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Monthly Archives: June 2013

Meet The Elements

I know some of the residents who have been asking questions lately were slightly taken aback at being referred to recently in a negative light as “a certain element of our population”.  It didn’t bother me though.  I like the elements.  Elements are fun. Here is our song: BTW, last night in the middle of […]

A Black Politician Sees The Light

May many follow.

It Just Seems To Me

I don’t really know a lot about this stuff but it just seems to me that controlling the water level of a small lake that sits a couple of hundred feet from the ocean should not be a difficult engineering challenge.  It also seems to me that the time to finally and permenantly fix the […]

Come Join The Dark Side

Now that we’ve been outed in a letter to the Coast Star I can talk about it openly.  Yes, there is an evil movement afoot here in Belmar and I am a part of it.  Our goal?  To have Belmar spiral down to an all time low! The author of the letter, Belmar Councilwoman Claire […]

Republican Club Meeting Online!

Being the transparency freak that I am, I have decided to publish tapes of Republican Club meetings. Here is a short excerpt from last night’s meeting, held under a rock somewhere:     I think that was Seebeck.


Congrats to all involved in making the festival a smash hit.  I never saw so many people in Belmar.  I couldn’t even cross my street Sunday afternoon. By the way, you might think I would be writing about the NSA revelations this morning but truth be told, I have a buddy down there at NSA […]

The Man Who Changed History (Hopefully)

Obama Good For Jokes

If nothing else.

“Trust Us”

Yeah, Right. Outgoing IRS commissioner Steven Miller: “I do not believe that partisanship motivated the people who engaged in the practices described in the Treasury Inspector General’s report. I’ve reviewed the Treasury Inspector General’s report and I believe its conclusions are consistent with that. I think that what happened here was that foolish mistakes were […]

FEMA Boardwalk Cash Starting To Roll

Just not our way yet. In Seaside Heights, Spring Lake receive federal grants for boardwalk repairs I guess they’re not going in alphabetical order.  Maybe they’re going south to north……..are we next?