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Monthly Archives: November 2015

Not Keen On Kivvit

Mag’s new outfit has its detractors. Click on the image to visit interactive web site.

Chefs Agreed To Comply With CAFRA Permit

And knew what it allowed! I have the original redevelopment contract signed between Chefs International and the Borough: Click to open in Google drive: Section 6 B says they must comply with the CAFRA permit that is attached as “Exhibit E” “Exhibit E”:This is the permit that has nothing to do with what they actually […]

Marina/Maclearie Problems Multiply

Green Acres rules ignored as public kept in dark, state kept in dark. CAFRA violations also unresolved. Here are the minutes of the one and the only “public hearing” on the proposed improvements to marina and Maclearie Park under the Green Acres program.   It is not clear who attended the hearing or who took […]

Last Week

Code Blue!

NewJersey’s 101 most dangerous, 2015 released.

DuPont Loses Recount

From Red Bank Green:

Spring Lake, Spring Lake Heights, Wall Twp All Smarter Than Belmar

Busy Week!

Monday: Belmar submits proposal to police Lake Como, doesn’t include dollar amounts. (I guess we have to sign the contract to find out how much we’re getting paid.) Click to open in Google drive Tuesday: Pringle warns not to count on continued looting of beach utility to pay police costs Click to open in Google […]

Reply To My OPRA Request

Here is my request made last week: Here are the results, edited to be in chronological order with just the bodies of the emails: I would think that attachments to an OPRAed email would be part of the OPRAed material. Anyway, we continue… No info on what he’s talking about above.Below is the email April […]

Going In For Some Repairs Today

Most likely I’ll be on limited duty for the next week or two but I’ll try to at least get any important stuff up. Also there may be some delays in moderating comments. Thanks again for all the kind wishes.