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Common sense would dictate you take photos where the Guards are surveying and saving the many.
The radio news feed on 770 is relating the Belmar Lifeguard crisis which was as a result of unattended stands… BS FOR SURE.
It was then related that the managerial staff was fired and the new hiring rate was being raised fro. $8.50 to $10 ph. Again utter BS.
Just goes to show you the mismanagement in this town is in Boro hall. That doofus Doherty and nasty Colleen need to leave the locals alone and go back where they came from.
Go to the tape: When Corrine told the Council that starting salaries for Lifeguards was not $8.50 per hour, Colleen popped off saying she would correct that erroneous information. Needless to say it was not done. Their force fed Media is still libeling our Lifeguard’s reputations.
Does Matt or Colleen know when red or green flags are used and what they mean?
No way they know what red vs green means at the beach, obviously they are color blind and color deaf. Stands down means go to another beach for Safe Photoshoots too.
LIKEWISE, Code Red and Code Blue messages are only allowed to be read by whatever sitting candidate running for electon in Belmar as to make the most of name recognition? What
transparent jerks are running this borough! Out of an abundance of caution don’t make another mistake and vote this Administration back again.
Where is Florida?
NJ lifeguard shortage is real news….
Not very smart to terminate management for lack of qualified staffing…
No it isn’t very smart either to shoot yourself in the foot especially when your panties are in a twist because Professional Lifeguards elect to do their jobs without interference from the likes of a “Colleen in charge”.
And while there are plenty of people looking for work, it takes a certain personality and set of physical skills to make it in what is likely one of the Jersey Shore’s most iconic positions.
#7 – Yep, fewer and fewer young men can qualify for the job. In that it’s outdoors, it’s just not in most young people’s minds to do such work. They don’t do outside. It’s the new way of living – indoors.
Dave: Would you please consider conducting a new poll question such as: “What/which candidate would you have at your back or as your Wing person in an emergency”
I know it’s been said, but let’s be clear. This has nothing to do with stands being down. This is about veteran lifeguards doing their jobs without without interference from Doherty and Connelly and they don’t like it. They want to appoint their own people who will be indebted to them and kiss their ring.
I doubt Doherty will run again for mayor. He’s waiting for his buddy Murphy to find him another do nothing, political hack job that requires no background check. As for Connelly, her days are numbered too. I like the requirement that says service with a smile. She is a nasty hypocrite. Many Boro employees can’t stand her and neither can most of the general public. Magovern, Brennan and Nicolay you should be ashamed of yourselves. Get a backbone!
Leave the guards alone to do what they do best, save lives.
this regime puts little value on institutional knowledge or skills …. we paid a contractor $200K+ because nobody remaining knew a valve needed to be open to keep water from turning brown
Matthew Doherty, Colleen Connolly, Andrew Huisman, Brian McGovern,Tom Brennan & Jen Nicolay , no specific order of responsibility. Be careful what you wish for. Your heroes of September (water rescue team) might be the guards (Water rescue team)of July. If I were you I’d reconsider the decision to abolish the management team that was in place. I’d hate to see the water rescue team patrolling our beaches on some of the busiest weekends in the Summer. These guys are more unified than you think. The rank and file guards are a cohesive unit thanks in part to the management that was terminated. I would seriously consider looking into this matter before you hastily make a choice that the rank and file guards don’t feel comfortable with. I would hate to see Belmar make the press for all the wrong reasons(fatalities) but rest assured Matt would spin this also and put the blame on someone else. So cheers Matt have many for me on Sunday. Game on…..this is going to be a fun Summer to stand back and enjoy the show…..
Wouldn’t 2 blocks east of D’Jais be out in the ocean?
Yes it is I live under the sea. Can’t afford the taxes anymore
We’re also talking about an administration that hires DPW employees with criminal drug records.
The latest move in the legislature is to allow convicts of any stripe to vote.
Watch what happens on a local basis. Entire towns or sectors could be run legall by felons, nice, really nice.
# 17 Does Mike Campbell know that? Or did he hire that person? Does she the queen of mean know? What about the stay at home Dad? Makes you wonder…..
BTW, I don’t know if Matt has a job or not but I don’t see anything wrong with being a stay at home dad. I wish I could have been one when my kids were young.
Stay at home Dad doesn’t mean he’s with his kids.
#19 its called being a business owner in town and marrying into the family. this is published in the paper and can be easily OPRA requested.. Admin knows who I’m talking about..
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