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Some Interesting Legal Bills

From today’s payment of bills list.


$53,300 to Gibbons. They are representing the Borough (@$400/hr) in the Harmon Brothers/Salt lawsuit.



Mukherji Vincitore is the law firm of Mayor Doherty’s friend Raj Mukherji.

You may recall that Mukherji, an Assemblyman from Jersey City, is one of the sponsors of bill A1850, the seasonal liquor license extension.  He took $3000 this year in campaign contributions from the owners of D’Jais.



These are the guys that advised Colleen Connelly to reject the petition to save our pay to play law.  By the time that whole thing played out Belmar was forced by the Court to have a special election to save the law and the Borough was found to be a violator of  Civil Rights. 

I don’t think we should pay them any money.  They should have told Doherty from the beginning that he can’t do that.  We should sue them for legal malpractice.



  1. Katrina wrote:

    Humm. 140000 bucks (so far). What did Raj get 8 grand for? The meeting today lasted 12 minutes. No Doherty of course. He left the three ( no Jen either) to pay the bills. Did they even know what they were? Janice’s last vote was to pay out of taxpayer money the outrageous legal bills created by our Mayor and Councils terrible decisions.

    Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 2:03 pm | Permalink
  2. Scoundrel Mayor wrote:

    wish he would just resign, but that would be the decent thing to do, we should not expect it.

    Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 4:32 pm | Permalink
  3. Anonymous wrote:

    Katrina, the boss told them to pay the bill therefore RAJ gets his beak wetted by Belmar.

    Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 7:36 pm | Permalink

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