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Council Meeting Of October 1, 2019

* Bond ordinance tabled *

Walsifer: Good financial moves mean we might not need the whole $1.3 million.


  1. Anonymous wrote:

    Meaning: I’m not borrowing over a million $$$ one month before an election where we voted to raise taxes.

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 6:25 am | Permalink
  2. Jim Bean wrote:

    Can someone look at the 2018 audit, page 23 and let me know what this is.

    Investments in general capital Funds Notes 2017 : $1,000,000

    Due From General Capital Fund 2018: $1,000,000


    What are the general capital fund notes?

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 7:31 am | Permalink
  3. Anonymous wrote:

    #1-Absolutely correct. Then come the first meeting after the election and he will tell you he needs to bond for more money. Please Mr. Mayor, show me the budget cuts. Sorry I can’t afford to live on the Ocean, I guess if I could I wouldn’t be asking for cuts. How does Lake Como reduce taxes and ours go up over 10%. We provide 90% of their services. Start negotiating better agreements.

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 2:55 pm | Permalink
  4. Live on the Ocean wrote:

    Are you mad at Walsifer or are you just bitter you can’t live on the ocean? Hey, buddy, we’re all very lucky to live within a mile from a sandy beach in the free world on the beautiful Atlantic. QuitYerBitchin’

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 4:00 pm | Permalink
  5. Anonymous wrote:

    Was hoping for McCracken’s answers to his 27 budget questions. We didn’t forget

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 4:05 pm | Permalink
  6. OLD MAN wrote:

    #5 He forgot

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 4:43 pm | Permalink
  7. Guest wrote:

    Did Tom Brennan quit? He never attends meetings!

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 6:51 pm | Permalink
  8. Guest wrote:

    5 – He should have plenty of free time after the election.

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 7:39 pm | Permalink
  9. The Grass wrote:

    #3 Taxes went up because the was no tax raise in 8 years. Get with it. That was an unrealistic model for operating the town. Oh yeah, and the prior administration got us nearly 40 million in debt. Stop drinking the Kool Aid

    Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 8:26 am | Permalink
  10. Anonymous wrote:

    #9, can you tell everybody where the cuts were made in this budget ? Everybody has been made well aware of the fact that the prior administration may have created debt issues BUT that still doesn’t give the new administration a pass when it comes to budget cuts. Where are the cuts ?!

    Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 9:10 am | Permalink
  11. elemental wrote:

    #7 I think he went to Italy for a vacation, and his term will not be over this year. Never say never.

    Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 3:59 pm | Permalink
  12. Anonymous wrote:

    #9- No, taxes went up because the new regime didn’t have the bells to make the necessary cuts. The budget for this sized town is way out of control. And somehow now they claim they brought in an extra unexpected 900k????
    Amazing how that 900k just about equals your recent 10% tax increase. These people really think they are dealing with a bunch of idiots. Give me a break.

    Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 6:30 pm | Permalink
  13. Dogs wrote:

    Really off topic and I apologize, but does anyone know the current rules about dogs on the beach in the offseason? I have enough trouble with dog walkers not picking up their dog droppings on my front lawn/sidealk, let alone going to sit on the beach and have dog droppings everywhere. Its bad everywhere but especially bad on 20th and 21st ave. People leaving dog sh!t and baggies on the beach, dogs off their leashes. Is there no one to enforce any kind of rules about this in the offseason? Its very unsanitary and is a human/environmental health concern.

    Friday, October 4, 2019 at 12:23 am | Permalink
  14. dog days wrote:

    According to the giant blinking trailer/sign parked on Ocean Ave- no dogs on beach all year. There is a designated dog beach between SL and Belmar at the brick gates. People who don’t clean up after their dog are the worst. AND they ruin it for those of us that do. So when you have a dog and are frustrated with the restrictions, blame the lazy dog owners.

    Friday, October 4, 2019 at 8:18 am | Permalink
  15. Poop wrote:

    Funny this was posted, I literally stepped on dog poop this morning on the beach. Barefoot.

    Friday, October 4, 2019 at 12:04 pm | Permalink
  16. the reaper wrote:

    #15 Get checked for hookworm. I never walk barefoot outdoors. Every surface is coated with doggie doo, melts and spreads everywhere when it rains.

    Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7:15 pm | Permalink
  17. eugene creamer wrote:

    a good place to walk your dog is the Lake Como Pipe Beach

    Friday, October 4, 2019 at 10:10 pm | Permalink
  18. Dogs wrote:

    #17 – only if the dogs are leashed and the owners pick up after their dogs. Getting pretty unsanitary down there.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 8:47 am | Permalink
  19. #10 – “the prior administration MAY HAVE created debt issues”? MAY HAVE? Seriously? I don’t think anyone can argue the fact that they actually did. Let’s just all agree to that fact.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 9:53 am | Permalink
  20. Amen wrote:

    #19 Yes. We can discuss the current administrations approach to the financial crisis that we are in. However, what is not debatable is the fact that the former administration got us in to this mess. There is plenty of documented evidence of the former mayor and BA played fast and loose with Belmar’s money. That is settled. Any discussion about the current administration and their approach to spending has to be framed by the fact that for the last 8 years was the wild west and our debt problems can be laid at the feet of Mr Doherty.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:39 am | Permalink
  21. Anonymous wrote:

    OK DEBT IS REAL. To you and all the other people out there who refuse to answer the question, WHERE ARE THE CUTS???? At least I can answer that. There were none. These salaries and total budget are way out of line. Cut the fat.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:53 am | Permalink
  22. #21 – Do you also agree that this very large, real debt is due to the financial wrongdoings of the previous administration? When will this town get around to truly acknowledging that and confront & challenge those responsible for such incompetence and thievery.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 12:39 pm | Permalink
  23. Amen wrote:

    Yes. Where are the cuts? I think we all agree there should be substantial cuts to expenses. Just wanted to be clear about who burnt down the forest while we discuss how to repair it. I still hold out hope that Matt and gang will be held accountable. But, yes, cut cut cut. No argument here.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 2:03 pm | Permalink
  24. The Dems wrote:

    The Dems are clearly using the lack of cuts as a political tactic to get back in power, and play fast and loose with the town’s money once again. Making major cuts in the first year is a lot easier said than done. The current administration deserves more time to help fix the situation. They’ve done FAR more good than bad for the town so far.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 2:04 pm | Permalink
  25. callmecynical wrote:

    Ok, cut social programs, senior lunches, close playgrounds. Those things are not necessary. Just making a point. Take some things away that people are accustomed to and they will complain. What is necessary? Police, most DPW. Reduce those and people will also complain about crime and snow on streets, clogged storm drains. Cannot make everybody happy.

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 3:09 pm | Permalink
  26. #24 Yes – I agree. The current administration has been handed a shocking financial situation. The past administration left us in shambles financially. And it seems the hits have not stopped coming. Another lawsuit, or two, headed our way. It’s a disgrace! How can they not be ashamed? You can’t expect the current administration to turn around eight years of deceit in one budget. They are heading us in the right direction. It may not be fast enough for you, #21, but it’s a start. Do you know if the current Democratic candidates have a solid plan to undo their predecessors unlawful financial wizardry? If so, please share. They seem quick to denounce the tax increase, but then fall silent. How about a real candidates forum? You know, one where ALL council candidates let the voters know where they stand. Oh wait – the Democrats have decided to sit that out. I wonder why?

    Monday, October 7, 2019 at 4:43 pm | Permalink

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