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This is a great start with some more changes needed. Who will replace the arrogant public works director and “acting” police chief?
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
Joy is still monitoring the Boro. The Tree on the Plaza had to be removed because it was defective, missing branches!!!! Karma will get each and every one of you for being so dishonest, unethical, and causing money wasted on court cases you lost.
Anything bothering you or pressing on your mind about Belmar”s obvious profiting during time of diaster post Sandy should come out now.
She’s full of crap. She never cared about Belmar or the borough employees.
HAHA oh jesus Colleen you really are laughable. Thanks for the morning chuckle! Please do not continue to insult the intelligence of every resident and employee in Belmar. If she thought she was a shoe in for the CFO position then why “decide” to pull your application. Nobody wanted you to stay and I’m sure the new administration was clear about that! So good riddance and hope you enjoy your long ride on the KARMA bus!
She means they let Chefs build Marina Grille and take over the marina. Just like they let Merri build Taylor and take over our real community center.
#3… I saw a Christmas tree at Pyanoe Plaza last week and noticed it now missing … probably suffered the same fate as the palm trees … its only taxpayer money!
Still smiling ear to ear for the early Christmas present!
#5-the only borough employees she cared about she mentioned in the article and that was always evident DPW. Especially Campbell who she made sure got a hefty bonus each year…$15G!!! Hopefully the new administration will put a stop to that way too generous bonus
If we really want to clean house , lets bring back the 12 O’Clock Bar closing , what the hell after all the time & money that D’Jais has spent improving our town these past eight years they kind of deserve it.
What a surprise….She didn’t acknowledge any of the employees who have been harassed and disrespected by her for the last 6 years. She does love her Mike Campbell and Captain Cone.
11: r you craZZZ? The walking dead will figure out its cheaper to swill and poke on their lawns, porches again. As it is the clunkers don’t go out until 10p all impaired anyway.
13. Remember a little think we use to have called Zero Tolernce? Get the tickets flying. 2 they close at 12 in Sea Girt and none of that happens.
Belmar residents pay far to much for the services they receive from our local government. If I recall Richard Wright did a study comparing Manasquan with Belmar salaries. We should got that out and start chopping at the top of each department.
0 tolerance was never enforced.
It’s so very nice to hear she is leaving. This is a way above average good day for the town. Now to make it an even better get the other idiots to quit. She didn’t mention any of the lawsuits lost, problems with lifeguards, leaking ceiling at multiple buildings,above average salaries. Bye Bye…………
Mike Campbell has been the best guy for that job. He doesn’t put up with crap and is always working. If a resident calls him with a problem, he is there to fix it. He seems like an honest guy unlike the rest of them.
#18 What heck are you talking about. This guy is a mean person. He makes way above salary for what he does. Him,police chief and a few others must leave now. And you,#18, should re think your comments. Your statement is way above average incorrect.
#18…you are partially correct. If a resident who drank the kool aid needs something, then yes, Mike does take care of it. But for the rest of the hard working, tax paying residents, he does nothing. He’s rude, arrogant and nasty. And other than Colleen and Chief Cone, he’s horrible to the employees too. Colleen allowed and encouraged his behavior, and together, they destroyed the town. Perhaps we should all thank them though, because if it wasn’t for their behavior, we wouldn’t have a new administration coming in.
#19 Joe, for just an average guy, you are speaking some well above average truths about the Kool-Aid Crew in this town. Keep up the good work.
#20-well said and 100% correct. If Campbell is to stay on with the incoming administration perhaps he should take some sensitivity training. Bet if he spoke TO his employees and not DOWN he may get more honey than vinegar. He now is just like Colleen and we the residents and their employees are not their pupils nor their children!
We will probably save over $350,000 in excessive payroll due to the departig CFO, and ridding the roles of the DPW Director and “acting” Police Chief.
I finally woke up from a deep sleep. Please everyone ……….the DPW guy(Mike) must leave on the first train out of town. He is a arrogant individual with zero respect for people.
Mike Campbell is a nasty arrogant person with no people skills. But I do know why, he suffers from Napoleon complex. He always had that untouchable attitude because Doherty and Connolly allowed it. He was never qualified for the job. He never pulled a weed of snow plowed a street. Hes way overpaid especially with all his “stipends”, he needs to go now.
