After the effective date of Ordinance No. 2011-06, being April 27, 2011, any candidate or elected official who has received written notification, or has been notified during the public comment section of a public meeting, of the receipt of a contribution in excess of that allowed in Sections 9-5 or 9-6 or is in violation of any other provision of Chapter IX may cure said violation within thirty (30) days of such notice by reimbursing the contribution as provided for in Section 9-9a. and/or complying with any other provision of Chapter IX.
Doherty was officially notified at the August 25 special meeting.
And sooooo
Any elected official who has received either as Belmar campaign contributions or other elected office campaign contributions during any of the three (3) preceding calendar years, including during years preceding his or her election, any pass-through campaign contributions shall be ineligible to participate in, or cast a vote on any of the following categories of matters for the remainder of that calendar year and for a period of three (3) additional calendar years following that calendar year:
1. The award of any agreement to purchase goods or services, and shall be further barred from voting on the grant of change orders with respect to publicly bid contracts or agreements; with respect to each and every vote as to which the Mayor or member of the Council is ineligible by virtue of this provision, the reasons for the abstention shall be set forth on the record, recorded in the minutes, and noted on the resolution awarding the contract or agreement for the sale of goods and services;
2. Any development matter, and any appointment to the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Belmar;
3. Any matter relating to or involving any Belmar alcoholic beverage licensee or any other alcoholic beverage licensee.
Tuesday’s referendum results will have no bearing on this. A “yes” vote will not change the law retroactively. Doherty’s failure to return the donations collected in violation of our current pay to play law now officially disqualifies him from acting in any reasonable capacity as mayor for the next three years.
He should resign immediately.
Dave, do you think he’ll be forced to resign soon? What are your thoughts on this?
I don’t think he’ll be forced. He has demonstrated by his actions that the no longer wants the job.
Normally you are supposed to show up for work. Well that was the way it used to be. He can’t do his job …Not that he even wants it.
He’ll just tell the other four puppets how to vote until we VOTE THEM ALL OUT, one by one, two by two, and get new blood in there to handle this mess.
He does not have to show up. The four stooges vote the way he tells them. The only hope for this deplorable situation is vote out Magovern and Blackburn. Start to turn things around. Then change the form of government, eliminate the strong mayor style.
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