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Do Belmar residents EVER have a say in anything. Sickened that Doherty continues to make any side deal he chooses.
“It was sad when the great ship went down.”
#1. Dear Fed Up. You could stand up. You could organize others, DAH! Stop whining and do something.
Why not layoff DPW also?!?
Years of fiscal irresponsibility has lead to this. Belmar should, in no way, get involved with policing Lake Como.
I’m not sure I understand why this would be a problem. Belmar provides many services to Lake Como already, including emergency dispatch and detective. If there has been fiscal irresponsibility over the years, then this effort would be to correct that. From what I understand, the alternative is to disband the PD and have the State Police patrol the area. I think Belmar residents should embrace this and see it as the first step towards merging the 2 towns.
609- problem is that Belmar says they would need to hire 5 more cops.
609, here is my thinking. Police and fire\rescue are the most important utility my tax dollars pay for. When there is an emergency, such as health issue, physical violence, or property being destroyed, legally, these are the only entity that can protect you. You pay for this protect through your taxes. When alcohol is involved, all of the above issues are multiplied 10 fold. Last May there were fist fights in the middle of 16th ave in front of my house on a Tuesday night at 1:00 am from beat the clock at Bar-A. The police took over 20 minutes to respond. Belmar police were overwhelmed that night with the amount of calls because of the nice weather. Now, a town that has 9 more liquor license establishments, summer rentals, and very little tax revenue (they can’t afford their own police) want Belmar police force to ensure the safety of all Lake Como residents as well? I’m sorry, but those 9 establishments come at a price that Belmar cannot afford. If my son has a seizure and stops breathing, I pray it will not be on a Tuesday, Friday, or Saturday evening. I pay property taxes to ensure my family’s safety, not to make sure Bar-A doesn’t allow in under-agers. Whatever Lake Como wants to pay, it won’t be enough to equal the lost security, and response time to my family.
…and 609 there are many other alternatives. Don’t be fooled by your mayor and council’s lack of problem solving skills. If they can’t solve the problem, maybe they should step aside and allow others that can.
#8 Jim i agree with you. To the Mayor and Council its not a crime if you don’t know what you are doing or need guidance,ask for help, we are here to help if you ask. If you intentions are not on the up and up it will be a matter of time you all will face a Judge, this time criminal not civil. I think you all should take this as sound advice.
@Jim: Bar-A is in Lake Como…Belmar already dealing with their problems. Now we can get paid for it.
We have enough issues in Belmar, with 44 million dollars in debt and enough of our own bars that require much policing. Soon our taxes will be increased significantly. In the summer people will start to argue about parking it might seem silly but many fights start from that and we have no parking so expect to see fights over parking spots, it’s our future. Finally and most importantly whoever was in authority making the deal with the PBA delegate at the time is the one that should be held responsible from Lake Como. I do not know the details of the salaries of the police officers but they are contractually bound and the only sneaky way to get out of the contract is the dissolution of the entire police department that is the loop hole Lake Como is using. They were well aware this budget problem was happening and irresponsibly did not address it. Three other towns refused to take on Lake Como’s problems only Dohery would make our town suffer financially and through diminished quality of life. He thinks he will be a hero saving Lake Como. How about he just attends our council meetings and is around for all our issues in Belmar and there are many. There are other solutions for Lake Como aside from Belmar picking up the tab without having any authority over the businesses we would police.
You overlook my concern for easy cash. Just because we are receiving money doesn’t bring a faster respond time and better service. It might help pay off Belmar’s $49 million debt, but at the expense of Belmars citizens and visitors security. Lake Como has 10 police officers. Belmar is now going to do all of their jobs plus deal with the problems in Belmar. How will this improve security?
Without all the bars, I think this would be great shared service, but if Lake Como wants all those liquor licenses let them police them.
Matt and Council are doing a terrible job here in Belmar. I am sorry for the layoff in Lake Como, they will be fine but I am sure they will be worried until the dust settles. Belmar can not take on probs of other towns. All the local municipal mis-management will catch up with all of us. This is just the first shoe to drop.
Even if the cash was “easy” the fact of the matter is Belmar is doing a fair amount of Lake Como police work as it is: dispatch, detective work, jail, court and mutual aid. There’s no natural barrier between the 2 towns and this “merger” will be symbiotic.
609- Symbolic for Matt in his failed bid to become a County Freeloader. A Feather. He and Lake Como are the only winners. I can not speak for Wall PBA Local 234, but I can almost guarantee that when a mutual aide requests goes out from Belmar in the future for a large fight at Bar-A, don’t expect to see five units responding from Wall in an expedient manner. Union busters Matt and Brian, in creating their Police Organization, have created some sore feelings amongst Law Enforcement . And yes Jim,#7, I agree. I have spoken at many a recent council meeting to deaf ears. People please wake up. Lake Como win-wins with a million dollar a year savings ( perhaps their property taxes will go down). Belmar loses in all categories, more responsibilities, liabilities, and guaranteed slower response times to Belmar residence. We may, may net a couple of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year but how is that equitable? Remember the deal is Belmar 75% AND Lake Como is 25% of the budget. Well then Belmar should net one million dollars (75%) and Lake Como should save 330 thousand (25%). And Matt’s the only one at the table negotiating. Really?
Maybe Matt can get a job as a police officer , I’m sure his wife has to getting tired of supporting the family. The extra income would come in handy.
Those are shared services for which we are paid.
