This is as of 2013. I believe there are two more commercial properties on the list now. Click on each page to see it big enough to read.
Block 76, lot 1 is 701 Main St, a redevelopment property:
In 2015 we have two more buildings that have come under redevelopment law:
According to a story in the Asbury Park Press the total we received in “payments in lieu of taxes” for redevelopment properties in 2015 is $62,500. Does that mean all these properties together paid only $62,500? Anyone know?
This is disgusting! Reading this made me madder and pissed off. I like everyone of us pay a lot of taxes in this town. They all should be paying their share. Of course they will say Church’s are exempt.
30 year Tax Abatement on the Seaport Ventures 701 Main Street property.
If a business is profitable it should pay taxes.
Stop the scams
It means >>>>Another tool the government(NJ) has to do what they think is best. However if you read various articles it is simple to know the NJ is BROKE. This is just one of the dumb things that happen here in NJ. It’s over ..NJ is broke. Putting my huge house up for sale next spring. Any suggestions as to where I should move? Now be nice about this.
This is what Matt does to keep his friends happy. It costs the taxpayers money but most residents do not care and believe since municipal real estate taxes have not increased in 5 years life is wonderful in Belmar. Idiots.
If redevelopment worked for the benefit of residents …. all towns would do it!
I am open minded about candidate niche properties with a targeted specific use …. however, notice that all Belmar redevelopment projects contain residential components because of actual demand …. there is little demand for commercial space and will continue to dwindle with internet shopping, etc. Belmar commercial rateables dropped $5M or 5.5% this year.
Perhaps the most bothersome is the fact that redevelopment deals shortchange Belmar public education taxes and redevelopment residents would be sending their kids to school.
Gene Creamer for Mayor!!!!
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