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Before There Were…….

U.S. Department of Labor-Approved Apprenticeship and Training Programs:


One Comment

  1. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    Yep, of course, that was a film and was supposed to be funny. But after the courts and the govt. started interfering with the trades in the 60s-70s, all of what you saw in the film became rampant and the trades were forced to take such men and keep them. Before the govt. started their interference, such men would never even been signed up in the morning or set foot on the job. After awhile, the govt. said, look at all the accidents you’re having (because of what they did), so they set up OSHA, a truly despicable agency manned by the worst sort of people in our society. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any way right things anymore.
    Lastly, I am a retired member of Local 361 Structural Ironworkers, Brooklyn, N.Y. for anyone wondering.

    Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 10:23 am | Permalink

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