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This was written by admin. Posted on Wednesday, February 17, 2016, at 5:33 am. Filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Post a comment or leave a trackback.
The Mayor did not abstain, he recused himself. There is a difference, a big difference.
Oh, that changes everything!
Anyway I’ll look into it when I finish my commute and correct if I need to.
I’m at my office now. For anyone who is interested you can read this:
My use of the word “abstain” is entirely appropriate. The mayor should have recused himself but technically he didn’t.
Now can we stop wasting time on semantics?
Oh, that changes everything!
You’re a card Dave. Yeah, that changes everything.
Financial conflict of interest? …. seems to me that ‘stepping-down’ (leave the room) …. instead of ‘abstain’ …. is required.
What a shame. The town , just like the country, is going down the toilet. Recuse ,abstain, leave room, what the heck is the difference Tom #2 ? He knew the puppets would back it.
Where do I sign ?
Apathy means apathy folks
Petition and let the mayor try to sell a special election to the taxpayers. Now that would be funny.
Yep, petition.
There will be a petition. Matt get ready for your bullshxt reasons why the ordinance is better for the town and how it does not directly affect you personal campaign funding. This town will not allow this administration to be self serving not even for you Matt.
I hope to hell that we can get a petition against this…such obvious BS..
Interesting that Magovern was concerned about the impact of the changed ordinance upon local elections. Will he and the others who run again look too crooked later? Oh, they can change it a year later, after the mayor’s election. Sure.
Tom Arnone thanks you very much.
In general how does one such as myself find these original petitions that I can sign? In the past I have supported the causes but am not sure whom to contact for my signature. Mr. Admin please feel free to contact me via e-mail for guidance. Thank you in advance.
20 days and counting.
Tom Burke: “The Mayor did not abstain, he recused himself. There is a difference, a big difference.”
Coast Star: “Neither the explanations or the abstention of Mayor Matthew Doherty seemed to satisfy critics”
Asbury Park Press: “Democrat Mayor Matthew Doherty, who is running for a Monmouth County freeholder seat, abstained from the vote”
Listen to your own tape….he said he recused himself….recuse implies that there is or could be a potential for a conflict of interest. To abstain in the use in our governing boards historically indicates that the person abstaining does not have sufficient information to vote, or was not present for what is being voted on. For example, if you missed the previous meeting you would have to abstain when voting to approve the minutes of that meeting. I think the dictionary clearly shows the difference in the use of these words. View your tape to hear what Mr. Doherty said….he used the word recuse.
Dave, don’t get into a p*ssing match with that guy.
Tom Fahy said it best “Puppets” you know who you are giggles and mr clean
Oh please Tom it took you all day to figure that out. Go back to bed.
saying recuse and doing are different …. the lack of isolation tainted the ordinance public hearing …. by intimidating commenters and the Council.
Hang on folks! Soon soon soon. More info to follow. Line up your nieghbors
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