The ghost “acting” chief of police is another joke. He should be indicted for theft with all his self serving overtime. The time for change has come. We residents have been duped for too long. Bye bye!
I agree with #18. Our DPW director runs the town expertly and efficiently. He is organized while scheduling tasks needed to have our town run well. It’s my sincere hope that he stays on with the new administration.
Drain the Swamp! The Kool-Aid Crew needs to go!
#26 You Sir/Madam are the most way above average misinformed person ever. This guy should go with the rest of the leaches. He is a very mean spirited person.
Script almost done for the movie. DUNESDAY FOY BELMAR will run all summer on the beach. Casting call coming soon.
Q: How many other NJ towns have business administrators that leave their jobs and it DOESN”T wind up in the newspaper.
What is so gross about the Matt and Colleen era is the endless and shameless self promoting. Can we please just go back to not being in the news every friggin day.
Get rid of the silicosis ladened berms and the bathrooms on the Boardwalk. It’s December tomorrow, already.
#31- Those jobs are usually done on weekends. OVERTIME BABY. GREED on your dime.
DPW Director Mike Campbell is the best!
The leaves on our streets are removed immediately and the same happens when it snows. The St. Patrick’s Parade aftermath is yet another example of how well the DPW Department operates under his direction. The streets and sidewalks after the parade are clean because crews are out during the parade removing debris. This cleanup is amazing given the number of people we have in town on parade day. It’s obvious Director Campbell has plans in place for keeping Belmar in tiptop shape during special circumstances and on an everyday basis.
#33 DPW Director doesn’t lift a finger. All he does is go around yelling at everyone demanding they salute him while working. He rules by fear. You Sir / Madam must have consumed an above average amount of ” kool aid.” “L” & “K” streets flood when it rains hard.Seen it many times. He has done absolutely nothing and suggested nothing for a remedy. Route 35 floods a lot. Get him out!!! It’s more then picking up leaves and shoveling snow. We need an above average DPW director..
#33 Thank you Mrs. Campbell.
Mr. Campbell was/is just another political appointment. The point isn’t how good or bad he was/is at the job. The point is that political appointments such as his disrupt any department (civil or private). All people have their private aspirations. When the position came open, a person already in the DPW should have moved up to take over, and below that, everybody else should have moved up one notch on the ladder so to speak. When any individual such as Mr. Campbell is brought in from outside like that, it has a demoralizing effect on the whole dept. because they naturally feel cheated. That’s why I think Mr. Campbell should be let go and the members of the DPW should finally get what they should have gotten in the first place.
#33 – Cambell can leave those great plans with his successor. We don’t need a $200,000+ Director of Public Works. Karma old arrogant one.
#33- I didn’t realize Murphy legalized weed as of yet. Or is that crack you’re smoking. He is a Greedy SOB, raking in $200k along with his $100k pension. Give the job who is qualified and will use the position to feed his or her family. What does this guy do with $300k a year? And #36, Tom, you finally said something that makes sense, stay on that level keel. Maybe whatever you’re smoking is having a positive effect.
#36-You are wrong . Mr. Campbell is not a political appointment . Until this most recent election the town has had a council comprised mostly of Democrats. Campbell is a registered Republican. He has no ties to the Democrats politically. It was realized early on that he would be a good fit for the DPW director, and he certainly has proven himself to be great for the job. In fact, he came on board during the Prungle administration as recreation director, then moved to the DPW post. People in power realized his organzational skills…much needed for the position he now holds.
I have faith in Mark Walsifer and the new administration to do the right thing. They know who needs to go and they already started by getting rid of Colleen Connolly. Mike Campbell and the Acting Police Chief know their are short.
Dem’s lost so robocall today was computer voice.
339 a one mile town, we are a one mile town.we don’t need a 200k supervisor.
#39 Take a long nap and maybe , just maybe, you will wake up with a clear head. The man was a political appointment from day one.
Queen of mean: Gone, Meany Campbell must go, he is not well liked by rank & file. Come Man must go. Cone man’s friend the lifeguard director Kerecman (retired PD) must go making 20K for the season. A political appointment for a job he isn’t qualified for. Faker Fabio must go he’s just another mean spirited boro employee. Let’s Go….DTS…
Director Campbell does an excellent job for the town.
