To the contrary, this started long ago with this mans mistreatment of employees and borough residents. This current council should have fired him last year when he was caught red handed moving his personal furniture with the use of a borough truck and borough employees. If done then, this young man would not have endured the cruelty of this monster.
Oh so there will be no disciplinary action? Really Mayor? Another one of your buddies breaking the law and getting off easy. This makes you a criminal too. You support verbal abuse and mental cruelty to a handicap person? Retirement is Campbell’s sentence??? Grow some balls Mayor!!! The devil has your soul.
Unfortunately everyone on here is misinformed… the truth is mike was the best boss we have ever had and he has done more good for employees than harm I’m very sad to see him go. And if you all knew how much good he’s done this would be a sad way to say goodbye to a great great man
Colten was loved but did not belong working in DPW he would have outbursts of rage and said inappropriate things randomly that made others uncomfortable he had an incident in the police department were he said he wanted to shot a officer in the head and was suspended, he had a full time employment and will never be able to drive no cdl no scooter operation this is the reality. Mike treated everyone the same as Colton wanted to be treated as the rest of the crew we all had our moments of heat from mike he was treated no different then any of us .
Ok Walsifier let me get this straight. We have a pissed off ex cop who has anger issues and clearly mentally unstable and who probably has a fire arm and you allow him continued access to the same employees who called him out on his crap. RECIPE FOR DISASTER
#17. As I said in my post mike was a great boss he treated us at Dpw like a family. Yes he is tough yes he can yell but I’ll tell you this he would do anything for one of us. That is just the truth mike had our backs and I’m sad to see him go with these lies because he really is a good guy
I’ve been a Belmar Resident for over 25 years – like him or not Mike Campbell did a great job running Public Works – his men respected him and they got the job done – if you had a problem all you had to do was contact him and it was taken care of – it’s no picnic running Public Works in a Beach Town like Belmar – hope whoever takes over comes close to getting the job done like Mike did- he took his job personal – I wish more people worked that way – so what if he was a little rough at times – guess you critics are ‘woke’ and part of the “New Normal” – lollipops and trophies for everyone –
#18-so yelling at anyone is ok? You don’t as a leader yell at your employees. It’s not ok and he has done for years. It’s abuse. You are an idiot if you think that’s how a good leader leads. He deserved everything he got! He should have been fired but would never have happened with the good ole boys crew running this town. And anyone that compares the actions of an autistic person to one that isn’t needs their head checked
I agree wholeheartedly with 18. Mike Campbell has done an outstanding job as DPW supervisor. The town is immaculate-even after big community events. He is always approachable and always available to assist residents. It’s a real shame we’re losing him
I guess it would be too much to ask to promote from the well deserving rank and file. Not the political hacks littered throughout Belmar, like the Business Administrator.
#26 – Well said sir. The DPW should never have been a dumping ground for people who never worked a day in their lives. If there is such a thing as morality, then putting such people in positions directing working men is as immoral as things get.
Mike Campbell and his employees have done an outstanding job taking care of Belmar. The employees are well paid and if things were as bad as some say, shame on them for never coming forward. Sorry to see Mike go.
Please tell me they are not allowing him to “retire”. That will mean he gets paid for all his sick, comp, vacation time plus all his stupid stipends! That is no punishment only another slap to the taxpayers who will have to pay for that and the coming lawsuit.
The lawsuit from the young man will be expensive. I hope the town settles this before it becomes very costly to us taxpayers.Shame on Mayor and council,should have been fired.
So some of you say he’s a good man and did a great job. Explain his free slip to me . Explain firing an older man who’s a crossing guard because Mr. Campbell was drivIng to fast by the school. POWER gets to these guys and we must return the POWER to the residents.
