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Moncayo – Huapango & Silvestre Revueltas – La Noche de los mayas …
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I thought I’d put this on after watching/listening to Brennan and the other guy at the other end talk. Give me a break about those guys racing down the road at 35 mph with the plows down chopping up out roadways and curbs because it might freeze. It might also turn to 105 degrees F. What a bunch of horse manure.
Enjoy the music.
Video for Moncayo – Huapango (Alondra de la Parra, Orchestre de Paris) 9:03
Jun 17, 2018 – Uploaded by wocomoMUSIC
From the Philharmonie de Paris, 2015 (Music starts at 0:21) In the colors … Silvestre Revueltas – La Noche de …
I’m glad the last resident on the video asked about the PILOT programs. I hope they give the residents an answer to her questions. I think Belmar has ENOUGH PILOT’s and let’s start collecting taxes from all the new development.
How about a nice story about Belmar…
Oh, yeah? Well how about this one?
Admin…. That is very distressing news…. Not good…
#3-Thank you bringing a positive story on this blog. Nothing but hate, thinking that is way off the grid,( remarks about children leaving school in the fifth grade) and insults without merit.(former mayor at D’jai’s on parade day remarks-like him or not, those comments were totally out of line). Your story is a refreshing change. I get that the administrator of this blog wants to bring the realities of Belmar to light, which is a good idea. But certain comments are horrific and stupid. Guess the administrator can’t pick and choose comments. Good or bad-smart or dumb-they all get published. I’m glad for the positive story by summertime. But now that I reflect on it, administrator wanted to counter it with a negative one. Are we only focusing on bad stuff? We received the phone calls from the borough cautioning about car break-ins. And the administrator posted information on it as well . But the timing and placement is questionable. It’s like, the good story has to be cancelled out. Only bad stuff is what we want on the blog.
Same ol’ crap. Lawyers answering questions for our elected officials. Diversion tactic at its best. The love for Mike Campbell is ridiculous. Vote all incumbents out until the right people are in place.
#6 Disagree with you……………
Here’s a good one:
#9 – That is a disgrace.
#9-Thanks Aileen, for more great news about our teens. Young people today are fantastic in every way. They deserve to be in the spotlight.
#9….Wrestling is a great sport, happy to see young ladies having the opportunity to compete…
I feel very sorry for these young women. They will most likely become spinsters and lead very sad lives.
We are engaged in a culture war and this is one part of it – telling young people of both sexes that to go against their nature
is an acceptable thing. Years from now when these young women finally figure out they’ve been deceived, all the people cheering for them now will no longer be around for them. This is an extremely bad situation.
we paid the attorneys $52K last month … itemized work … nice to see Susko v Belmar.
T.D. you are right as always. Whats’ next? Woman will start competing in other sports? Or start climbing mountains, or sailing the seas, or curing diseases, or creating life saving drugs, or fighting terrorists, or creating jobs, or (gasp) voting?!? No! You ladies needn’t worry about the physical stuff or the complex stuff, let the men handle that. You just stay home and make babies and be seen and not heard.
Mr. Dilberger, you are an amazing specimen. Your single mindedness and the way you cling to your nonsense is breathtaking.
I want you to do something for me please. I want you to close your eyes and pretend that the champion wrestler is your granddaughter. Are you going to have eyes fill up with grandfatherly tears from the overwhelming pride you feel every time you see her wrestle? Or are you gonna scoff and scowl at this amazingly courageous person? For your sake, I hope it’s the former.
#13-The other part of young women who wrestle is injuries to sensitive areas of their bodies, such as the breasts, and lower abdomens and private areas. Of course, I’m not knowing about propective gear. But still, if my daughter were of age, I think I wouldn’t want her involved in this sport.
#16- Look at the statistics. Cheerleading is more dangerous to women/girls than every other combined combined.
So if safety is a concern, have her put down the pom poms and put on the tights.
#15 – Sir/Madam, You cherry pick and speak as a child. I assure you I want only the best (as I’m sure you do as well but are too inexperienced to understand what is going on in our culture at large) for our young men and women, but only in accord with their different natures. Once either group, male or female steps over a boundary put their by nature, nothing good will come of it. As I said, such young women who indulge in such things as wrestling well into their maturity are destined to lead very unhappy lives(most of them will become spinsters I think) and I will not be part of encouraging such activities. If you’d like to respond to what I just wrote, I’ll be happy to engage you in thoughtful discussion.
#16 – Absolutely correct.
Best thing about young females learning to wrestle, is they will be able to defend themselves against the CREEPS in the world….
Tom Dildoberger. So glad to know you are almost extinct. You act as though the most worthwhile accomplishment for a woman is to become a wife. Sad little man. Women can be athletes, women can be whatever they want to be. How frightened you must be knowing that we will one day have a female President? I hope you do not have daughters and if you do, I hope they succeed in whatever goals they have set, in spite of your misogynistic beliefs.