#16- NO, that would require a set of BxxxS and Honesty, something he will never have. He wants to become a Financial Planner when he grows up. Right now he’s practicing with Monopoly money. When that money dries up he’ll close up the board and bring out Chutes and Ladders. LMAO right now picturing that mischievous little smirk. Cute. C’mon, giggle right now if you agree.
How do you think Lake Como got into their mess? Mismanagement of Mayor and Council. Residents just going along. Pushing the realities of finacial fiasco down to the next folks taking over. Wow. That sounds like Belmar in the making. Borrow Borrow Borrow. Then get out of town with splashy headlines of “recovery ” and leave before the you know what hits the fan!!!!
Bob Kirk, God Bless him, warned the residents of SOUTH BELMAR, now LAKE COMO, of the borough’s impending bankruptcy 20 + years ago. Doug Witte,Councilman on both sides of the aisle and April Witte Claudio’s father, knew well back then that they were treading on shallow tax base funding & that the books weren’t balancing. Fast forward 2015-16…Why wouldn’t LAKE COMO vote for lower taxes by unloading their police department onto the taxpayers of Belmar. No brainer. Check out the voting rolls.
Mr/Ms A- There’s a right way to do things and there’s a wrong way to do things. Please take the time and Google Princeton Twp./Princeton Boro merger in 2011, the right way to do things. There was a reason Mr. Richardella, stopped, hesitated, and answered “I’ll have to look into that” when questioned by Ms. Blackburn as to whether this type of Police service contract has every been attempted in the past by any other NJ towns. It has never been done before at this magnitude. Mr. Richardella knew that but LIED, as he did through most of his presentation, quickly scurrying out to avoid pressing questions. He feared that people whom had already seen the same presentation in Lake Como several weeks ago would call him out on his misrepresentations of the facts and his slanted views. Go to the video and read pages 4 and 41. Page 4 states “ratios such as Officers per thousand population are totally inappropriate as a basis for staffing levels….”. On page 41 he then uses the formula 2.3 Officer per thousand residents … equals 3.9 Officers needed. Total fabrication and Lies. This whole process has been done willy-nilly for POLITICAL AGENDAS needed. Absolutely no consideration for the needs and concerns of Belmar residents.
#20 – No brainer.
Doing the right thing isn’t a “no brainer.” Years ago, politicians did the right thing after they loused up. But nowadays, even after they make a mess of things they still will refuse to do the right thing. They want to continue on just as before as if nothing has changed. be it Detroit, Puerto Rico, Camden, or even little Lake Como.
#16 The Truth. Matt would not last as a police officer, he makes up his own rules, does not follow ethics, does not take orders from others and would probably fall asleep on the night shift. He would not last a week.
Ask the mayor how many people exit onto Belmar streets from BAR A, MC CANN’S, PATTY MAC’$,BOATHOUSE, shillelaligh and Djais nightclub at 2:00am and then use that formula to police our town during the high season.
Does anyone even wonder why Tommie Palmisano, who ironically is leaving amongst this BS, was never asked to voice his opinion on exactly how many additional Officers would be needed? A man with almost a 30 history at BPD. Instead they told Capt. H. exactly what to say, with some uncertainty, perhaps as a prerequisite for the top job. Lost my respect. I vote for Tommy Cox.
Doherty wants bars open year round and also to add to our officers burden by taking on LC. I know of someone who was looking to purchase a home- made an offer on new construction on 16th.. the person was told, by an officer who policed that block, not to purchase a home there – he explained that they would never have peace – they would have drunks urinating and vomiting on their lawn. Essentially our police cannot handle things as they are. This couple rescinded their offer and purchased in a neighboring town.. the home on 16th sold for much less than they had offered. so much for the Mayors concern for residents and property values..
I am soo done with this that I’ve decided to sell my house and leave town….I will return as a season rental or a day tripper and use all these “Free” services….thanks Matt!!!!
If this policing fiasco comes to pass and there is a medical emergency at my house and I cannot get help quickly and there are dire consequences, whom do I sue? Believe me, someone will pay.
#26 Would you voice that at a meeting? Preferably a big, well attended one with media taking notes? Very important point. Too many families steer clear of buying in Belmar. So, the obnoxious visitors hurt our property values and our school – 2 areas that should be top priority for Mayor and Council.
I told the Mayor about it right after it happened.. he basically called me a liar.. the couple did not want to give the officer’s name – because they felt he had helped them and did not want to cause him trouble. They got his name and contact info from Belmar website – based on the officer listed for that block – I am pretty sure what officer gave them this advice. I stand by my story – but if I cannot give my source, will it be believable? These people were gung ho about this house.. and they spent slightly more in a neighboring town – so it was not sticker shock or buyer remorse.. it was the advice they got from this officer.
29 – I will tell my story – just let me know when.
Lets get a collection going to fund printing of maps and rental of 5 porta potties to place in front of the Mayor and the council members homes.Printed maps of 24 hour comfort stations available.I think we are providing a great public service.
#31 – Tread lightly sir…
#609 Belmar does not provide detective services to Lake Como. They do their own investigations.
Taxes in Lake Como will never go down, they just won’t be raised if the vote doesn’t pass. The school board has very recently helped out Lake Como’s situation and alleviated some of their “debt” now further lowering the overall amount of taxes needed from residents to keep the PD. If you do the research, when a town loses its PD, you also lose the town. Especially if the PD is the only source of revenue. In 5 years, Lake Como will become Belmar.
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