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This was written by admin. Posted on Friday, May 29, 2015, at 5:59 am. Filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Post a comment or leave a trackback.
Same puppets over and over. Not one of these minions has given a valid reason as to why pavilions need to be bundled to an outfall pipe. There is none ! Remember, these are the same pavilion plans that were voted down by the residents overwhelmingly.
all written by Matt. These letter are not written from the heart but from the voting booth.
#1, The thing had to be “bundled.” Otherwise it’d face defeat again with another special election which may happen anyway. So it was put on as a rider hoping for what has actually happened, that people are so in favor of the pipe, that this pavilion plan will ride in on it’s coattails.
Although bundled, each project will still be put out to bid separately, correct? Can any of these letter writers tell us how much will be saved by bundling these projects? I have not seen any statistics, just a bunch of statements without any numbers backing them up.
There should be a law that says any project over $500,000 must be voted by the residents, I was going to say one million but the clowns will make it $999,999.
In NH all municipal borrowing must be put to referendum.
There are no numbers and no answers just believe Matt, I guess. We are only receiving 2.8 million from FEMA for ALL the pavilions and contents combined, which is documented on fema.gov. The Lake Como outflow pipe and Streetscape projects should start ASAP, we have ha d the grant for the improvements to Main Street since August 2014. Lake Como is shovel ready and should start. The funding must be appropriated first, that is true, but Belmar will receive the funding back after the projects are complete. There is absolutely no reason to attach funding for the grant projects through a bundled ordinance to the controversial Taylor pavilion. That is just bullying and private agenda. Finally the safety building has been separated and there is an ordinance appropriating 2 million dollars to build it. This was a direct result of Joy DeSanctis and other residents continually telling the mayor at council meetings to move forward and separate the two pavilions as most residents seem to want the safety building. At the time just several weeks ago he told Ms. DeSanctis there were no plans for the either pavilion. Seems like there were. The funding for the safely pavilion seems to be in place for the most part although many residents feel it is being overbuilt. It would be nice to know what’s inside but that is being kept very quiet. The point I am trying to make is residents are not aware of much that is decided in Belmar and learn once decisions are made and final. We can stop the bundling of this ordinance and still move forward with the two grant projects. And we will.
#6. is correct. According to fema.gov website here are the numbers.
10th Ave (contents) requested by Belmar Project Worksheet $14,050.64 paid by FEMA $12,645.48
8th Ave pavilion requested by Belmar Project Worksheet $360,894.56 obligated by FEMA $324,805.10
Taylor pavilion requested by Belmar Project Worksheet $486,224.12 obligated by FEMA $437,601.71
10th Ave Bldg.(1)requested by Belmar Project Worksheet $706,073.53 obligated by FEMA $635,466.18
10th Ave Bldg.(2) requested by Belmar Project Worksheet $723,788.53 obligated by FEMA $651,409.68
Matisse pavilion requested by Belmar Project Worksheet $849,993.68 obligated by FEMA $764,994.31
First Aid Bldg. requested by Belmar Project Worksheet $67,799.34 obligated by FEMA $61,019.41
TOTAL OBLIGATION FROM FEMA – $2,887,940.80 which includes the $12,645.58 we have already been paid for the contents of the 10th Ave pavilion.
Even combined that is not enough money to build the Taylor pavilion without significant debt. Mayor please explain and provide documentation not just talk.
There is much to learn about the Taylor pavilion costs and funding and it must be separated from the Lake Como outflow pipe and Streetscape project grants.
#2-I’m perfectly capable of writing my own thoughts-Matt wasn’t a part of my letter-the others posted on this blog were written by residents who are capable of expressing their own ideas……
Claire I understand you have your position on this and I am sure you feel your reasons are justified but I would like to ask you one favor in the hopes of bring this town back together. If you could please ask Matt to provide the amount of monies we are saving as a town by bundling these projects ? At the last town meeting he said “if it saves a $1 it is worth it ” that I feel is being short sighted. You and I both know that if this bonding stays as is , it is heading to a vote. I believe the last one cost the town $17,000.00 , so if the savings are greater than $17,000.00 is it really worth it . The other side of the coin is Belmar and the fact that this going to once again town Belmar against Belmar. When Matt won the election and even when Brian won his race they both professed to want to bring Belmar back together again , and this issue is doing everything but that. One other idea is having the town council call Spring Lake or Avon and see how they were both able to rebuild , all in house (hired local people ) , save money and avoid all the political BS that we have had in this town since Sandy. Thank you for your time I hope you don’t find my suggestion outrageous and is take it with the intent that was meant.
#10-Will do-thanks for your words and suggestion…..
#10 The Truth your idea is exceptional but doubt anything will change. Spring Lake and Avon does not have Union Democrat Zealots on their council.
With all the Belmar trucks buzzing around town, seems like a lot of staff who could do some construction work.
Why not use Belmar workers to build the pavilions? Also, hire people from town. Stop paying outrageous $$$$$$ to big construction companies.
#13 Be Frugal because they are not, and don’t use Common Sense, no pun intended!!!!
They built beautiful new Life Guard Chairs, and they are still standing!!!!
The real reason the projects need to bundled is to exceed the $5 million threshold for requiring a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) with the trade unions ….
#13, Sir, Why not use our DPW guys for what they’re supposed to be used for such as getting the L Street Beach toilets running for the season (this’ll be the second year in a row people have to use porto-sans there. Maybe they can repair the fence at 13th and railroad on town property, What about repairing the damage they did to our curbs when they sped up and down with the plows down for less than an inch of snow. There are many more jobs they can do throughout the town. They’re not supposed to be doing contract work. Anyway, we don’t need those two dumb pavilions.
If only the Mayor and Council thought like Eugene we would not be the laughing stock of a NJ Municipal Government. I never heard of any other Municipality taking the govt to court to right wrongs!!!!
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