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These people are just trouble making wackos! Their whole facebook page and agenda is negative. Ms. Kelsey, if you dont feel safe going out then stay the hell home with your family. The millions and millions of us who have been couped up for months want to start living our lives!
#1 Way above average restrictions. I agree with you. To much BS from the state. Makes people above average idiots.
#1 What facebook page? These folks are not affiliated with any facebook page. The admin of Belmar Locals facebook page is a nutjob. No affiliation. See #1 of the survey – they want our businesses to stay open all summer. Owners can’t police the lines of people down the block. If the town helps with that they won’t get shut down. They also want to keep the beach open for us locals. Non compliance will shut down the beach. You can complain all you want about how that’s dumb but it doesn’t change the fact that it could happen. These changes could help us have a decent summer.
Would never sign this petition. Mayor and Council don’t need directions as to how to run our town. They do a great job! Why is this person taking it upon herself to instruct our town officials?
If you are not comfortable with all that has been put in place, please stay home and let the rest of us enjoy the beach, boardwalk and the good weather.
the requests make no sense, and some of the items on there I feel like are already being done. But I truly do not understand there request number 1 for a task force with the small businesses, they know we have less special officers I believe then usual how would you give them to each business as oppose to the businesses being responsible to maintain safety and protocol for their patrons. I mean I am all about supporting our local businesses but I think they can follow guidelines and monitor their own establishments. The bars are closed down what are they worried about pizza lines or something??? At some point if you feel unsafe going out in public stay home, and with all the delivery services out there today you really could not leave your house or own yard.
I’ve seen you nuts posting on the Belmar Locals Facebook pages. What dont you understand about it being illegal to limit access to the beach to locals only? Are you that ignorant? Are the locals going to pay the next time there needs to be a beach replenishment project? Of course not, they will want all of the federal tax dollars they can get! Stay home Ms Kelsey and Ms Odonnel. Let the rest of us figure it our for ourselves
Entitled locals here…. just like their kids.
now we know where it stems from
No need for oversight from residents. Our smart Belmar officials can handle it with a very capable staff, especially DPW head Mike Campbell.
Why on earth do we need a petition to tell Town leaders what to do? Ridiculous!
You ladies definitely have too much free time on your hands – This is supposed to be America – Freedom of Speech- Worship – Work – etc etc etc – we are already being denied many of our constitutional rights – too many rules already by the Technocrats and Mind Shapers – our Mayor and Council are going above and beyond – let them do their job
11-I agree 100%! Our Mayor and Council have been on top of this pandemic situation from the very beginning. They are getting input from experts also. They don’t need any directives. Why do we need to follow what other communities are doing, as was suggested by Leigh Kelsey O’Donnell? Who is to say other towns are getting it right? Belmar has a good plan in place. Let officials carry it out without any further interruptions.
And you 12 or should i say 1 or 2 people hiding as anonymous or fake names in the comments are just as nutty as them.
I’m not choosing a side. I’m for opening the beaches and the business, however, if you think this council of nut jobs has a handle on this Covid/Beach situation like they try to portray, you’re drinking their Kool Aid. Their plan has so many holes in it and they can’t answer any difficult questions when asked. They’re only response to them are “Stay Home” Not someone i would follow into battle at all. They’re a bunch of lug nuts
Dr Deaths have influenced many hysterical people locally. Stay home cocooned in order to protect what’s important to you and yours. Less people contact will not protect the vulnerable unless the vulnerable self isolate and their families.
Woody Allen quote — ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.’
When do we have police cars and fire trucks blowing their sirens for a childs birthday in a motorcade. Is this going to be for any child? I believe the police should be emergency and the fire trucks for fires. Is it who you know?
there are angry assholes and then there are just plain, old, curmudgeonly assholes like #17
OK, you want something done? Someone can probably hook you up with someone. That is the way of the world, priorities be damned.
Next, the medieval plague doctors were creepy but poignant figures of the time. Isolate and pray, you might survive, maybe not. Have common sense and avoid the herd, stay clean and keep the fleas off. People always have had some kind of cooties, that should be common knowledge.