#18&21…. I am all for “man code” and I agree that sometimes you have to lay down the law to be an effective leader…. However its MAN CODE, it stays between men….. You cross the line when you attack a handicapped individual or female… I can just imagine what his family dynamics entail…
#33—– I do not agree that being an effective leader means that you are utilizing a “man code” when you lay down the law; I do not think that anyone, male, female, handicapped, young, old whatever should be mistreated, BUT I am so sick of hearing everyone want equality then listen to statements such as yours, you either want women, handicapped etc to all have the same opportunities and be treated equally OR you dont, a woman is strong enough to handle any man or supervisor, being a female is not a handicap, I am a female I do not feel my gender handicaps me or that my boss should treat me with kids gloves because of my gender, I want to be paid the same as my male co-workers who perform the same job duties therefore I should expect the same pressures that they get. As for the handicapped, I feel bad for individuals and hope as a community that we can be supportive and help them, but we do not know the entire story here, sometimes handicapped individuals also need to be reprimanded or they will not learn.
#35 You obviously have never had Management training courses or 21st century real world experience. Street behavior by Superiors is not and should not ever be tolerated in the workplace or homes. That means training and oversight should be implemented in the workplace. We don’t need king of the jungle overseers in America.
Wow, H-man just stepped in some dog poop. Goin from a par time 83k made up un-needed job to a 130k job he has no qualifications at all for. That along with his 100k plus pension and some made up overtime and he’s pushing 300k. You would think that perhaps there are other deserving, out of work persons out there raising a family that should really use that position, at a fraction of what Campy’s was making. #voteforgerry
#35…. And #38, you were most likely speaking to me…. You both most likely never had leadership jobs at small companies where you were responsible for keeping the lights on… Vast majority of the US economy, are small organizations and that is a very different world….
Someday Mike Campbell’s employees will look back and appreciate him. I’m sure many do already. He may have been tough because he always pushed for better. You learn so much from someone like that.
This is an offense which should be subject to immediate termination. Why is this man still there? Talk about feeding into lawsuits, just keeping him around 1 day can lead to the borough being complicit in this mistreatment of employees and, even more, a employee with special needs.
I have lived on Mike Campbell’s block for 16 years and he has continuously walked his dog to his neighbors yards to poop and has never cleaned it up. He has been seen doing this countless times. This type of behavior from the head of public works is embarrassing to the lovely town of belmar. All the behavior reported publicly about Mike Campbell has been incredibly arrogant, petty, indecent, and shows his self-entitled and superior attitude. He seems to feel powerful and important by abusing people he thinks he is superior to. I wonder what other low-life behavior he has displayed in private that has not been reported.
#41 Summertime—- you are wrong about me I have worked in a small successful office for the past 14 years, I work late nights, weekends and keep my phone on 24/7 for my boss to contact me, I am salaried employee I never calculate my overtime, my boss and the company I work for I treat as family, we are a team, I know if I work hard it will pay off and I always pay it forward. I act like an adult do my job well and make sure to keep business flowing. So yes I do know what it takes to be a part of a small business, I dont so much as waste a paperclip.
Honestly Belmar is just a microcosm of what is wrong with all politics and New Jersey in general. Most people couldn’t stand Matt with all his backroom deals and double talk so we elect new council with the idea / promise that change is on the way for the people of Belmar. This what has arrived since then . You have the highly questionable hiring of the former acting police chief to a $81,000.00 part time gig with a car ? Really What’s even crazier not one ( New or Old ) council person has said a word nothing !! I thought the new leadership was going to do away with all these backroom deals ? Then you have the Boat Slip/ Marina Fraud( also know as Theft ) and still nothing ? Today you have the DPW Head ” Being Allowed ” to step down and retire at a date of his choosing while the employee has to go back work with the same department head that verbally abused him until he decides when he is going to retire ? I wish I was the Hines Family Attorney , this going to be nice payday. You cant make the stuff up only in Belmar. Who is running the HR ? EPLI ? This has the potential to cost the town a ton of money , someone should talk to Mr.K and explain how EPLI claims work . Probably wont cost has much as our former acting chiefs handling/ slow walking of SALT case but a pretty penny non the less. Someone really needs to lead and speak up for all this , cant blame it all on Matt anymore. Every sitting council person and those running for must speak to these .
