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Potty-Gate Update

Yesterday morning Joy DeSanctis placed a call with the Monmouth County Board of Health and was told that the placement of the porta-potty was a health code violation and that they would be coming to Belmar to make sure it was moved.  I don’t know if they came or not but I do know that public works director Mike Campbell and water company chief Fran Hines came over and moved the errant outhouse across the street. Of course the fact that it was still kept near her house shows that the administration responded only grudgingly to the complaints of Ms. DeSanctis and to the orders of the County and that there is a complete absence of understanding or contrition about the abuse of power that the incident represents.


It rightly became a pretty big issue when the Patch picked up the story and actually embedded this blog into their article.  And apparently there’s a lot of interest in potties out there:


So from this point on I think I need to talk less about politics and civic affairs and concentrate solely on potty-related issues.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous wrote:

    Fire BA Colleen… She should have had it removed immediately but did not. Jim Bean for Mayor

    Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 5:06 pm | Permalink

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