I had some trouble with the camera that caused it to stop taping for a few minutes last night. I think we missed about twenty minutes of the meeting between part 1 and part 2. I’m so sorry.
Part 1:
Part 2:
I had some trouble with the camera that caused it to stop taping for a few minutes last night. I think we missed about twenty minutes of the meeting between part 1 and part 2. I’m so sorry.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Union thugs again brought into our town by the mayor to speak about forcing an unnecessary, heavily regulated, second layer Federal oversight program that will add significant financial burden to the taxpayers. We have a small shore community we need to let the residents decide, those that live here and pay taxes. Let us work together to get things completed in a fiscally responsible way. Vote for Jim Bean he makes so much sense and cares about the people.
Looks like a Maggie Moran orchestrated Port Authority meeting. http://www.northjersey.com/news/top-christie-port-authority-appointees-devised-toll-hike-plan-to-bolster-image-of-nj-ny-governors-1.734478 Claire Deicke head cheerleader leading the her “political” supporters who send her PAC money to write letters on behalf of the Mayor and Maggie. It’s interesting in the “public session” the Mayor gives the union guy all the time he wants to berate Councilman Jim Bean and cuts off Belmar residents mid comment. If Matt can get enough of his “non resident supporters” to attend our meetings he will not only, not have to answer Belmar residents, he won’t even have to listen to Belmar residents. Now that would be quite an accomplishment by a mayor of the “peoples” party” wouldn’t it Claire. Maybe someone could put out extra chairs for the Belmar residents standing in the back of the room, I’d gladly volunteer for that.
Mike-Love being called a cheerleader-makes me feel young! The message sent was from the Democratic Committee-as well it should be-after all, we’re the people party (historically-when you write comments like this, it incites me to work harder for Matt & Tom-I’m working hard now, but I’m going to increase my efforts many times over……thanks for the inspiration-at least I can tell who you are-you basically write under your own name-chairs are a great idea for the back of the room-actually, as I looked around, there were empty seats.but, by all means, take the intiative to request chairs-yyou’re a big boy….let us know about the debate situation-you never had the courtesy to respond-it’s interesting how Jim immediately said, “Yes-of course” .When asked if he’d participate, and your campaign manager and Republican chairperson said “we’re not saying yes”. This has been going on for soon-to-be-a month-I would have never reached out to the League of Women Voters” if jim had said no to the idea-he was enthusiastic with his response.” Scold me all you want, but really….try to keep your supporters in line at the next council meeting- that should be your greater concern..very rude behavior-it’s all one way-when someone gets up to defend their position rudeness prevails….shouting out…..-I guess some folks think they’re entitled to be rude-like you not responding to my phone call about the debate….
Chamber of Commerce emailed Luis Pulito several times last year about a debate. Never answered a single one of them.
I agree Jim Bean cares about people. I think the other guy cares just about himself.
I believe that the current mayor and his cronie council members (including those past) still have the mirrors, but they are running out of the smoke.
I think we need a new timekeeper! …. The clock should be visible and stopped when a councilmember breaks into a integrity rant …. that didn’t pass the red face test.
Who is that woman sitting in the front row on the extreme left, with all those union guys? Did she reserve those seats for them?
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