If Huisman had an ounce of decency, an ounce of integrity, he would resign at once. But he won’t because all he cares about is taking money from us taxpayers. I hope he witnessed Campbell’s tirade against Colton. By him doing nothing makes him guilty as well. I hope the Hines sue the pants off of him.
Any small bit of good done by Campbell will always be tarnished by his arrogant, demeaning attitude towards most. He thought he was untouchable and now he has gotten what he deserves. You reap what you sow.
As far as Huisman goes. I agree, he should resign also. The mismanagement of the police salaries and his overtime, the big Salt lawsuit with his fingerprints all over it and of course the stealing of boat slips will never go away. Mayor, drain the swamp.
Huisman was the sole instigator in tha 3million dollar lifeguard lawsuit in an effort to get rid of Harry.Kbum brought in his boy Kreckman from the prosecutor office. DISASTROUS. HE WILL BE FOUND COMPLICIT in the salt issue that will cost millions. Free slip for how long. 100’s thousands in overtime as acting chief. Now will be rewarded by the taxpayers of Belmar. REALLY
“If voting rally mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Mark Twain
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 6:15 am|Permalink
belmarguy wrote:
Another thing that needs to be fixed is the nepotism of hiring relatives in the PD & Town Hall. Besides what we already know, look at Dave’s net payroll document and read the list.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 7:36 am|Permalink
time for change wrote:
John Macguire he’s the man that should replace him..
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 8:31 am|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
#53. Obviously a change is coming with Campbell resigning. Macguire is not the guy. He is retiring. There’s better choices within and I don’t mean Huisman!
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 9:07 am|Permalink
Been there wrote:
where are M&C. Silenced by King Edward. These are the people who are supposed to represent the taxpayers. Failure across the board
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 9:53 am|Permalink
Resident wrote:
A lot of the crap that goes on in this town is because King Edward allows it. He allowed Campbell’s ego to get almost as big as his if not bigger. He allowed Huisman to come back and continue to rob the taxpayers with his made up administrative assistant position. I would bet that half the things King Edward does the mayor and council don’t know about. Like his free boat slip.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 11:50 am|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
Step 1: Lower the salary.
Step 2: Post the job. Open it everyone. (Belmar and non-Belmar)
Step 3: Hire the most qualified candidate.
You may get someone from another town who has years of experience and is looking to make a move.
Step 4: SEE STEP 1 !
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 12:36 pm|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
#57- BINGO. Absolutely correct. Anyone out there have an issue with that post? No, not you Mr. Mayor. Let us all see how he responds to those “makes sense to me” points. And if he deviates from ANY of those points, vote him the F out of office, as we will Tommie in a month. #voteforgerry
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 1:40 pm|Permalink
Asking wrote:
Mayor and council, is dating the chief of police nepotism?
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 3:57 pm|Permalink
Dpw wrote:
Huisman is still here pretending he’s a boss. Haven’t seen him on the back of a garbage truck or putting up fence on the beach yet.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 5:26 pm|Permalink
#59 Don’t think it is. However may be an above average dumb move.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 5:54 pm|Permalink
Anonymous wrote:
Used to be your family wanted you to succeed and for success you were rewarded. Now the flavor of the day seems to denigrate success. Instead of the cream rising there are sinkers in the pool protesting against success. Be careful Cherry Orchard owners.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 7:09 pm|Permalink
Tom Dilberger wrote:
#54 – Too bad John is retiring. He was always the right choice for the top job. That doesn’t change anything though. The next head of the DPW should come from the ranks of the workers already there.
John is not retiring. They tried to push him out. He holds the appropriate credentials and has the ability to do the job. Worked his way up from the bottom. All the guys love him. Let’s see what Wallie does.
Whether John Macguire decides to retire or not, he’s not the guy. He has been spewing nothing but negativity around town for years. There are other good people in the ranks better suited.
