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And Now For Something Completely Different….

The Facts!



  1. Robert wrote:

    What is the under / over on when the Code Blue will be going out from Jen?

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 4:23 pm | Permalink
  2. linlee wrote:

    A huge THANK YOU to the woman who financed this incredible can’t-miss-it-yellow Facts Sheet. Now voter’s have actual facts in hand, delivered to their doors, in addition to Common Sense.

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 4:53 pm | Permalink
  3. Belmar's Best wrote:

    #2. I join you Linlee in ceebrating Belmar’ Best. Anita and Joe Sanzio stepped up to the bat- for all of us the get the word out this year. They are selfless and concerned members of our community. Frankly, I don’t know what part if any they are registered as.
    Last year another selfless couple donated the VOTE NO signs. Why? because it is people not politics. Why? because a bond referendum has no political agenda ( except in Belmar. Thanks also to Joan Carollo for her very passionate letter to the editor in today’s Coast Star. Joan, an independent and long-time resident, who lost Vic her wonderful husband and the two of them an integral part of our community these past 4 decades begs to be heard this election. I for one hear her. Thank you to all who contribute so much to making Belmar a loving community.

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 5:19 pm | Permalink
  4. Anonymous wrote:

    Facts, just the facts Mam. Not theusing or fabrications of Belmar’s Administrative staff.

    Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 5:30 pm | Permalink
  5. Belmar gal wrote:

    Vote NO.

    Why can’t the Mayor / council come up with some fund raising ideas so the cost of the pavilion will not fall on the property owners?

    Friday, October 30, 2015 at 1:30 am | Permalink
  6. 9th Ave Resident wrote:

    It’s so aggravating with the mayor and his band of followers blaming everything on the “obstructionists.” I for one would like to thank all who participated in the efforts to rebuild within a budget. Can you imagine if this wasn’t stopped when the three pavilions were all two-stories. It’s not a small group of residents that want to control debt it’s the majority that are fed up with the mayor and his private plans. Design and build the pavilions within a budget we can afford like every other town did and let’s move on. I am voting no to spending $4.1 million. Also I am voting for Dave Schneck he has a handle on all spending in this town and will protect us from any private agendas.

    Friday, October 30, 2015 at 9:26 am | Permalink

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