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Does anyone know where and when residents can purchase seasonal beach badges. Are they being limited? Apparently surrounding towns will be limiting the amount of seasonal badges being sold. Asbury park is sold out?? Bradley will sell up till 5/15/20. Two hour lines in Avon. Here we go, some plan huh.
Way above average dumb stuff going on. Confusion will prevail.
I believe that Belmar will be selling Season Passes this Saturday at Taylor Pavilion – cash or check
#1,2&3 go to borough website it has all the info on buying beach badges it’s not a secret.
when you complete the application correctly … the best feature of a Belmar season badge is the toe-tag function
#I ain’t buying any stink en badges!!!
So the dead bodies fished out of the ocean or lying on the beach can be identified by the badges attached to the swimsuits. No fake names or addresses on the applications if you want your loved ones to know of your demise. I ain’t goin’ in no stinkin’ ocean.
Voting on today booze to go from bars ,drink and drive. https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2020/Bills/S2500/2413_I1.HTM
5 & 7. You really believe many will die as a result of enjoying the beach?
If today was any indication of what our summer will be like in Belmar we all better not leave our houses.
Crowds everywhere, no parking by 1pm and most were not wearing a mask.
The rules are already not being enforced. It’s going to be a long summer here Belmar. And just think about all of the summer rentals packed with kids and no bars for them to go to.
Belmar will be house party central!
Today, a bright and sunny, warm day, I saw several people walking back from the beach without masks and small groups of young people walking close to each other or riding bicycles in clusters without masks. Sorry, I fear that the grim reaper many have his season. I just do not trust many people. Some good folk have been practicing social distancing in town, god bless them, but overall I have a hard time being optimistic and my inherent cynicism leads me to focus on the selfishness and self-centeredism of many. Bodies washing up on the beach was an exaggeration, but was an image in my head. Hyperbole speaks at times.
From what I saw yesterday as I walked with my sandwich signs in opposition to the lockdown (the vast majority of people are very much in favor of what I’m doing)is the authorities better open up very soon. Their window of opportunity is shutting. Ocean Ave was really packed with very many cars (about 3:30PM) yesterday. There could be a riot[s] if they don’t act soon. Our leadership at all levels in this state is very inexperienced.
#10 and 11 inside then! Don’t tread on me! I’m sure you keyboard warriors will make a huge difference
We will be prisoners in our homes because of the debt this town is in.Anything goes now in Belmar as long as it pays fees to the Boro.Maybe our some of our council members will go to there other homes out of state to escape the crowds they are sending to Belmar.I can not leave.I only have one home and it’s here in Belmar.
Keep laughing, y’all, whoop it up before last call. New rooms are being added to the mansion in the sky for the scoffers.
12-People are dying, Mr. Dilberger, and not just older folks or those who have compromised health. Recently the obituaries in the App have cited and mentioned young people who have died of the virus…in their 40’s. This is not a fantasy Many people are still dying of the virus. The lockdowns and distancing rules along with the masks are for our own protection. Now we have
learned that children are at risk due to a related illness. What is it about the dangers of Covid-19 that you don’t understand? Medical professionals are putting their own lives at risk to save the lives of people with the virus. Let’s show some respect and appreciation for them by acknowledging what they’re doing. How many people agreed with you on your sandwich board walk? Just curious.
12-Why are government leaders in this state inexperienced? If they fully have and understanding of how dangerous the Covid 19 is, and are doing everything in their power to keep us well and safe. why and how are they inexperienced? They are getting expert information from those in the medical profession who are on the front line of the virus. This is not a hoax, as you claimed in an earlier posting.
12-Why are you suggesting a riot? We have very sick and dying people, and you’re suggesting a riot against the precaution measures set up by government? Get a grip on the reality of the situation. Hoping that no one in your family experiences the virus.
12, Why can’t you have respect for the ill, and those dying .( have died) of the virus? To promote it as a hoax is so hurtful to those who have lost loved ones from covid-19. To go around with a sign to discourage the lockdown ( when it’s been set up to protect us) hurts everyone, with the reality of what’s going on in the world.
#16 – “People are dying”
Yep, everyday and after the “all clear” sounds, they’ll still die. As for how many people agreed with my signs, that would be the vast majority. Once every so often a person quietly disagree, but that person was in the vast minority.
#17 – you think these dimwits are “doing everything in their power to keep us safe?”