First of all Mike Campbell was a good guy, Mike did not take any crap from anyone.
Problem is everyone is to sensitive and looking to get someone in trouble for financial or political gain.
Mike is a tough boss I worked for him and liked him.
As far a Drew he is a great guy and deserves everything he has gotten.
I hope he gets the spot.
Sounds like a bunch of wash women here who have nothing better to do here but cry.
Ray #68, do you think it was ok for Campbell to use MY tax dollars to move HIS furniture ? If so, do you think it’s ok if public works cuts my grass ?
I don’t think its right to do personal things on company time or tax payers dollars, that is why we have disciplinary action. I’m not in charge so I cant hold anyone accountable.
Mayor Walsifer. Campbell is gone, thank you for that. Hopefully Huisman is next. Can you explain to me why do nothing Frank Cinelli a again taking home a new boro vehicle, a small black suv. Is he that pertinent to the operation of the town. He’s an 80 plus thousand dollar do nothing. Oh thats right, he collects the mail. Mayor, stop allowing this mismanagement. He stops home ten times a day. What a waste of taxpayers money!
Good riddance you arrogant bum!
To the contrary, this started long ago with this mans mistreatment of employees and borough residents. This current council should have fired him last year when he was caught red handed moving his personal furniture with the use of a borough truck and borough employees. If done then, this young man would not have endured the cruelty of this monster.
This man should be terminated immediately and should not be allowed to retire.
Thank you Dave and Common Sense For Belmar for continuing to provide a voice to the people!
Oh so there will be no disciplinary action? Really Mayor? Another one of your buddies breaking the law and getting off easy. This makes you a criminal too. You support verbal abuse and mental cruelty to a handicap person? Retirement is Campbell’s sentence??? Grow some balls Mayor!!! The devil has your soul.
Unfortunately everyone on here is misinformed… the truth is mike was the best boss we have ever had and he has done more good for employees than harm I’m very sad to see him go. And if you all knew how much good he’s done this would be a sad way to say goodbye to a great great man
#6. Ok Champ Fabio!
I liked him. And he was good for the town. I don’t know what happened so I can’t comment on that. It’s unfortunate.
#6 You must be making an above average joke.
The only problem who will be his replacement?
Hopefully an above average hiring mistake won’t happen.
Dear REAL DPW WORKER – We know it’s you Campbell
#6 Thanks for your input, Mr. Campbell.
The blue wall of silence, just look at the background of all the key figures involved…..
Colten was loved but did not belong working in DPW he would have outbursts of rage and said inappropriate things randomly that made others uncomfortable he had an incident in the police department were he said he wanted to shot a officer in the head and was suspended, he had a full time employment and will never be able to drive no cdl no scooter operation this is the reality. Mike treated everyone the same as Colton wanted to be treated as the rest of the crew we all had our moments of heat from mike he was treated no different then any of us .
Good job Mayor Walsifer. Now all you have to do is get rid of Huisman and Kirschenbaum and the boatgate crew will be gone.
So…. what does “INTENT” to retire mean? Is he still in charge over there? That is a big problem.
Ok Walsifier let me get this straight. We have a pissed off ex cop who has anger issues and clearly mentally unstable and who probably has a fire arm and you allow him continued access to the same employees who called him out on his crap. RECIPE FOR DISASTER
#13 – So you’ve all been treated like crap, from time to time?
#17. As I said in my post mike was a great boss he treated us at Dpw like a family. Yes he is tough yes he can yell but I’ll tell you this he would do anything for one of us. That is just the truth mike had our backs and I’m sad to see him go with these lies because he really is a good guy
#18 I’m switching from aspirins to pepto bismol tonight.