Robin’s retirement party istonight at the pavilion.
I see Belmar called for a Police Chief’s test scheduled for the week of 12/10. Anyone out there know if it was opened to allow Captains and/or Lieutenants to participate? I would assume Mayor Mark knows the ins and outs of the PD and will show Cone Man the door.
#43-No way was Campbell a political appointee. He was given the job because he is the best person for the job. He isn’t even a Democrat. I , as a long-time resident, am pleased that is DPW
Not knowing the ins and outs of the PD. I believe you are only allowed to serve 1 year in an acting position. It’s been at least 2 years for this chief, allowing him to collect thousands upon thousands in overtime dollars on the backs of taxpayers. This would have continued if Magovern had won because Connolly would remain as BA. It is the BAs job to monitor acting positions. The acting chief had no problem stealing from the taxpayers.
Now that there is a new regime coming in, I would bet the acting chief was given the ultimatum to take and pass the required test or pack your bags. As I said, this acting chief would have allowed this to go on forever if the Magovern/Connolly administration won. What does that say about his character and disrespect for the people hes supposed to serve? Sad.
The DPW director position calls for an organized, disciplined person . Mike Campbell meets this criteria head-on. Ride through other towns during the fall, and notice how long it takes for the leaves to disappear. Notice streets in other towns during snowfalls. It takes a long time for those streets to be cleared. Mike Campbell gets his crews out early and often…roads in Belmar are prepared for snow before we see a single flake.
No police on Ocean Avenue tonight!
Ok Ok Campbell is the best thing since sliced bread. He must go though. A miserable person who rules by fear. Get him out. He has the personality of a squashed grape.
When Campbell was given the job he was unqualified and uncertified to be a DPW director. Over time he learned the position and obtained the necessary certifications on the taxpayers dime. The biggest problem with him is his arrogance and holier than tho attitude.
#50. If you think towns like Avon, Bradley and Spring Lake DPW dont do a good job picking up leaves and plowing snow then you live in a cocoon.
Rumor has it there is another one getting close to DTS…Fabio! Heard he is no longer in charge of the marina. Boat owners must be thrilled to not have to deal with his games and attitude anymore. Where will he be moved to and WHY would belmar even want to keep such a nasty conniving individual? He obviously did something pretty wrong to be moved, I say lets push him in and continue to DTS !!!!
The Kool Aid Crew clearly has a bunch of followers or are themselves commenting here. They gotta be feelin a little tight in the pants about the future of their positions. As well they should be. No one is left to protect them. The people of Belmar have spoken. No one is safe.
So I went to Robbin Kirk’s retirement party tonight. It was a very nice tribute to her and all her hard work. I noticed that Colleen was there for the first few minutes but then she left. I think that was such a disrespectful, childish thing to do.
Qualified to work for a Porta John Company. He knows how to place them. Waste Management always needs good ol’ boys.
#53-I travel throughout Monmouth Country on a regular basis. I never mentioned the towns you referenced. I’ve driven through towns where the leaves are deteriorating in the gutters in early winter. You’re assumption is incorrect. I Never mentioned area towns. You’re living in a very narrow-thinking world .
Director Campbell is most generous with his time and energy while serving Belmar residents. He has helped many people on his own time.
Campbell is a terrific head of DPW. When a resident reaches out to him about a concern which falls within his department, he is quick to deal with the issue and solves the problem . None better than Mike Campbell.
#59 and #60 Thanks I needed a good laugh this am. Getting more aspirins until Campbell leaves. Hope it’s soon.
Its the bloated salary that is the problem with Mr Campbell. Not his personality. Personality is very subjective.
#62 He has the personality of a squashed grape. Which equates to zero.
is the DPW responsible for care and maintenance of Borough Hall?
I’m not #62. I’m the first person who posted as DPW. I haven’t heard anyone in my area/ neighborhood complain about Mr. Campbell’s salary. All I hear is rave reviews of his department.
Every 1 -2 mile town should consolidate service more,paying someone 200K to be the head of the Belmar New Jersey public works dept is absurd.