“why and how are they inexperienced?”
They are people of the written and spoken word, not people who put their hands on work – Very feminized
“expert – experts know what to say to keep their soft, cushy expert job. “medical profession” – It’s also known as the
“practice of medicine” (they’re practicing)
#18 – “Why are you suggesting a riot?”
I’m not suggesting a riot. Just pointing out there might very well be a riot if these draconian measures aren’t lifted soon.
#19 – “To promote it as a hoax ”
It isn’t me who promoted the hoax. It is gang of liars in within our government and their media allies who promoted and started the hoax in the first place.
“been set up to protect us”
Don’t look to the government for protection. The founding fathers knew it would be the government which would always pose the biggest danger to our liberties.
20-Comments make no sense.
#21 – they never do
Most ridiculous responses yet for # 20.
Unbelievable, unfounded comments by # 20. So individuals who are thinkers and intellects are useless? Only those who work with their hands are a value to society? Where would we be without our thinkers throughout history? Still claiming the virus is a hoax? Way off track with reality. Founding fathers
created govt. guidelines. Why would they then think that government would be a hindrance to our liberties? Governance was established with liberties in mind. 20 is off the mark on so many levels.
Now 20 is disparaging the medical profession. Another group added to his list of those he dislikes. He still can’t admit that the covid 19 virus is real and people are dying from it. Today’s APP listed two brothers in their 50’s who passed from the virus. Me. Dilberger has claimed that only the elderly and individuals with compromised immune systems suffer from tithe Coronavirus. According to the APP article referenced, both these men were of normal health. It’s a worldwide concern, but Mr. D. Thinks it’s a hoax. Go figure.
#25—agreed td has his own sense of reality, and us the most closed mind person out there. He’s not worth the fight to see any opinion but his own. I’ve learned from this blog he is by far a terrible human, doesn’t stop or apologize, and has no respect for anyone. He was probably out there with his board only listening to himself that’s why he thinks the majority agrees with him. He talks terrible about children women and a long list so I don’t even feel bad saying who he really is.
#24 – ” So individuals who are thinkers and intellects are useless?”
No, only individuals who are [only] those things.
“Where would we be without our thinkers throughout history?”
We could’ve done without quite a few of them.
“Founding fathers
created govt. guidelines. Why would they then think that government would be a hindrance to our liberties?”
They knew that down the road a bunch of dummies would be elected and they would threaten the people’s liberties.
#25 – You still read the red rag, APP and believe what they print in it? YIKES!!!
I think TD is making a lot of sense and some of you who are getting called out on your BS are tweaking. You all care way too much about internet commenting, its really hilarious actually
26-Couldn’t agree more. He has such a distorted sense of US history. He’s not worth the trouble to respond to him. You really nailed it. 26, about MR. D.!
27-I do believe what the APP prints. They certainly printed the truth about two brothers in their 50’s dying of the virus. Why don’t you like the APP, Mr. D? What do you mean by”red rag? “ Please BE specific with your reasoning. They print your letters, Mr. D. You should be singing the praises of the editorial board of this newspaper. If the APP is so terrible, why do you continue to use it as an expression of your ideas? I believe there is a local periodical that won’t print your letters due to your content/written thoughts.So why bash the APP? I hope someone reads this blog from the PRess and finds out what you really think of the APP. If you find the paper so inept, why submit letters to it?
27-Interesting that you call the APP a rag, then send letters to the editor to that journal-you obviously read it. Yet you criticized a commenter for reading it. YIKES! ( to quote Mr. Dilberger In #27. )
#30 – I didn’t say they were inept, I said they were red.
#31 – Fact is I don’t read it but every so often I do send in a letter.
We held the monthly meeting of the He Man Woman Haters Club of America (HMWHCA), Monmouth Cty. chapter last night. We had a good turnout (unfortunately the Sgt. at Arms had to eject three members for drunkenness – there’s a $5 fine for being ejected). The meeting opened promptly at 8PM and the first order of business was to mention brother (Past President) Charlie Bratton died – the membership was duly saddened. Then it was moved by Joe Goofinoff we reopen the poll to reassess women’s right to vote. The motion was seconded by Norman McGillicutty and passed by a vote of 37-0-1 abstention (we’re starting to wonder about that guy who abstained). Anyway the poll goes like this
1 – Should women be allowed to vote?
2 – Should they be allowed to vote if they have a male sponsor?