As usual, nonsensical justification comments do not deserve responses
I’ve been a Belmar Resident for over 25 years – like him or not Mike Campbell did a great job running Public Works – his men respected him and they got the job done – if you had a problem all you had to do was contact him and it was taken care of – it’s no picnic running Public Works in a Beach Town like Belmar – hope whoever takes over comes close to getting the job done like Mike did- he took his job personal – I wish more people worked that way – so what if he was a little rough at times – guess you critics are ‘woke’ and part of the “New Normal” – lollipops and trophies for everyone –
#18-so yelling at anyone is ok? You don’t as a leader yell at your employees. It’s not ok and he has done for years. It’s abuse. You are an idiot if you think that’s how a good leader leads. He deserved everything he got! He should have been fired but would never have happened with the good ole boys crew running this town. And anyone that compares the actions of an autistic person to one that isn’t needs their head checked
Wow. That’s KARMA!
Defend this mans misbehavior all you want. He is a bully and a true coward. Live in shame now for all of your toughness.
I agree wholeheartedly with 18. Mike Campbell has done an outstanding job as DPW supervisor. The town is immaculate-even after big community events. He is always approachable and always available to assist residents. It’s a real shame we’re losing him
I guess it would be too much to ask to promote from the well deserving rank and file. Not the political hacks littered throughout Belmar, like the Business Administrator.
#26 – Well said sir. The DPW should never have been a dumping ground for people who never worked a day in their lives. If there is such a thing as morality, then putting such people in positions directing working men is as immoral as things get.
Mike Campbell and his employees have done an outstanding job taking care of Belmar. The employees are well paid and if things were as bad as some say, shame on them for never coming forward. Sorry to see Mike go.
Please tell me they are not allowing him to “retire”. That will mean he gets paid for all his sick, comp, vacation time plus all his stupid stipends! That is no punishment only another slap to the taxpayers who will have to pay for that and the coming lawsuit.
The lawsuit from the young man will be expensive. I hope the town settles this before it becomes very costly to us taxpayers.Shame on Mayor and council,should have been fired.
So some of you say he’s a good man and did a great job. Explain his free slip to me . Explain firing an older man who’s a crossing guard because Mr. Campbell was drivIng to fast by the school. POWER gets to these guys and we must return the POWER to the residents.
Maybe the mayor’s plan to save taxpayer dollars is to have Huisman and Campbell car pool to their depositions, in a Belmar vehicle of course.
#18&21…. I am all for “man code” and I agree that sometimes you have to lay down the law to be an effective leader…. However its MAN CODE, it stays between men….. You cross the line when you attack a handicapped individual or female… I can just imagine what his family dynamics entail…
Huisman needs to go NOW!
#33—– I do not agree that being an effective leader means that you are utilizing a “man code” when you lay down the law; I do not think that anyone, male, female, handicapped, young, old whatever should be mistreated, BUT I am so sick of hearing everyone want equality then listen to statements such as yours, you either want women, handicapped etc to all have the same opportunities and be treated equally OR you dont, a woman is strong enough to handle any man or supervisor, being a female is not a handicap, I am a female I do not feel my gender handicaps me or that my boss should treat me with kids gloves because of my gender, I want to be paid the same as my male co-workers who perform the same job duties therefore I should expect the same pressures that they get. As for the handicapped, I feel bad for individuals and hope as a community that we can be supportive and help them, but we do not know the entire story here, sometimes handicapped individuals also need to be reprimanded or they will not learn.
Husiman will replace Campbell !!!
Place your bets
Thank you Joy. Always helped Children who were being abused.
#35 You obviously have never had Management training courses or 21st century real world experience. Street behavior by Superiors is not and should not ever be tolerated in the workplace or homes. That means training and oversight should be implemented in the workplace. We don’t need king of the jungle overseers in America.
Wow, H-man just stepped in some dog poop. Goin from a par time 83k made up un-needed job to a 130k job he has no qualifications at all for. That along with his 100k plus pension and some made up overtime and he’s pushing 300k. You would think that perhaps there are other deserving, out of work persons out there raising a family that should really use that position, at a fraction of what Campy’s was making. #voteforgerry
When Campbell leaves, who gets his free boat slip?
