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The mayor was very defiant and ungracious when he announced the settlement at last night’s meeting. In fact, he might have already violated the non-disparagement clause.
The tape of it is loading slower than usual to Youtube so it will be a few more hours until I can publish.
They Mayor continues to state that all these lawsuits are “frivolous”. If that were the case, why the settlement?! Matt Doherty has and will continue to lose every lawsuit. He’s a mess.
What’s the total number of lawsuits he has lost and how much money did it cost the town?
Well there was the beachfront redevelopment suit, the Susko case on the beach utility and the public trust, the “responsible bidder” case, the pay to play case, various cases of violations of the rights of petitioners, the Broadco case, the……
No doubt we are in good fiscal shape despite all the lawsuits and expenditures thereon without which we might see a lower boro tax rate. But don’t worry , based on 2015 info NJ was #50 in all states for good fiscal health edging out Ct another state that has many people abandoning ship for fairer pastures. Can’t wait to see 2016 ratings, will we come out better than ILL.which almost got dropped to the junk bond level? Belmar is just keeping in step with the Jersey Way.Thanks Matt for your stewardship.
People, NO tax increases in the Doherty Administration means we are essentially mortgaged through the nose by BOND DEBT service charges in excess of 1MILLON DOLLARS per year. Those tax increases that this clown and council are no paying are really hidden in BOND DEBT. Wake the town and tell the people.
#6 – Also hidden is a lack of upkeep of Borough assets and a lack of capital reserves each year. These new playgrounds are a pure example of letting things go and then just replacing everything with the issuing of big bonds. There should be money allocated each year for maintenance and the eventual replacement of these and other important assets of the borough. This mismanagement has been going on for quite some time.
They had to settle , please. When you have your acting chief ask / tell the officers in charge of the license transfer that the mayor wants this slow tracked what do you expect. This is just the tip of the iceberg , I would hate to see good people take the fall for Matt’s greed and stupidity.
Pass the Popcorn
Ready, Fire, Aim!
Ever heard the expression, “ready, fire, aim?” I frequently hear people use those words to describe how their organizations operate. Over time, I have become a bit surprised at the number of people who are almost boasting about being part of a ready, fire, aim culture. What do you think about that? Is ready, fire, aim, the best strategy for success?
This phrase may have a lot of different definitions, but for the purposes of this discussion, it refers to taking immediate action, including simply reacting to something, before thinking it through very thoroughly. Like everything, it has its good side and its bad.
Advocates of ready, fire, aim cite how it promotes a bias for action. They make the case that many organizations get too bogged down by over-analyzing every little detail. They continue to say that since people can never have all of the information needed to make totally risk-free decisions, they need to act quickly, learn from those actions, and then be ready to implement course corrections as problems arise. These advocates would rather “do something, even if it is wrong,” than get trapped in analysis paralysis, that tendency to study something to death.
Others will say ready, fire, aim is the reason organizations get into trouble. Rather than taking the appropriate time to think something through, their people take immediate actions that are too often based on wrong assumptions or previous experiences that may not apply to the circumstances at hand. Opponents of ready, fire, aim will also contend that sometimes the decision not to act in the moment is the best thing to do.
Everything is fine. There will be handicap ramps installed at all bars, maybe mobi mats, too. And lifeguards to save drunks who fall off them…
Anyone not understand that settlement? It’s OK!
Funny D’jais doesn’t even offer Handicap parking . Only restaurant with its own parking lot in Monmouth county that doesn’t.
Off topic…did another child drown in Belmar last night? Someone just told me it happened near the 7-11
Heard nothing about that
Do we know the amount of the settlement? Sorry, legal jargon not a strength…
Mayor said last night no monetary damages.
Does anybody really think that Belmar taxpayers will not have to pay for Belmar and the Administration’s Attorneys? And then there are the attorney fees incurred by LOKO as result of bad faith on the part of Matt and Colleen; especially since Mr. KAPALKO, at at least 4 Council meetings, begged the Council to reconsider not be obstructive in defaulting on the redevelopment of their property.
a revised plan would be kicked over to the Belmar Planning Board …. the vacation of River Avenue is still messed-up …. developer gets option to increase # of residential units
#12 – this maybe?
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