3 – Should said sponsor have to post a surety bond of $2,500?
4 – If women are allowed to vote should the age be set 50 yrs. old they’re allowed?
Anyone on this blog can cast a vote if he’d like. Of course he must be 18+ years of age (only men can vote).
#32 you are out of your mind, a complete ignorant fool. Hope karma comes back to hit you hard, sooner then later. Keep going outside with your sand which board please, I’m sure your in the vulnerable age group, and with the northern crowds coming this weekend you should be the welcome wagon.
People sure are quick to bash others under anonymous names.
32-When referring to a newspaper, what do you think the word”rag” infers? Yet you submit letters to the editor to the very publication you criticize. Mixed message here, Mr. D. To write, “You still read that rag? YIKES! “ then state that you submit letters there makes no sense. Hypocritical.
Last comment on 27-You don’t like the APP, but you submit letters to it? You obviously think it’s OK for your letters, yet you make people think that the APP is beneath you when you stated, “You still read that red rag, and believe what is printed ? “ Well, you actually have confidence enough in the “rag” to have your ideas printed in it. Contradicting yourself, Mr. D. People shouldn’t read it, yet you want people to read your letters? Why wouldn’t you respect the journal that prints your letters, instead of making digs about it?
36, Agree with you 100 percent.
Another thing about this Covid-19 hoax. The people should be told that one of the three known groups at risk are the obese/fat people. For years, the medical industry has misdiagnosed in this area. Obesity is an illness just like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, etc. Of course, the disease of obesity has a mental element to it as well, I guess depression. Obviously, very fat people are susceptible to coronavirus because of their already ravaged immune system. Clearly, the government and media are colluding to hide this fact from the population at large.
38-When did you get your medical degree, Mr.D? The virus is not limited to obese, elderly, or those with compromised immune systems. Give it up about the hoax. There are no limitations to those who might contract the disease. Look at the vast numbers of people diagnosed or who have died from the disease . Also, I didn’t know that you have a medical background in psychology. Have you seen/ know obese people who have the virus? Your guesswork is laughable. Truth is ANYONE can contract the virus. Why are you calling it a hoax? Why are you claiming to have inside knowledge? More generalizing on your part, Mr. Dilberger. Are you suggesting that the government and medical professionals are exaggerating the seriousness of covid-19? Why are you calling it a hoax? What’s your point?
38-Why are you continuing to call covid 19 a hoax? Nothing that you have stated over time has shown any evidence of this.
38-Why are agencies “colluding “ about the virus? What evidence do you have supporting your claim? What’s with this hoax business? Please be specific with your evidence and data. When you make such accusations, you have to back them up with facts.
People are dying from the virus. How hurtful for the families of the deceased that you continue to say it’s a hoax. Why are you doing this? We have a family member suffering from the virus. Why are you doing this, Mr. Dilberger?
39 40 41 you’re arguing with an idiot. Stop.
43-I agree with all of your commentary .
#39 – You really believe these obese people aren’t mentally disturbed/insane?
#Madam, I hope your loved one gets better Just like I hope everybody who is sick from anything gets better and people don’t get killed in car wrecks, etc. But your brining your personal life into a general conversation is unacceptable. But I will say this in answer to your question. I do this as a sense of duty Madam. I’m a good American and from many years ago in our nation we’ve been lied to and it has continued through to this day. I have taken an oath to defend our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic and this is the way I do it at my age. I would be shirking my duty if I didn’t do and say what I’m doing.
45-Didn’t answer the question about the hoax. No hoax going on. Your sense of duty tells you to spread the word that the virus is a hoax (?). I know many over-weight people who are quite happy with their lives. Not insane… in fact, well-adjusted and happy. Now you are targeting obese people?
Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
45, we are being lied to? What proof do you have of that? It’s a sad commentary that you make such accusations during this devastating pandemic, when people are in fear and worrisome. Numbers don’t lie. People are still very ill and dying from covid-19.
WSSC 2014 Three Stone Toss-Off. – YouTube
http://www.youtube.com › watch
Why can’t we have such a contest for Different age groups on Lake Como or Silver Lake? Of course, the female women would have to maintain their own contest according to their sex.
Video for rock skipping contest with video▶ 4:44
Nov 16, 2014 – Uploaded by JollHoll
Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats … Almost Impossible S1 • E8 Why It’s …
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