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Breaking The Law, Breaking The Law

Another Magovern/Blackburn mailer paid for with committee money:

f1f2If D’Jais is doing so well why do they need an extended license?

Campaign signs on public property. (Route 35 median)




  1. guest#2 wrote:

    It looks like the truck carrying the Doherty/Fulton signs tipped over right in the middle of the Asbury circle. There must be a sign every 10 feet.

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 7:43 am | Permalink
  2. Summer Timer wrote:

    The mailer is a clear reason why Magovern/Blackburn should be voted OUT!!! The town is being over developed against the residents wishes…. They care more about the success of a business rather than the quality of life our residence deserve…. Vote for change….

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 8:39 am | Permalink
  3. Maria wrote:

    Check the empties

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 8:53 am | Permalink
  4. Bad money after bad wrote:

    Djais finaces the campaigns and thinks they run the tables. Prove them wrong. They do well because of the two council people ? Please. Busy bee laundromat does well because of these two – owner Ted Bianchi is the town construction official – I am sure he’s just another soldier following orders to donate. The others doing well because of these two council people? Again. Please. Such a scam. Vote for Mark and Josh. Show Belmar we can do better

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 11:09 am | Permalink
  5. JusttheFacts wrote:

    How many deals were made to help those business so they are the chosen ones make the flyer ? And most those developments were deals made by Doherty in some back alley . Vote them out, all of them

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 1:43 pm | Permalink
  6. flower power wrote:

    More businesses to boycott.

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 3:17 pm | Permalink
  7. I did see the signs being taken off of route 138 earlier today.

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 3:56 pm | Permalink
  8. Anonymous wrote:

    Sign pollution struck in the dead of night.

    Monday, November 7, 2016 at 6:54 pm | Permalink

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