Schneck has something nice to say!
This morning there was a squished rabbit in the middle of my street. I called the town and 15 minutes later George Komitas was here to scrape it up and take it away. Thank you George and thank you Belmar.
This morning there was a squished rabbit in the middle of my street. I called the town and 15 minutes later George Komitas was here to scrape it up and take it away. Thank you George and thank you Belmar.
Hasenpfeffer at Brandl tonight!
I have to say #1 – that is hysterical!
For your rabbit follow the instructions.
Yes, removing the roadkill is a kind and compassionate act, so thank you, Dave, for reporting it and thank you, George, the hardest working man in Belmar, for removing the remains. I have more compassion for the unfortunate rabbit that got creamed than I do for the administration of this town.
On another note, I heard that opossum stew is pretty tasty. Maybe Belmar could use a “Roadkill Cafe”.
#1&2, Don’t be laughing about this. The rabbit may’ve been trying to get to Dave’s to warn him of a plot he knew about but was murdered just before he could pass the word to Dave. If it were me, I’d call Belmar’s detective bureau and get them on the case. First thing I’d demand is an autopsy on the deceased rabbit.
Maybe someone left the rabbit as a warning that I would be next.
#5 and #6 I agree but did not want to come out and say it, lest I be called a naysayer by the elements.
#3 Dear Chef, a Roadkill Cafe has been an idea of mine for decades. Great article, by the way. I would include with the blessing of the animal that gave its life, a purification ceremony to clear any residue of the pain it suffered that would toughen the meat (thanks to my native/indigenous teachers).
Dave, watch your back.
should have called Triple Green instead
They could not get into the house to leave a horse head in the bed.
Don’t worry about the rabbits, they will keep on going. That’s what they do.
I have been contacted by an anonymous source within the Belmar government apparatus and told it’s just as I thought. That the rabbit was about to divulge a plot to steal Belmar’s assets by a rogue element within the Shade Tree commission and flee to a foreign nation not named at this point, but as we know, the rabbit was about to warn Dave of the scheme when it was shamelesly murdered (it was garroted first and then run over to make it look like an accident). The source said they’d get back to me when they knew more.
T” Tell me about the rabbits, George”.
O.K. Smart A–es, name the play and author!!!!
It’s too easy with Google.
Of Mice and Men, one of my very favorites! The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray…
Did you Google?
No I didn’t have to, I love that play. Has a special meaning to us now, our hearts break for both Lenny and George
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