Did we get them?
I received an email yesterday from a reader who has a masters degree in coastal and ocean policy from a state university and specialized in coastal management and public access.
The dune situation in Belmar has bothered me for years now, I encourage you to take a look at New Jersey’s Coastal Zone Management Rules by the NJDEP, which I have linked below:..There are entire sections related to beach related activities and dune creation rules/permits. I’d love to know if the town council or DPW have obtained the proper permits to create these dunes. Specific rules and permits I’ve looked over include:.7:7-10 – Dune creation and related sand fencing and planting of vegetation.7:7-4.15 – Permit-by-rule 15 – Placement of sand fencing to create or sustain a dune..7:7-9.22 – Beaches (has a lot of interesting information about how the DEP has towns manage their beaches)..I’m not quite sure if having these current dunes up is actually allowed by the DEP. The rules do state that protective dune fencing is not allowed to be installed before October 15th and must be removed by Memorial Day. I think these rules would be something worth talking about for Belmar..Thanks,

“Got a permit to do that?”
Permits? We don’t need no stinking permits.
Let them eat dunes.
We’re gonna need a bigger beach.
Frankly citizens, I don’t give a damn.
I suggest all readers call the NJDEP. It is actually a bigger issue then you may think. This constant moving of sand disturbs the balanced ecosystem of the beach and offers ZERO protection. Thank you Mike R. for your letter bringing this stupidity to the forefront.
As long as Colleen is there, they will do anything they want, whenever they want, and however they want.
Build a wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s wake up and invest in our beach. Stop wasting man power, money and O.T. Invest in bulkhead the length of the beach and boardwalk from inlet to the wall at Lake Como. Have the bulkhead come 4′ above the boardwalk with a nice cap on it. There could be a few cut outs for access to the beach and a design that can be block for storms. Find an engineer, contact the Army Corps of engineers. Find an investment instead of a seasonal expense. Wake up people.
How about this #5, build nothing ! No dune, no wall, no nothing. Don’t you remember that Matt Doherty spent all that money on a boardwalk and pavilions…and they have hurricane straps. We’re all good. Hurricane, tide surge, Godzilla…nothing will take these structures down. If you’re worried about waves hitting houses, we can always turn the beach bathrooms sideways and line’em up on Ocean Ave.
I’m pretty sure ‘wasting the OT’ is seen as a feature, not a bug. You don’t keep an ‘acting’ title for nothing!
I had no idea some of the people of
Belmar had such a sense of humor.
Luv it.
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