Mr D, it goes against my better judgement to engage with you. As my father always said ‘never get into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent’. But here goes.
Spinster? That’s the word you choose? So women athletes don’t get married? That is a grade A, platinum level crazytime statement. However, it doesn’t really metter because a woman’s happiness (or anyone’s for that matter) is not determined only by marriage. Happiness comes from within my friend. It comes from being a good person and being comfortable with who you are. It comes from letting in the love and loving others. Ever since the women’s suffrage movement in the late 19th century there have been ‘men’ like you at every turn. Waiting to claim the sky is gonna fall if women are allowed to vote or drive or be alone in a public place or earn a living or join the military or play sports. This is no different. They all have something in common. They are all on the wrong side of history. As are you.
The world changes Mr D. It’s the only thing that is certain. People like you need to accept it and try to find courage it takes to find the beauty in it. I know you’re scared, but you should try.
However, if you are truly opposed to women engaging in physical sports due to the risk of becoming spinsters and therefore leading unhappy lives; there are a couple groups that hold the same philosophy that you may want to look into-ISIS and the Taliban. You will find sollice in their backwards, fear based, dangerous, and intolerant views.
I believe they are currently accepting applications.
How about we get back on topic of this council meeting and the fact that this “new” council is using old tactics of deflecting questions to the attorneys to answer.
Why do you people entertain this Tom guy? I’d rather listen to Clair’s BS. Leave him alone and maybe he’ll just go away. Stop wasting admin’s time.
#23. Claire who?
#21 – Sadly, many of these young women who are being so mis-educated as to their nature will be spinsters. While there are a few women of course who can do just about anything their is to do, it is not in the nature of women in general to do these things so they shouldn’t be pointed in a wrong direcshun by the marxist commie schools and teechurs these days.
I wonder if the Bean’s son was a girl (who liked wrestling like he does now)….I guess they wouldn’t even know each other…Dilberger wouldn’t be the “mentor” he is to that boy. Think about it Tracy and Jim. Are you proud of Bella? Is your son proud to stand next to her on the mat? Since you’re so outspoken with conviction for what’s right, how bout speaking now? Where do you stand? Or, maybe you should have your son respond.
By the way #16 – I can handle a knee between my legs better than my husband can.
No animal in the jungle messes with a mother’s cubs!
Madam, My advice two you is to seek psychiatric attenshun.
This thread, while serious has turned into something so comical that I had tears running down my eyes with laughter. This is worthy of an Archie bunker type SNL skit. I really needed a good laugh this morning and did I ever get it. Sometimes I agree with Tom sometimes I don’t. One thing is for sure he will tell you how he really feels and that type of honesty is very rare these days.
I personally love to see woman participating in any self defense activity because it’s a crazy world out there and you never know.
#26 I honestly cannot speak regarding whether “if” my son was a girl…he is 17 years old right now, and I have another son who is 12. At this point I have never thought of daughters! As for Bella, she was a teammate with Maximus for years. Max was very good friends with her and as a family we always cheer her on. I am very happy for her. Not sure why you care though or why you asked for our opinion on the subject…I guess our opinions matter to you, very nice to hear! But you are wrong in assuming Mr. Dilberger would not be a mentor if my son were a different sex. As a woman, I have a very high respect for Tom Dilberger and for his opinions. I am honored enough to observe how he lives his life and how he treats others. And I am happy to see my son volunteer beside him, always doing all he can to help others. And one more note Cavewoman, stay away from my underage son. Your obsession with him creeps me out. I know he is highly accomplished after being homeschooled, receiving scholarships that pay for his elite high school, is in all honors classes, receives High honors grades, is all varsity in two seasons of rugby and also wrestling, all since Freshman year mind you, represents CBA at the Archdiocese, was chosen to be a Guru to incoming Freshman and won multiple awards for his writing and photography, your obsession with him is disturbing…
obsession? whoa! All I knew was that he wrestled along with Bella and you’re close with Tom.
That it appears that attorneys are being relied upon to address some matters is a smart way to go, not a deflection by the mayor, after all, the borough is in deep doodoo and attorneys should be valuable for future lawsuits, unfortunate, but true, considering the morass created by Doherty and his crew of miscreants. I think that the full impact of the mess will take a while to be evident. Remember that the former BA was allowed to sign contracts, and we know how credible she was. And Doherty, forget it, as far as acting in the best interest of the borough. Belmar was the launching pad for his future, and for his wife’s as well.
Maybe if our former attorneys spent more time openly informing the council and the residents of the rules and regs we wouldn’t be in quite the mess we are in.
Instead we got 450 an hour partisan hacks defending the indefensible.
I’m quite pleased to have things explained. A lot of bad things can go unnoticed until it is too late when we are kept in the dark or we ignore things.
Katrina you hit the nail on the head. We need to watch our backs proactively.
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