Matt Harmon should worry about the cleanliness of the Boathouse before and achieving a “Satisfactory” Monmouth county health inspection before voicing comments.
“Terry” you are welcome to come look at our 20 years of satisfactory ratings from board of health ..
Not quite sure what ur posting had to do w mine which was directly related to the posting and a direct reason as to why our transfer was denied for Salt ..
A conditional satisfactory could be for something as simple as a piece of equipment that wasn’t working on the day of inspection and happens way more then u would think .
Don’t compare our place to anyone else but if u feel the need to talk down about another establishment like paddy macs for some reasons . i can’t comment because I have never been there .
Let me ask where is ur spot to go in town ?
And we did fix whatever the issue was and were given our satisfactory rating . So our past problems were resolved and as stated in earlier message . Ur welcome to come check out records rather then conduct a witch hunt because u don’t care for us . We have been a business in town for twenty years . Far from perfect and still try to get better everyday but seem to be a spot lots of people have enjoyed and still do for a long time and are coming off a great summer both for our food and for our nightlife . And always look for feedback .
Move forward and never backward . Great advice . We tried . Three years of a vacant business on a great piece of property .
We have nothing to hide so feel free to contact me directly or u can keep posting behind ur “first” name .
#7. I am not the Terry that has been discussing anything with you or your business. Some one else has used my name it could be female or male. I will use my last name if they use that I will not use it again. Admin will know who it is. Ask him.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at 4:06 am|Permalink
admin wrote:
I can confirm that this comment is from Terry Pierce. I don’t know who the other Terry is but it’s definitely not Ms. Pier
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at 4:41 am|Permalink
Darn it. My Dr’s appointment is at 7PM.
The starving seniors will get shake down tickets for sure.
Hopefully it’s not too loud for everyone in that part of town
Don’t you worry the plans are already completed. Best video you’ll ever see.
Upon information and belief ….
Why do the Dems need funds? The opposition party isn’t spending any money, at least non of his own.
Matt Harmon should worry about the cleanliness of the Boathouse before and achieving a “Satisfactory” Monmouth county health inspection before voicing comments.
“Terry” you are welcome to come look at our 20 years of satisfactory ratings from board of health ..
Not quite sure what ur posting had to do w mine which was directly related to the posting and a direct reason as to why our transfer was denied for Salt ..
Have a great day
Terry: At least he has the courage to publicly, under his own name, speak the truth and say what everyone else is thinking!
Hopefully this will be his goodby party!
Plus the rating for 10th Ave the last time I was there was “conditionally satisfactory” which is worse. Hope no one gets food poisoning.
Conditional Satisfactory in May 2017 is unacceptable. Let’s be real here… you are the new Paddy Macs.
Again, you need to fix the CURRENT problems at the Boathouse before worrying about what others do. Move forward, never backwards.
Brennan recused himself.
Care to name who else was “conditionally satisfactory”?
Get the Mafia to work the waterfront.
Give a contract to the Boardwalk Empire Boys to work the waterfront.
A conditional satisfactory could be for something as simple as a piece of equipment that wasn’t working on the day of inspection and happens way more then u would think .
Don’t compare our place to anyone else but if u feel the need to talk down about another establishment like paddy macs for some reasons . i can’t comment because I have never been there .
Let me ask where is ur spot to go in town ?
And we did fix whatever the issue was and were given our satisfactory rating . So our past problems were resolved and as stated in earlier message . Ur welcome to come check out records rather then conduct a witch hunt because u don’t care for us . We have been a business in town for twenty years . Far from perfect and still try to get better everyday but seem to be a spot lots of people have enjoyed and still do for a long time and are coming off a great summer both for our food and for our nightlife . And always look for feedback .
Move forward and never backward . Great advice . We tried . Three years of a vacant business on a great piece of property .
We have nothing to hide so feel free to contact me directly or u can keep posting behind ur “first” name .
#7. I am not the Terry that has been discussing anything with you or your business. Some one else has used my name it could be female or male. I will use my last name if they use that I will not use it again. Admin will know who it is. Ask him.
I can confirm that this comment is from Terry Pierce. I don’t know who the other Terry is but it’s definitely not Ms. Pier
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