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Campaign Cash Contradiction

Doherty Tuesday night, as reported in Coast Star: We need to report even small donations to make sure bars don’t sneak contributions.

Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 4.29.30 PM

But he’s scratching the penalty for taking donations from bars:

Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 4.27.59 PM

Can anyone out there explain this?


  1. Anonymous wrote:

    His statement that “someone with a liquor license who donates three $250 dollar checks wouldn’t have to disclose any of them” is absolutely false. According to state law, once a person (liquor license or not) donates over $300.00 in aggregate it must all be disclosed. His explanation at the council meeting made zero sense.
    By allowing donations to Belmar candidates from election funds,state, county, or town political committees or PAC’s defeats the whole spirit of full disclosure because it opens the door for “pass through” contributions. It is very hard to trace the source of these contributions.

    Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 5:27 pm | Permalink
  2. OLD MAN wrote:

    O M G………Who’s on first?

    Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 5:46 pm | Permalink
  3. Belmar Independent wrote:

    When you deal long enough with these people, it is easy to see through them.
    They really do want to know the members
    of our community who dare to send contributions to anyone but them ( the ruling elite ). I have documented this history of pressure, intimidation and the like for many years now. The need to know specifically, who is not “drinking the Kool-Aid” is assigned to the many minions. When they show up at your door, you learn early on.

    Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 6:01 pm | Permalink
  4. Anonymous wrote:

    Does anyone know when the last time this Borough did anything to improve infrastructure to promote the well being of residents? I haven’t seen any bond ordinances to improve roadways, etc. All I read about is questionable politics, beach beautification, debt, and lawsuits. What I am concerned about are the residents. We come first within reasonable limits within budgetary limits. What about fixing streets, many residents complaining about drainage at meetings, plus who knows how many people don’t even come to meetings with their concerns. Granted the ocean is our asset and perhaps most of us would not live here if it wasn’t, but the governing body has to understand that residents are the meat of this borough. We must come first. Meet the needs of your residents.

    Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 10:15 pm | Permalink
  5. Tom Dilberger wrote:

    #4 – What about the pink bows the DPW put up all over town for breast cancer awareness month? Don’t you think that benefits us all? Where’s your priorities sir?

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 5:23 am | Permalink
  6. Tom Burke wrote:

    Infrastructure improvements. Lets start with the 13th Avenue water/sewer fixes and repaving of a few years ago, the Silver Lake draining bond and fix addressing the flooding there, the Lake Como bond to place a pipe out into the ocean to lesson the water hazard problems with those Blemar resident in the flood zone there. That is just a few that come to mind. Unfortunately if this blog is the only source of news about Belmar, you will mostly hear about things not being done rather than some of the actual good things that address our infrastructure.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 5:25 am | Permalink
  7. admin wrote:

    Jim Bean, this blog and myself were the ones who put the pressure on Matt to build infrastructure instead of pie-in-the-sky pavilions, or rather, golf-in-the-sky pavilions. Talk about selective memory!

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 6:06 am | Permalink
  8. OLD MAN wrote:

    What about Rt. 35 flooding during heavy rains?? Coming home the other day on 35 and police cones were everywhere. Flooding on K street L street Rt 71. Yes #4 much more needs to be done on infrastructure. #6 Please get you facts straight.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 6:20 am | Permalink
  9. Resident wrote:

    Flooding is unacceptable, brown water is still there in several areas. Now we will tear apart Maclearie Park to disguise infrastructure work for Chef’s. We cannot have our basements flood during a heavy rain, not when they never flooded before. We have a problem involving sewers and drainage, it’s no one’s fault but needs to be addressed now. The Lake Como outflow pipe repair is all over the place and has slowed down significantly in progress since last year. One paved street where a favored resident resides does not make our town whole. If you ignore the decision of the court which will determine the amount taxpayers are responsible to pay for BOTH pavilions you are a fool. I have never experienced such manipulation of an adult as with the republican candidate. He has done no research and repeats undocumented babble. Well answer this candidate how and who will pay for the pavilions when the expense to build is over the amount FEMA is obligated to pay. Show your research since last year, cite any document or written information. What research? I am voting for Dave Schneck as he always provides documentation and if you notice he never resorts to personal insults, his truth may be compelling but he’s accurate. And he is only concerned about Belmar with no private agenda.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 9:22 am | Permalink
  10. 6th Ave resident wrote:

    During the recent downpour 6th Ave flooded and has flooded since Sandy. The sewers are a mess and no one knows what is happening with the drainage situation. We never flooded like this before something is wrong.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 9:24 am | Permalink
  11. Anonymous wrote:

    The federal administration’s campaign promise to the Electorate was to fix our infrastructure across the United States and that would have been accomplished by putting the unemployed back to work. That PROMISE was made repeatedly back in 2007. It was to emulate the WPA.
    How many people learned how to build infrastructure in Belmar or Monmouth County for that matter? DOT pay?
    The only thing to crop up in 8 years was professional schools to teach ditch digging, etc. Another scheme, clever but still scheme by any other name.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 9:52 am | Permalink
  12. Ocean Ave Resident wrote:

    New Topic: D’Jais Runs Belmar
    The bi-weekly police blotter in the CS provides an instant snapshot of Belmar’s tourists and its tourist mecca. The most recent data shows 29 arrests, over 50% of them on Ocean ave and another 28% in the southern section of Belmar between 12th & 18th.. (The Police no longer list the cross sts for fear of calling attention to the worsening situation at D’Jais where typically 2/3rds of Belmar’s crimes occur). Nearly 80% of those arrested are 30 yrs old or younger…This month 6 from Staten Island, 2 from Brooklyn, and others from Hoboken, PA and Teaneck.
    D’Jais expands every yr adding more outdoor space up against the property lines of the group rentals they own..All under the protection of the Council. No code enforcement or permits req’d.
    The only “civic service” they provide is an aggressive voter registration drive encouraging young partiers to register, vote and support the status quo, (regardless of their legal permanent addresses.)
    The Council who live safely far from D’Jais smile knowingly. D’Jais runs the town.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 9:54 am | Permalink
  13. Demoonfile wrote:

    Everybody should put out a large sheet in your front Windows stating “REGISTER TO VOTE HERE”. Make sure you have free beer in your fridge to get your new voters to like you. DEMOCRACY IN ACTION.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 11:08 am | Permalink
  14. OLD MAN wrote:

    I’m voting for Dave. He is just the start. Next year get two more like him and maybe, just maybe, things will change for the better. That’s if there is still time.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 12:08 pm | Permalink
  15. Teddy Ehmann wrote:

    What I am hearing clearly, in all these posts is the voice of liberty. When you wake up and realize that the power is controlled in Belmar by a “privileged MINORITY”, we can meet our needs and own our government.For two years now, I have been working with non-partisan issue groups which is to say the silent majority. The agenda of both parties is to raise money,get elected and have control. Going forward,just say no and vote your interests.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 2:36 pm | Permalink
  16. Belmar Independent wrote:

    #15 Truth, Christie in bed with Sweeney, Burke in bed with Doherty. Bean not in bed with anyone, but gets the boot. Let’s play
    accomplishments.Can anyone tell me just what Jennifer Nicolay has accomplished during her term except for showing up for photo ops?

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 3:43 pm | Permalink
  17. OLD MAN wrote:

    Accomplished nothing.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 4:32 pm | Permalink
  18. Anonymous wrote:

    Didn’t you hear ??? She brokered our water deal. Lol !

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 5:02 pm | Permalink
  19. Tulips wrote:

    #8 Hwy 35 is a state road and should make flooding repairs it hasn’t happened in 50 years that I can remember. Try appealing to the state and throw in the bulkhead while your at it and maybe a tragedy can be avoided.

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 7:20 pm | Permalink
  20. Katrina wrote:

    Stripping that ordinance is designed to not only get more contributions but to give the council and mayor voting powers on alcohol establishments and developers issues that are prevented with in how the ordinance reads now. That’s what scares me most !!

    Friday, September 18, 2015 at 10:07 pm | Permalink
  21. Anonymous wrote:

    There is no reason whatsoever to touch this ordinance. Matt Doherty is doing it for one reason… Money ! He wants to build a war chest of loot while mayor so when he runs for higher office he can just transfer the money over. As the ordinance stands today, he’s unable to take the big money from PAC’s and other committees.

    Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 8:32 am | Permalink
  22. admin wrote:

    #21, in that case I’ll contribute!

    Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 12:09 pm | Permalink
  23. An Observation wrote:

    We need to elect Dave and end the shenanigans.

    Hey council this is what abiding by ethics is, just one example and adopted by state ethics.

    Shame on the Mayor and council for not being ethical.

    Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 10:43 am | Permalink
  24. OLD MAN wrote:

    Oh……….#21………The plot thickens..

    Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 10:55 am | Permalink
  25. Anonymous wrote:

    #24, Yes, hopefully he goes sooner rather than later wherever it is he’s going.

    Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 1:48 pm | Permalink

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