And Then Doing The Opposite!
Hours after I posted yesterday’s criticism of government planning, assembly Democrats issued a release announcing their intention to slather a whole new layer of plans on us, written by them to control the development of our towns and our properties. Belmar is like the bottom layer of a seven layer cake. And it’s property owners are the plate.
From yesterday’s Press Release:
Barnes Introduces Bill to Better Coordinate Shore Reconstruction & Planning
(TRENTON) – Assemblyman Peter J. Barnes III on Thursday introduced legislation designed to ensure smart and efficient reconstruction of the Jersey Shore following Hurricane Sandy under the guidance of a newly formed coastal commission that would coordinate planning efforts.
The bill would establish a New Jersey Coastal Commission.
“We need to promote the protection, preservation and restoration of our Shore through comprehensive planning, regulation and cooperation,” said Barnes (D-Middlesex). “The impact of Hurricane Sandy will be felt for years, but we must take this opportunity to make certain our shore communities come back stronger than ever. If we’re going to invest so much money and time in this rebuilding effort, we need to make sure we do it right.”
BTW, participation in their plan is not optional.
All state, regional, county and municipal government entities would have to comply with the coastal management plan.
Just to review, aside from whatever kind of monstrosity the above turns out be be, all human action in Belmar is required to comply with:
Monmouth County Strategic Plan
Belmar Special Improvement District
And these are just the ones I can think of right now. There’s probably a few more.
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