The law that established the SID requires a yearly audit of the SID’s finances.
My intrepid running-mate, Mr. Tom Burke, acquired a copy of the just-completed audit for the SID’s 2012 activities and has generously made it available for publication.
(This is not the proposed 2013 budget. That will be introduced at the May 15 council meeting.)
Update! An important comment from Tom Burke:
If you look closely at page 4 of this document you will find that about 50% of the overall budget was spent on administrative costs such as salary, insurance,rent,phone,etc. This is an entirely unacceptable level. You may also note that most of the other costs are things that could have been accomplished without an outsiders involvement (such as a director from down in Ocean County) We have good local business people who are ready,willing, and able to achieve the goals and objectives that the the SID espouses.
I agree completely.
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