#35…. And #38, you were most likely speaking to me…. You both most likely never had leadership jobs at small companies where you were responsible for keeping the lights on… Vast majority of the US economy, are small organizations and that is a very different world….
Someday Mike Campbell’s employees will look back and appreciate him. I’m sure many do already. He may have been tough because he always pushed for better. You learn so much from someone like that.
This is an offense which should be subject to immediate termination. Why is this man still there? Talk about feeding into lawsuits, just keeping him around 1 day can lead to the borough being complicit in this mistreatment of employees and, even more, a employee with special needs.
I have lived on Mike Campbell’s block for 16 years and he has continuously walked his dog to his neighbors yards to poop and has never cleaned it up. He has been seen doing this countless times. This type of behavior from the head of public works is embarrassing to the lovely town of belmar. All the behavior reported publicly about Mike Campbell has been incredibly arrogant, petty, indecent, and shows his self-entitled and superior attitude. He seems to feel powerful and important by abusing people he thinks he is superior to. I wonder what other low-life behavior he has displayed in private that has not been reported.
#41 Summertime—- you are wrong about me I have worked in a small successful office for the past 14 years, I work late nights, weekends and keep my phone on 24/7 for my boss to contact me, I am salaried employee I never calculate my overtime, my boss and the company I work for I treat as family, we are a team, I know if I work hard it will pay off and I always pay it forward. I act like an adult do my job well and make sure to keep business flowing. So yes I do know what it takes to be a part of a small business, I dont so much as waste a paperclip.
Honestly Belmar is just a microcosm of what is wrong with all politics and New Jersey in general. Most people couldn’t stand Matt with all his backroom deals and double talk so we elect new council with the idea / promise that change is on the way for the people of Belmar. This what has arrived since then . You have the highly questionable hiring of the former acting police chief to a $81,000.00 part time gig with a car ? Really What’s even crazier not one ( New or Old ) council person has said a word nothing !! I thought the new leadership was going to do away with all these backroom deals ? Then you have the Boat Slip/ Marina Fraud( also know as Theft ) and still nothing ? Today you have the DPW Head ” Being Allowed ” to step down and retire at a date of his choosing while the employee has to go back work with the same department head that verbally abused him until he decides when he is going to retire ? I wish I was the Hines Family Attorney , this going to be nice payday. You cant make the stuff up only in Belmar. Who is running the HR ? EPLI ? This has the potential to cost the town a ton of money , someone should talk to Mr.K and explain how EPLI claims work . Probably wont cost has much as our former acting chiefs handling/ slow walking of SALT case but a pretty penny non the less. Someone really needs to lead and speak up for all this , cant blame it all on Matt anymore. Every sitting council person and those running for must speak to these .
If Huisman had an ounce of decency, an ounce of integrity, he would resign at once. But he won’t because all he cares about is taking money from us taxpayers. I hope he witnessed Campbell’s tirade against Colton. By him doing nothing makes him guilty as well. I hope the Hines sue the pants off of him.
Any small bit of good done by Campbell will always be tarnished by his arrogant, demeaning attitude towards most. He thought he was untouchable and now he has gotten what he deserves. You reap what you sow.
As far as Huisman goes. I agree, he should resign also. The mismanagement of the police salaries and his overtime, the big Salt lawsuit with his fingerprints all over it and of course the stealing of boat slips will never go away. Mayor, drain the swamp.
Huisman was the sole instigator in tha 3million dollar lifeguard lawsuit in an effort to get rid of Harry.Kbum brought in his boy Kreckman from the prosecutor office. DISASTROUS. HE WILL BE FOUND COMPLICIT in the salt issue that will cost millions. Free slip for how long. 100’s thousands in overtime as acting chief. Now will be rewarded by the taxpayers of Belmar. REALLY
We will keep reliving the past until we cut the chain. Get rid of all these bums. Clean the swamp!!! Vote for Jerry!!
