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How is it possible that all these years the water for the toilets, showers and fountains at the beach weren’t being paid for by the beach utility?
Because no one ever thought to meter it? Thankfully that will be done now.
#2, that includes The “not so new” administration right ?
Just another a feather in the cap of Ex Mayor Matt and the Queen of Mean – remember Boardwalk and Pavilions destroyed by Sandy and with the Millions of of FEMA & Taxpayers $$$$ spent on the rebuild – why not spend a $750 more on 2 water meters so the Beach Utility could pay its share of the water and sewer bills
Obviously, some commentors have zero idea of how to run a businezz or a govenmental agency trying to repair… it takes more than 5 minutes folks. Add uncovering the sludge left over from Doherty under the Colleen hide the evidence” tool box style of managing your money will definitly take time.
#3 – Exactly. The entire utility was mismanaged for years, including last year, and heads should roll.
So four years ago the Marina View goes from paying thousands of dollars a quarter to paying only $77.35 and NOBODY notices????? They should all, our employees, management of towers and such, be charged with Theft of Services. Let a Judge figure out who’s lying.
#7 – Yes (you’re correct, $77.35 is ridiculous), this was brought up at our Dec./financial report condo meeting. We are holding the money aside in a separate account until this mess is straightened out. It’s not like we’re not paying. It’s contained within our monthly maintenance. It’s with the independent water co. we have that the mess up is.
Thanks Tom. So it was probably your association that advised the boro of the issue. The person in charge of this fiasco at the Boro should be fired. Hows that for a spending cut Mr. W. Sad, very sad state of affairs.
never had any problems with water meter or the DPW readings …. a couple of times I saw the DPW reader outside the house and then compared a manual meter read in the basement …. dead nuts – right on!
Independent company is messing this up. Not the government. You heard it from Mr. Dillberger folks. And how bout this for theft of services? I’d rather educate the people in my neighborhood (who many not be citizens) than pay for someone else’s water.
Maser, formally Guess all employees was an Independent Company.
The water rate increase is up for public hearing and while our rates are probably comparatively on the low side my impression from what i have read here is that we are not being paid by some entities and structures for the water that is actually used. The numbers are not available apparently to see what actual income for the utility should be if full payments were being made for all water produced at current rates and if that would be sufficient operating income to avoid the increase in rates. I am only saying the first effort should be to fix the problems not to take the easier course and jack the prices. If all the water being used was being billed for payment and rates had to go up the public would feel well served, on the other hand paying more because of incompetency in various aspects of providing the service will not.
Absolutely 100% correct #14. However it is usually easier for politicians to just increase rates rather than trim costs, or even evaluate costs. Show these new office holders the door next election. I’ve been extremely patient and have seen enough. Remember, next tax increase, it’s all about blaming the prior admin. again. WATCH AND SEE
The point not to ignore is the fact that the State of NJ which has oversight will not approve our budget in time to recoup the missing usage; thank you Mr. “CDRA DOHERTY”.
#16 the water utility budget although within the overall budget would not seem to be a takeover target for the Trenton crowd. I think your point is correct at one level but not at the internal level of a utility but i am not a municipal accountant and this seems like good info to get at the public rate hearing. These type questions need to be asked and answered.
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