Me, I will stay out of crowds as much as possible. Hopefully no shooter will show up in some crowded travel station or mall or somewhere like that and there is a stampede and people will get trampled. Life is sometimes just a crap-shoot, admit it. Right now, wear a mask when too close to people and stay home if you are afraid to venture out amongst the plague-ridden members of humanity.
I once caught fleas from a cat and had a huge allergic reaction and ended up in the emergency room. You never know.
#18 I don’t know how your comment made this Blog and I am quite disappointed that it did because you are very vulgar.
#20 Maria, the term asshole is “very” vulgar? LOL, congratulations on living your first day outside of your protective bubble.
Anybody know why @D’jais needs a uniformed officer stationed at their club doors (with two bouncers chairs)? Aren’t they closed other than curbside. Belmar bills @D’Jais don’t they?
#20 I’m way more offended by the paragraphs of Tom silver get on this blog about women,
Every one of the petition requests, except the one supporting local businesses, seems to be a copy and paste from the other towns around Belmar. It’s all public information. Go to the other towns’ websites and see for yourself.
22: pay jobs.management afraid of trouble.
Wasn’t the boardwalk supposed to be one directional traffic, or did I mishear that?
24-Thanks for pointing out that ideas listed in the petition about the pandemic are not original thoughts of the writer. We have capable leaders here in Belmar-they don’t need anyone to tell them how to carry out their responsibilities. Restating what other towns are doing isn’t helpful.
#25 – pretty low comment, no matter which side of the debate you fall.
#25 you COWARD!
And Admin – wow – what do you think about that comment? I know you block things, I wonder if you think this one should have been blocked? I’ve seen bad ones in the past and I realize this is the first time I’m speaking up. I think when there’s no information given in a post (just absurd, vile, low, vulgar, vitriol), it’s fair to block it.
Sorry I missed that one. I pulled it down. Sincere apologies to whoever was the object of that.
Aw that’s so nice Dave thanks! She’s a lovely person who happens to be scared during a pandemic. Her father is second generation Belmartian and the entire family has really given back to the community over the years.
Apparently she has an agenda and she is going after people.
Live and let live!
Our mayor and Council have everything under control. You can see the website for all of the rules and regulations they have put out.
And if she is still scared stay home indoors, do not start a petition to get what you want to make yourself feel comfortable.
32-Agree-No need for a petition.
I am in total support of our Mayor and Council. They don’t need advice in the form of a petition.
If any of you mindless supporters of the all-mighty mayor and dear leader kirschembaum would read the petition, they are all common sense ideas.
Bring back Doherty and his minions. They made sense to me. They knew what politics was about, i.e. publicity, using positions as stepping stones, personal glorification, etc., even fomenting unrest. Bring back the glory days of targeted corruption. The country is going to hell, so why not. Those with intact minds will disagree. So be it – this is America, after all, an opinion is a personal privilege.
Mr. Kirschenbaum is always helpful and thorough as he assists residents with a variety of issues.
Ed Kirschenbaum is an asset to our town. People who have come in direct contact with him find him extremely helpful. If Ed doesn’t have an answer to a resident’s concern or question, he does research, finds the answer, then gets back to the person with the concern. This is what happened with me. This was an important matter for me. Thanks to his diligence, my matter has been settled. Ed Kirschenbaum went out of his way to respond to my concerns.
Professionally he responds as soon as he can. Very dedicated employee who doesn’t need his reputation sullied at this stage in his life. He’s a product of of being raised and educated in small town USA. He wouldn’t have achieved anything in this life if he was a loser.
39-So agree with you! Ed Kirschenbaum is a learned, capable business administrator who takes his profession to heart, and takes the needs of residents to heart also .
39-Very good points. Ed Kirschenbaum has been successful throughout his life. He continues to do well in Belmar. He gets the job done efficiently and with a determined attitude.
This thread is insane. How many of these anonymous posts praising “The Illustrious Ed” are written by him. I’d say an above average number.
#42 Well above average!
14: Your answer can be read above in the Commensenseforbelmar.org Motto.
Any advancement with this petition? What’s the end result?
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