“If voting rally mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Mark Twain
Another thing that needs to be fixed is the nepotism of hiring relatives in the PD & Town Hall. Besides what we already know, look at Dave’s net payroll document and read the list.
John Macguire he’s the man that should replace him..
#53. Obviously a change is coming with Campbell resigning. Macguire is not the guy. He is retiring. There’s better choices within and I don’t mean Huisman!
where are M&C. Silenced by King Edward. These are the people who are supposed to represent the taxpayers. Failure across the board
A lot of the crap that goes on in this town is because King Edward allows it. He allowed Campbell’s ego to get almost as big as his if not bigger. He allowed Huisman to come back and continue to rob the taxpayers with his made up administrative assistant position. I would bet that half the things King Edward does the mayor and council don’t know about. Like his free boat slip.
Step 1: Lower the salary.
Step 2: Post the job. Open it everyone. (Belmar and non-Belmar)
Step 3: Hire the most qualified candidate.
You may get someone from another town who has years of experience and is looking to make a move.
Step 4: SEE STEP 1 !
#57- BINGO. Absolutely correct. Anyone out there have an issue with that post? No, not you Mr. Mayor. Let us all see how he responds to those “makes sense to me” points. And if he deviates from ANY of those points, vote him the F out of office, as we will Tommie in a month. #voteforgerry
Mayor and council, is dating the chief of police nepotism?
Huisman is still here pretending he’s a boss. Haven’t seen him on the back of a garbage truck or putting up fence on the beach yet.
#59 Don’t think it is. However may be an above average dumb move.
Used to be your family wanted you to succeed and for success you were rewarded. Now the flavor of the day seems to denigrate success. Instead of the cream rising there are sinkers in the pool protesting against success. Be careful Cherry Orchard owners.
#54 – Too bad John is retiring. He was always the right choice for the top job. That doesn’t change anything though. The next head of the DPW should come from the ranks of the workers already there.
#59- Friends with benefits with benefits with benefits?
John is not retiring. They tried to push him out. He holds the appropriate credentials and has the ability to do the job. Worked his way up from the bottom. All the guys love him. Let’s see what Wallie does.
Whether John Macguire decides to retire or not, he’s not the guy. He has been spewing nothing but negativity around town for years. There are other good people in the ranks better suited.
The Hines family endorses Jerry for Belmar Town Council
First of all Mike Campbell was a good guy, Mike did not take any crap from anyone.
Problem is everyone is to sensitive and looking to get someone in trouble for financial or political gain.
Mike is a tough boss I worked for him and liked him.
As far a Drew he is a great guy and deserves everything he has gotten.
I hope he gets the spot.
Sounds like a bunch of wash women here who have nothing better to do here but cry.
Ray #68, do you think it was ok for Campbell to use MY tax dollars to move HIS furniture ? If so, do you think it’s ok if public works cuts my grass ?
Ray Wingerter, you don’t have a f ing clue
Ray Wingerter, you don’t have a f ing clue
Friday, October 2, 2020 at 8:52 pm | Permalink
I wont respond to clowns who cant put there real names.
I know Im dealing with some children here.
Have a great day:)
Ray #68, do you think it was ok for Campbell to use MY tax dollars to move HIS furniture ? If so, do you think it’s ok if public works cuts my grass ?
I don’t think its right to do personal things on company time or tax payers dollars, that is why we have disciplinary action. I’m not in charge so I cant hold anyone accountable.
Ray Wingerter, you don’t have a f ing clue
Friday, October 2, 2020 at 8:52 pm | Permalink
What is your real name? Just curious?
Why hide?
73-That’s his real name. I investigated.
Mayor Walsifer. Campbell is gone, thank you for that. Hopefully Huisman is next. Can you explain to me why do nothing Frank Cinelli a again taking home a new boro vehicle, a small black suv. Is he that pertinent to the operation of the town. He’s an 80 plus thousand dollar do nothing. Oh thats right, he collects the mail. Mayor, stop allowing this mismanagement. He stops home ten times a day. What a waste of taxpayers money!
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