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Hopefully the new Belmar website is still a work in progress and the bugs will be ironed out soon.

Navigating to the meeting agenda and minutes page (my favorite page) now takes a little doing and has some broken links.  Here is the way that needs to be fixed:

1) Click on “Municipal”

2) Drop open window under button “Municipal Boards”

3) Click on the bottom link in drop open window “Mayor and Council” .  (There’s a drop open window at the top called “Mayor and Council” but that one won’t lead you to anything about the meetings.  There shouldn’t be two links with the exact same name that go to different places.)

That will bring you to this:

Mayor & Council


Belmar is governed by a five-person Mayor & Council, which typically meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Council meeting room at the Municipal Building at 601 Main Street.

To view the Mayor & Council‘s Annual Schedule of Meetings, the Mayor & Council‘s Meeting Agenda,or to view Minutes of past meetings of the Mayor & Council, click here.

About Meetings of the Mayor & Council

The Mayor & Council encourage the public to attend their meetings, and to learn about Belmar‘s municipal government and operations.  To read about pending projects the Mayor & Council are working on, please click here.

Each meeting usually begins with an Agenda Session, which starts at 6:30 p.m.

Agenda meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (the “OPMA”). If the Mayor & Council have items before them that are protected from disclosure by the OPMA, such as personnel, litigation or other matters as enumerated by the OPMA, the Mayor & Council will move to go into Executive Session to discuss such matters privately. Minutes of these meetings will become available when the reason for their confidentiality no longer apply.

The regular meeting of the Mayor & Council begins no earlier than 8:00 p.m.

The agenda for each meeting is posted to the Borough‘s website as soon as it is available, which is usually no later than the end of the business day (Tuesday) prior to the Council meeting, click here.

The agendas of each Regular meeting of the Mayor & Council provide members of the public with two general opportunities to be heard. The first opportunity for public comment is prior to the Mayor & Council‘s consideration of Resolutions on the calendar, and is limited to comments on the pending Resolutions. Paper copies of the Resolutions are usually made available to the public for review at the meeting.

There is also a general public comment session at the end of each meeting at which members of the public are free to make comments to, or ask questions of, the Mayor & Council. In addition to these public comment sessions, the public has the right to speak during the public hearing that must precede the adoption of any ordinance.

4) Then you have to click on one of the “click here”s.

When you do that you get this:

Not Found, Error 404

The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can find what you are looking for by searching the site archives by page, month, or category: Plus something that looks sort of like a site map but kind of jumbled up. 

Actually the links on the page I copied work, so you can click on one of them and see for yourself.  They all go to the same error page.

There’s another way to get there that works.  Drop open the “Online Records” window and scroll down to “Meeting Agendas and Minutes”.  That will open a second drop open window.  Click on “Mayor and Council”  (this is a different link than either of the other two “Mayor and Council” links).  This will bring you to the agenda and minutes page. 

There’s also no direct link to the calendar anymore, so it’s quite a chore to find upcoming meetings.  You have to click on one of the upcoming events on the home page that is the type of event you are looking for.  If you want to see all events, you have to go to each calendar one at a time.  When you go to the municipal calendar, the month of March has no events on it.

Other pages have problems too.  The “Downtown” page is all events from 2010.  The “History” page has bugs.  I wish someone had spent the time to test all the links and sort out the problems before the new site went live.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous wrote:

    Take the time to test something? This is the Doherty era where nothing seems to be done with much forethougt or consequenses.

    Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 8:31 am | Permalink

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