Doherty grandstanding on 10th Ave yesterday. Click image to read about it.
“As mayors, we have to balance our budget every year and we always have to live within our means,” said Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, who is running for Monmouth County freeholder. “We’re called upon today to do more with less.
Under Doherty the municipal budget has gone from about $13 million to about $15 million. The total debt has gone from $18.7 million to $49 million.
And if we ever thought about proposing a 24-percent increase in property taxes … you’d be reading about us in the most recent obituary.
Nobody from the element is allowed to talk about obituaries.
“What makes the 24-percent increase really outrageous and unacceptable,” Doherty continued, “is when you juxtapose it to the excessive increases in compensation for the executives at New Jersey Natural Gas. We’re talking about Wall Street-type salaries to manage the smallest gas utility in the state of New Jersey.”
They probably still don’t get paid as much as some lobbyists and union bosses. We have to pay those salaries too.
New Jersey Natural Gas says the rate increase is its first since 2007, and is necessary to mend its ailing infrastructure. It also contends its uptick in executive compensation has no impact on the rate increase.
So an increase in the cost of gas is needed to mend ailing infrastructure. Where have I heard that before?
BTW, the Chief Operating Officer of NJNG is Kathleen Ellis, wife of former Belmar mayor Ken Pringle. I’m sure that had nothing to do with Doherty’s attack on NJNG executive salaries.
And speaking of Mr. Pringle……..
Which side of his face is he talking out of today?
NJNG has a program to help low income seniors pay their gas bills.
“…and we always have to live within our means, said Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty”… AKA Matt Bond.
I hope he thanked his wife for setting this up him. I think he travels with the podium in the back of his jeep looking for reporters. I wonder what’s on his honey do list today ?
So little time so much to do!
Follow the money!
Maggie and Matt sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then come marriage, then comes Maggie and Matt pushing a money carriage.
I guess no matter what happens, Matt will not be appearing on MSNBC in the future.
How big was the donation made by Federici’s to Dogerty’s campaign? Big enough to close down 10th Avenue using police and DPW manpower and allowing the big CC to attend a political rally instead of being at the borough hall (she is an employee not a politician or campaign manager!). This easily could have been orchestrated at any public meeting instead of wasting tax payer dollars and depriving the store owners on 10th Avenue and Main Street of business and inconveniencing drivers with traffic diversion.
Wasn’t that Chris Brandl behind the mayor in the pictures? Oh right, another small business owner that will be affected by the gas rate hike.
If I recall our water bill rate went up as a result of infrastructure repair to the water mains. It’s ok for Belmar but not NJNG.
NJNG had insurance for all it’s pipes damaged by sandy? NJNG has to many big shots getting big shot raises. Belmar has a smaller amount of big shots getting big shot raises.
So, Matt is anti-union now?
Matt is pro-union when it fits his need (money in his pocket) and anti-union when he is laying off Police in Lake Como to replace them with fewer, lesser paid Police (to put an extra #1M into revenues to cover up his cash flow issues). Paying Paul to rob Peter, Ponzi scheme. Where is all this FEMA, bond and insurance money??? Has JD’s OPRA request been answered or is this suit still continuing? The only thing transparent in this administration is Alfred’s visit to the ear doctor.
Don’t confuse the police with Union movement. They don’t work in the private sector so they’re not Union people.
Silly me. The Police have to work on Labor Day, how could they possibly be Union?? You must have one hell of a driver’s abstract record. How about teachers, firefighters and CWA workers?? Or are you just sore you don’t have a stable income?? Take a look in the mirror before you speak.
#13 – Whatever, I call them like I see’em. Public employees are not Unionists. Don’t think Unionism started with public sector workers in this country. You should look up the Union movement (Harlan County). It was all miners, building trades, railroad workers, factory workers (check out triangle shirtwaist fire), etc., all private sector people. The only input the police had in all that was hiring themselves out to employers to beat and kill Unionists.
There are 565 municipalities in the State of New Jersey. How many mayors staged a press conference on a weekday to oppose the natural gas price hike, , besides Belmar? None.
Frankly, I feel used and abused. I want normal so bad I could scream. By normal, I mean you elected a mayor who has a full time and keeps a full time job. It’s creepy that we have this young mayor who hangs around town during the week having this ground breaking, that charity this press conference, that press interview and never goes to work. I WANT NORMAL. I did not vote foe Matt to fleece thousands out of dollars for Buy_a_Board and then not use it for the boardwalk. I did not vote for Matt to create charities, stay at home for 13 photo ops with the governor, pop in on senior luncheons. I want NORMAL>
#13 – Edumacate yourself sir. Watch this film.
Harlan County, USA (1976) – YouTube
Video for harlan county usa▶ 1:44:35
Dec 29, 2015 – Uploaded by World Documentaries
I’ve been in Harlin county 1976. Good song is by Wayne Kemp. I was with him when he wrote Harkin county …
This is what you get when you bring a want to be full time politician and his lobbyist wife to a small town. How he supports a family of 5 on $4,500.00 a year is beyond me , oh that’s right he doesn’t. We should start a game called where will the Belmar podium show up next.
565 we have THE most narcissistic mayor in NJ hands down. What normal person would not change his or her ways if they kept getting sued for things THEY want to do not what is in the best interest of the municipality.This man needs help, he will not be a freeholder, the county has more traditional voters than Belmar.
#17. As I recall, Ken Pringle and his wife invited them to Belmar. They put them up. Matt started Doherty Mortgage Co., on 10th Ave. Which mortgaged their first Inlet Terrace home. It wasn’t that long ago in Belmar years. I know where the podium will show up. I also know that he is running out of Christies, Sweeneys, Bookers, Menendezes to show up with the podium. Thank God Frank Pallone is always available.
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