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Dave: cut him some slack, after all it will be sponsored by the League of Women Voters and even Matt with his stellar record, can afford to miss ONE meeting. Belmar residents need to get a grip. After all the Mayor in Belmar has been Colleen Connolly since November 2012. On that much, I am sure. If you need life insurance, or a path to his politically connected wife. call Matt. Need something really screwed up in Belmar call 1-800-COLLEEN or 1-800 MIKE. Frankly, more NJ municipalities should run on auto-pilot.
Who’s afraid of the big bad residents or of any and all public forums before the election day, November 8th 2016?, All together now mouseketeers: ________________
Please fill in your response in the next available comment section.
#1-then the mayor needs to pass up his salary that he isn’t working for. If he isn’t gonna show up for work, give up the salary and then pension then + health insurance.
Is this event open to everyone? Perhaps Belmar residents should take their unanswered questions to this event. I’m sure the rest of Monmouth County would be interested in hearing the answers too.
Great idea Guest , road trip !!
Prepare your questions (short 2 the point) on index cards for the moderator’s panel to approval/select.
Unfortunately Belmar is again in trouble this coming election for town council. Driving around town this weekend many democratic council signs are posted. Its all the same suspects, poeple employed by the town or receive special services from the town. It is Pay to Vote (P2V) and it makes me sick.
#7 What bugs me is that some Magovern/Blackburn signs are on the property of nonresidents.
The two democrats are scared …….They just may come in last this time.
Fix is in at borough per julian.
Interesting there are very few presidential candidate signs in Belmar, Hmmmm?
What, no Maggie for President signs? They could show up on the lawns of nonresidents with no objections.
Non-residents that are home owners should be very concerned. Belmar has poor public schools, to much debt and is being over developed. All these issues adversely effects home values and year round quality of life.
#13 I agree, but also wonder if the Magovern/Blackburn signs are placed on properties without permission from the absent/usually absent owners.
13, 14, Ask fitzy how mat’s magic worked out the dual citizenship deal at the south end of Belmar.
Matt, you are mayor in our Fair Town and a pariah. Use what very little self respect you might have left to resign. You are not wanted in Belmar.
If Doherty wins Freeholder he must resign. If he loses, the rumor out there is that he’ll be resigning anyway.
Matt can’t resign, He has to push through the illegal year around liqueur license for his friends in the north end La Dolce Vita.
Doesn’t “la Doncha eat it” have to GET a legislative GODFATHER up north to sponsor a bill to get him a “Free” year round liquor license in Belmar? You know, like Cardinale’s breakers bill?
Why so critical of La Dolce Vita? I have always had a nice experience when Dinning at this restaurant. The patrons are well behaved and it is great to walk to a local establishment. There are many restaurants in Belmar that are really nightclubs, that attracts patrons that are late night fools. Those types of establishments need to be regulated to a great degree because it destoys the quality of life in Belmar.
Doncha know that a year round liquor license value will increase the likely resale value of any commercial establishment? Surely an acturary could figure that a beachfront Nightclub potential in future is a viable concept? NIMBY thank you very much.
There are bigger issues to address: Djais, 9th ave pier, Anchor Tavern, poor public school system and over development. These are issues that need to be addressed. Sounds like you have an issue with La Dolce Vita. Which is incomparable considering the above mentioned mess……
Hey, the bell ringer in this town is the LIQUOR LICENSES. Pick your poison bucko. 6 months mayhem or 1 year. Simple!
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