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Christie Sighting!

Some new information has come to light in the Christie “toured Lake Como” mystery and I am duty bound to share it with you.

It has been reported to me that a Belmar resident of unimpeachable integrity did indeed spot Governor Christie in the Lake Como area last Wednesday.  I don’t know why Council President Magovern said that Christie didn’t see the lake.  I guess he didn’t know.

Anyway I guess now it’s physically possible that the letter about the visit could have been written after Christie was here but I still doubt it.  It reads to me like it might have been prepared ahead of time.  It doesn’t really say anything about what Christie said while he was here.  (I can understand why it might not say anything about what the governor said to Jim Keady.)  The letter mostly talks about what the mayor said.

In the end it doesn’t matter.  It is completely obvious this letter was rushed to have it delivered before the election. There is nothing in it that would be time sensitive, yet these letters started hitting mailboxes something like 40 hours after Christie left.  The first class postage is a dead giveaway.  It’s a campaign piece and it was paid for by the taxpayers.  Read the 90 day rule.

BTW, aware of what skeptical minds my readers have, the Belmar resident who saw Christie in the Lake Como area sent along this video he captured of the sighting. Sorry about the poor quality.

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