Some info from someone who was there:
Nothing regarding decisions on key points of the original lawsuits was decided by Judge Lawson. The entire hearing had to do with Pringle’s letter of two weeks ago about the stay order and the fact that the mayor is passing two new bond ordinances this evening. It was argued ad nauseam back and forth. Despite the fact that the court has not yet ruled on key points which relate to the percentage of funding going against the general account and the percentage going against the beach utility ( the formula for calculating) and despite the fact that Pringle and the plaintiffs have yet to see the new plans for Taylor… the judge finally allowed defendants Northgrave and the borough to vote tonight on the two bonds.
Toward the very end the Judge expressed what seemed to be unfair to the petition referendum people in town. To compromise, even if the bond ordinances pass tonight there is a stay. They can not advertise and the 20 day clock for those opposing will not start after tonight. I believe that the borough still must wait for key points to be argued and for his ruling which he said he would fast track. The next hearing though will not be until at least the 3rd week in Jan.
I would hate to see how long slow track takes.
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