Belmar facts
According to the United States Census Bureau, the borough had a total area of 1.647 square miles (4.266 km2), including 1.045 square miles (2.707 km2) of land and 0.602 square miles (1.559 km2) of water (36.54%).[1]
Belmar borders the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Monmouth County municipalities of Avon-by-the-Sea to the north, Neptune Township to the northwest, Wall Township to the west, and Lake Como and Spring Lake to the south.[22]
#65 Oh your the DPW who rides through “other” towns noticing leaves in the gutters. When I mentioned neighboring towns similar in size to Belmar that do a great job you said, oh no not those towns. Sorry for my narrow minded thinking, the SCAT bus doesn’t take us too far! Campbell must go!
The lead blowing of grass cuttings and sand is nonsense and make work to use up beach utility surplus and pensions. Make sure the BUF split deposits into the pension plans!
Campbell this Campbell that now it’s time for Campbell and the rest of the kool aid crew and all the minions from the old administration to get their shine box….now go get your shine box kid….DTS….
67-Mike Campbell is an asset to the town. Many towns in Monmouth County don’t seem to have their streets/gutters cleared ( whether it be leaves or snow), as quickly as we have them cleared here in Belmar. I’ve lived in other communities and am extremely impressed with Belmar’s DPW .
Connolly is gone thank God. We just need to get Campbell and Acting Chief Hiseman out to complete the hat trick. Walsifer knows what to do.
All those who support Campbell and company are just Democrats and can’t see the forest through the trees.
Campbell is a registered Republican . Democrats chose him because he is best for the job. Not selected because of political reasons. He is never involved in campaigns.
#73 Who the heck cares what his registration is? He is a mean ill spirited person. Him along with the whole democratic ruling crew must go. Oh I forgot he picks up rubbish and plows snow. Oh wait he doesn’t lift a finger. He yells and screams at people who do. Out you go MIKE!!!
Barky,loud mouthed people usually have low self esteem. They bully!
Mike Campbell does a great job. The town is run well, thanks to his leadership of the DPW department . I hope he never leaves.
#75 and #76 He bully’s not me. I’m a very quiet old man. I hope he leaves on the first bus out of town. A overpaid bully
After reading all these comments about Mike Campbell, some say he should stay and some say he should go. But nobody defends his personality, he is a mean,nasty individual who bullies people. He is another graduate of the Colleen Connelly school of good manners.
We’re lucky to have Director Campbell running our DPW. He is organized and gets things done.
Political appointments typically get replaced with new administrations. People know this. Hence the Kool Aid Crew and their followers coming out of the woodwork and getting nervous…
#79 I’m lucky I can afford buying aspirins after reading your ridiculous statements
Old wood on many levels have to go in Belmar. Overhauling of departments to upgrade manual this and that will make all of the departments efficient and with TEAM SPIRIT and respect given to staff will allow all to shine.
Campbell should just retire on his fat pension before he gets fired.
#80 – Sir/Madam, That doesn’t make it right. The top guy in the DPW must be a man who’s been working there for many years. Not a guy with zero background in the job. To do such a thing is demoralizing to the men who’ve been there for years. I supported Mr. Walsifer and I hope he does the right thing by those loyal, deserving DPW rank and file workers and finally ends the practice of bringing in an outsider to steal a job he’s not entitled to.
#84 Thats the way it should be in most if not all civil service departments on the municipal level. I don’t disagree with you at all. I have cautious faith that the right thing will be done in several departments mentioned in this thread.
# 81-Campbell is great for the town.
#86 Campbell is a leach. Needs to go away quickly
#87 I concur that Campbell is a moocher. He’s been on the public dole his whole career( no hard work) He left an indelible mark on Belmar but don’t worry when he gets the boot his 2 sons who work for the PD will carry the name on. All the swamp must be drained
2 sons? Not the pilot 2?
Why is the Big C at the desk with April tonight? Don’t you get your walking papers and then get walked out the door to protect the employee and emplpoyer’s integrit and good name?
In many corporations, when an employee gives notice that he/she is resigning, they are terminated immediately before they may do damage (like deleting files, shredding papers, etc.) and are walked out the door. But – the B.A. is an honorable person. Not credible, however.
We couldn’t ask for a better DPW Director than Mike Campbell.
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