONOYMOUS/TULIP: All the five families love Dave. Because of Dave we have learned alot. This guy Bean should get elected. He seems like a really honset guy. Never could drink the hard stuff. Besides if one of the families owns a wine distributor why should I drink anything else? Get a good price..Got up to early this morning..
This is such good news to me because I really wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of the families.
Don Vito, con rispetto, I am with ya on the red wine thing…helps the immune system. Also, Jim Bean must win! Cent’ anni! (ms.perspicaciti)
How is it that matt and his wife have not been brought up on charges yet???
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