Broadco wins $231,000 judgement
against Belmar in cancelled
Sandy pump-out contract.
Borough ends up paying
twice for one job.
Badge buyers get hosed!
(Paid by the beach utility and in this week’s payment of bills list)
Some background:
Nov 3, 2012

Nov 4, 2012
Nov 11, 2012

Feb 23, 2013 Coast Star
Broadco sued us, but in March 2015 the case was dismissed because the Plaintiffs neglected to provide adequate discovery.
However the dismissal was “without prejudice” which means they could re-file their complaint once they remedied the problems with the original complaint. They fixed the problems, re-filed and apparently won. I’ll have the documents for you in a day or two.
BTW, the contract was to pump out Silver Lake. Is the beach utility allowed to pay for that?
Here we go again!
What a shame. Broadco took advantage of the Borough’s desperation, and were absolute thieves.
What’s the tally now ? 0 for 12 in lawsuits?
Who were thieves? Tell that to the wonderful people of Shop Rite who donated $10,000 in gift cards for Sandy Relief victims in Belmar. Those gift cards were for for distribution to the NEEDY… After all these years there is still “no lead” on the missing $10,000 dollars of donated gift cards earmarked for the NEEDY.
Shop Rite didn’t donate the cards. They were bought with donations sent in to the Borough by regular people, including a $250 donation from me.
But but but was the dewatering job given to a pay-to-play buddy?
The Shoprite giftcard caper still bothers me. Someone has eaten well.
Looks like the Court decided that the “foxhole buddies” really sucked.
Things just keep getting more worser and more worser.
# 2. Please give details of how Broadco were “theives” ? And how they took advantage?
If you are looking for the shoprite gift cards I think you should look at the Home by Summer Scam Winners.
Recall Doherty
Plus attorneys fees to some connected law firm. Maybe Broadco reneged on a kick back to Lawless Matt, last minute. Oops, did I just say that? These crooked politicians, Matt at the helm, know the FBI has it’s hands full with ISIS want-a-bes and have no time to devote to Official Corruption.
I’m going to say this. I think all the council people are good, nice people. At the same time, except for one, they’re inexperienced people. They’ve been hoodwinked into this debacle. They thought they were being loyal party members. There’s nothing wrong with that. But at some point, they were tricked into supporting this mayor beyond what’s acceptable. I guess at this point, they’re caught in a trap. I hope they can think of a way out of this situation they find themselves in.
#13 If so, each one can resign because his/her conscience plagues him. There is no disgrace in that, better than continuing to have character ruined because of loyalty to a scoundrel.
The council members are not children who simply “got mixed up with a bad crowd,” although there might be some merit to that thought. A couple of them are teachers, and that makes me think of what the heck do they teach their students – how to look for wiggle room?
#13 they are all losers if they cant process information and make a reasonable decision……
The council members are not children
Three of them are very childlike.
If I remember correctly Broadco was hired by the Archdiocese of Trenton to pump out St Rose. As they were doing so they were approached by bill young to do Belmar since they already had the equipment there. Bill was doing his job but when Colleen and Matt and Maggie wanted their Buddies to get the job instead Broadco got screwed. I actually went to St rose to ask how the deal worked and then I spoke to the Pres of Broadco and he gave me the scoop, so that’s how it went down.
At the time, rumors were going around that things went missing from St. Rose while Broadco was pumping them out.
I never heard anything like that.
#19 – to public officials that is called spin.
How can they pay with Beach Utility funds ?
That cant be legal ?
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