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Monthly Archives: September 2014

LIUNA Apprentice Training Manual

Now bear in mind if you can’t learn this but you want to hammer nails in Belmar anyway, you will get a raise and be paid the journeyman’s rate.

Today’s Letter

I expect over the next six weeks the mayor will be using enough paper to kill more trees than an entire ipe wood boardwalk would have.  (Where’s Jeff Tittle when we need him?) Anyway, this is today’s: The petitions, signed by 418 voters, don’t ask for a special election.  They ask that the language favoring […]

Back To The Futures

Many of you know that I was the very first Belmar resident to publicly speak out against the union apprenticeship requirement added to our bidding law by ordinance 2014-1.  It was the night of the ordinance’s First Reading and Introduction, January 28, 2014. The Coast Star reports: ………….While Council President Brian Magovern said adding this […]

A Gathering Of Turkeys

Chris “If I lived in Belmar I’d vote for the $7 million bond” Christie holds hands with Nancy “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it” Pelosi while Jim “Machiavelli” McGreevey officiates at the opening of some drug rehab facility in Jersey City. Notably absent was Hillary “What […]


In yesterday’s post about the Wall Street Journal’s correction policy, “Palladian” was referred to as a brand of window.  It is, in fact, not a brand of window but a style of window. A Palladian window.

Hit Week

Explanation here.  

Why No Correction About Beer Hall “Misquote”?

At the most recent council meeting the mayor made a comment about the beer hall near the boardwalk “rumor” that circulated around town a couple of weeks ago.  He said he was misquoted and that he was talking about the brewery and that there were no plans for a beer hall and that he didn’t […]

The Cheaper Clean-Up “Problem”

Seems shortly after Sandy a number of reputable clean-up companies contacted the New Jersey State League of Municipalities offering their services at a price much lower than AshBritt.  One estimated the cost would be a third of AshBritt’s price. First was an outfit called Ceres: “Ask them to work for AshBritt”: Also, Byrd Brothers offers […]

Good Thing Christie’s Running

It’s forcing him to pretend to be a Republican for the next couple of years. In Christie vetoes bill to ban smoking at N.J. parks, limit it at beaches TRENTON — Smokers in New Jersey can relax.  (We can never relax.) Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a bill tonight that would have banned smoking in […]

Probably None Can Bid Here Now

When Manasquan bid out the contract for a new beach headquarters building in 2012 there were 16 bidders: