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McGovern is a dope. All he talks about at a “business” conference is firetrucks and painting the water tower. Duh!
I hate to sound like a naysayer but the only info in the article about the CDL is Brian saying that it’s been forgiven. Now I know Brain is an honest and intelligent fellow and would never miss interpret complex financial information. But I’d like to see some proof.
Also, what is this other 25 million dollar loan? We need to pay back 10%?
I hope it’s true about the CDL I really do.
I guess the other shore towns that got the same loan but held on to it and didn’t spend it all because they were concerned they would have to pay it back should have just bought every boro employee a new car like we did. Boy do they feel foolish now.
What’s the story of the three democrats all holding foreign flags? Isn’t Belmar still part of the USA?
great news!
Belmar elected officials should adopt a resolution thanking President Trump for discharging the Community Disaster Loan.
I believe Brian – he told Mr. DeSanctis or one of his family members, that he could have a tree planted by Silver Lake for Joy, permit not needed. And he is the head of the Tree Commission. He would know, correct?
#4 The brilliance of Mr. Creamer may be on the same level as Dave Schneck.
Thanks President Trump for helping Belmar as it tries to recover from the Doherty Administration’s attempts to profit during times of strife.
#3…they were the Italian flags from Sam Genaro fest. No big conspiracy there
I never used the word conspiracy. An American should never be seen holding just a foreign flag in my opinion. They should’ve had American flags to go along with the foreign flags.
People wave flags and have flags displayed in the front of their homes. Irish, German , Italian flags are hung from porches. I know the San Gennaro festival celebrates the Italian history and culture. The flags were given out at the church for the parade to the festival site. We wave an Irish flag at our home for St. Patrick’s Day. The American flag has to come down as we only have one flag holder. Then, after a week we put the American flag back. I love our American flag. Would never disrespect it. The Democrats were mentioned as holding the foreign flags. The Republican candidates were also waving the Italian flags. No American flags in their hands either. Just so happens it was an Italian festival. Maybe next year for the San Gennaro festival both American and Italian flags will be available. One for each hand.
Wasn’t the San Gennaro festival about an Italian celebration? That’s probably why Italian flags were being held and waved. I’m sure every American is proud of our flag. But Italian flags seem a better fit for The San Gennaro Feast. No one thought less of our beautiful Anerican flag when they waved the Italian flag . I am trying to figure out the point made about holding an American flag at an Italian event.
#s 9&10 – Well, we disagree. It’s just the way I feel.
I love the way Belmar holds the San Gennaro festival. The Italian flag is part of the celebration. It’s not a “foreign” flag, as stated above . It’s the Italian flag. I am thought to be the greatest Italian of all times. (Well, may be me and Frank Sinatra.) The Italian flag belongs in an Italian festival. We are a proud people with an amazing heritage. No one would wave the Italian flag on the 4th of July..
….trying to reason with Dilberger. He’s so afraid that if we even look at another flag we’d denounce our beloved country.
Maybe his nationalistic mindset comes from his forefathers, who may have goose-stepped through their streets at their festivals.
#12 – The American flag is never inappropriate (San Gennaro festival is about a Saint, not a nationality).
#13 – My loyalty is not in question here. It’s the three culprits seen holding foreign flags who’s loyalty is in question. After all, they have sworn allegiance to the US Constitution and have been photographed folding foreign flags with no American flag in sight.
Culprits? I’m beginning to agree with #13. “Don’t bother trying to reason..” Democrats holding Italian flags aren’t being disloyal to our country. I’m amazed at the thinking of the #14 statement. How off can you Get?! Sworn allegiance to our country?? No American flag in sight?? What convoluted, ridiculous thinking.
Tom: It’s not your loyalty that’s in question. What’s in question is your perverted view of patriotism and your sanity.
@ 15 – convoluted, ridiculous thinking
Thank you Sir/Madam – I resemble that remark.
#14 -You’re wrong . Just as St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration for the Irish, the San Gennaro Festival is a celebration for Italians. Of course it has to do with nationality. What do you think all of the sausage and peppers and cannolis are about at the San Gennaro Fest? What, do you think peanut butter and jelly sandwiches should be served? What do you think the Italian music is about? What, do you think we should listen to Country and Western music at the festival? Get a grip.
This isn’t about food or music fella. This is about people sworn to uphold our Constitution (the essence of the nation) holding foreign flags. Seems reasonable to question their loyalties to me. Actually one of the culprits had their higher education paid for by the taxpayers of this nation whose flag he doesn’t hold.
Colleen has an Accounting degree or three years experience? In what?
#19 -Your statements are nonsense. No one agrees with the way you think. The more you try to prove your point the more ridiculous you sound .
What? Not upholding the Constitution? You’re kidding, right #19? Questioning their loyalties? Unbelievable! The Republican candidates were also waving Italian flags. You skipped over that point completely. No one wascdoing anything wrong .
#19-you didn’t respond to the remarks challenging your statement…”it’s about as aaint, not an nationality.” You skipped right over that , then you went to holding another country’s flag is disloyal. What??
#21 – What makes you think I care if anyone agrees with me?
#22 – Where is the picture of the Republicans waving foreign flags like the three culprits?
#23 – Why are they named St. Patrick Day and San Gennaro Feast then?
Nothing wrong with waving flags on the feast day of that country-San Gennaro for Italy. Great time in Belmar that day. Now Belmar does this feast for the Italians and St Payrick’s Day for the Irish. Belmar is a great town. How about some lasagna or corned beef and cabbage?
#25 – All I did was innocently point out who the culprits were. Okay, I’ll take it we’re done with this.
What’s innocent about such an accusation? Nothing innocent about it.
“Culprits” holding flags that aren’t American ? Italian feast day= Italian flags. Rich Italian culture = flag holding. The word “culprits ” doesn’t connote an innocent remark.
#27 – Alright, if you think the wurd culprit is nasty, would you accept a change to miscreants?
How about “these nice folks who represent our community?” Sounds better than your names.
After reading the article and comments from the candidates I can’t believe the biggest issue is mr d’s focus on the picture with a flag at a festival. mr. D just appears to be the fool, you can be entitled to your opinion but at some point let it go and let people discuss the real issues in belmar based on what the candidates are going by and history of max govern leadership so far. Photo props aside, read through the article and think about how unprepared, vague or inaccurate are the few comments that have been published by macgovern while acting as mayor. He attended a very important meeting in the spring about the Main Street bridge, clearly no preparation by him he asked no intelligent questions, had nothing of substance to say. And this was for something he was aware of in advance and could have read, educated himself and gone and at least been prepared on important topics. When he speaks at meetings and is asked a question if you truly listen to his answer it’s never supported by definitive facts or knowledge and truly contains no substance. Clearly not leader material in a town that’s got their stuff in order, Belmar and the current administration, don’t have this Borough in order by any means. Strong knowledgeable, educated leadership is the only option, there is a lot to be done and corrected. Macgovern is not the answer and the past few months where he had an opportunity to sound intelligent get educated on issues and present creative solutions or even thought to a resolution of something he stands with a blank stare, and these are meetings where he knows what’s on the agenda in advance. What is going to happen if he is hit with an issue emergent in nature and with no warning. I just picture a bobble head macgovern going uh uh uh uh ugh well at some point someone is going to hold up a que card for me to read something but in the meantime I can just say from my recent meeting with the state that your not privelleged to belmar is going to get hit with some changes in the future….. The fact that all he brought to a candidate night was a fire truck and painting a water tower, and didn’t bring the document about the loan to state actual facts, shows how limited his thinkig and preparation was, what concerns tax payers more 25million dollar loan or paint and a fire truck, he didn’t even talk about how to pay for those things, when he left out the obvious solutions which clearly he doesn’t see
#30 – Yes, I understand that people of your exalted intellect would think of me as fool. Little matters to people like you Sir, so anybody who cares about the nation would seem a fool to you. Lastly Sir, have you sworn to uphold or defend the constitution as I and the culprits/miscreants are?
Thanks “Bigger Picture” It would be great if everyone here could ignore the inconsequential silliness and talk about the issues. You elevated this tread and blog. Most people say this blog is absurd, and Dilberger is part of that problem. But Dave illuminates important issues and you help keep us on track!
#32-Agree about Mr. Dilberger. His remarks make no sense and take away from this blog-which does a great job bringing information to the residents. It’s amazing how totally off his thinking is.
#33 – It’s amazing how totally off his thinking is.
Thanks much!!!
I don’t think anyone can get through to Mr. Dilberger about his ideas . No one can understand his thinking.
#35 – Correct. No one can get though to me at this point. But the reason is more or less differences in experiences in life. People understand through accumulated experiences, not education. I have been very much a part of the physical surroundings all over the world and all my life starting at an extremely young age and most people now, because of the new manner of living are not cognizant of their surroundings and therein lies the difference between myself and the vast majority of people now. So yes, a person such as myself would appear a fool or worse to the this inexperienced public at large. Having said that, you all can only imagine how I view “adults” these days who don’t have the horse sense of a run of the mill 8 yr. old of 1959-60 – Fascinating To Watch.
There is indeed a generation gap, heck, a multi-generational gap. For example, say something like “hang up the phone” to a person from a young generation, and he would have no concept of the phrase. What is a patriot? A person who joins a militia and wears camo clothes? Maybe, but look at the American Revolution and the Minutemen. They were patriots. Not sure schools even teach about that any more. I respect the “live free or die” mentality. Who nowadays would die for freedom, yes, literally die. I fear for the future if history is distorted or erased from the records. Give me an older person who has lived and experienced life over someone who is clueless. My rant, such as it is.
You’ll be pleased to know schools teach about the American Revolution every year. The kids know about Minutemen. Also, the band plays at the war memorials on Veteran’s day. Are you there for that Old School?
#38 Glad to hear that. I have been present at many Veterans Day ceremonies and parades, in fact. Glad you are checking up on me.
#38-Belmar School is a wonderful place of learning. Glad to hear that children are learning American history. My children attend BES not that long ago , and received the educational foundation there necessary for future success. Excellent administration and instructors. I know you you’re referring to BES, #38, games Ben the commentary about the school band playing at Memorial/Veteran Days programs.
I agree. Belmar Elementary School was wonderful for my children. They learned and flourished in that environment.
#40 – Belmar School is a wonderful place of learning.
#31 Mr. D- you are very wrong about me you make your assumptions and state them like they are supported facts. For one I care about a lot of people, communities and issues. And just because I called you out on your continued statement which in my opinion was you accusing people of something that was off based does not mean I think anyone that love our nation is a fool. I’m patriotic I care about our country. I’m not a sir, by the way I’m a 35 year old female, I have family in the military and have lost several dear friends in my early 20’s who were fighting for our country. On 9-11 I was 19 years old living up in north jersey. To this day and for the rest of my life I help in anyway or cause I can for the veterans, first responders and more. I have nothin but respect for our country. I research and read about issues in politics from Washington to our small town community. I stumbled on this blog and find it very helpful and informative. With the upcoming election I believe people should focus and discuss issues that impact is all instead of being distracted from substance, I think that stating things of concern may inform people before they make their votes in belmar. Although I clearly from my last post do not have confidence in macgovern, I have a list based on reasons and real issues. I do not think your thread about them and the Italian flags were fair if you stated your opinion once ok but you continue on and challenge his and the other dem candidates on their loyalties to our country, which is very out on content and you try to draw everyone’s attention to same. You complain about so much why not use this platform to point out an issue or a solution or a reason belmar needs change, not what is basically slander because whether you like the administration or not I don’t think Mr.Macgovren held the Italian flag AT an Italian festival along with a lot of people enjoying a fun two days in belmar as a protest to our nation.
#43 – I’m sure you’re a very nice lady. You identified yourself as a 35 year old female and you’re still using the word “fair.” I think you can agree that a man such as myself, driven by Logic and Reason (every time in my life I got too far away from Logic and Reason I ended up in an emergency room)and a person such as yourself still using such word can never hope to understand each other. Take care and have a good day.
#42-My children graduated from Belmar School and graduated in the top 10 of their high school graduating classes ( the numbers graduating were over 330 students.) I have great faith in the BES system. Wonderful teachers and administrators.
#42-What information do you have about Belmar School? Have you sat in on classes? Are you a teacher with knowledge about education? Why are you always downing our school? People that I talk to who have children attending, or have recently graduated from the school praise the teachers and programs. Your opinions about the school are hurtful to the school community. We love our school. Our children are happy there, and are learning. Proof is the success any have experienced upon graduating from BES.
A recent BES GRAD is doing his Doctorate at Stanford!Congrats Abe
A friend of mine went to Belmar Elementary School. He tested out of the freshmen classes in his high school and went on to advanced placement classes. His preparation at Belmar School was outstanding.
#s 45 – 48 – I have a hard time making myself plain. It’s not just BES I’m against. It’s the entire “educational” system. The administrators are very much aware that the system in place is obsolete and has been for years, but just keep the illusion in place year after year. Your references to sterling graduates are nothing but a continuation of the illusion of education. Let’s see what the young people mentioned do once they leave school.
It is said that the English majors must learn the phrase, “Fries with that?” Just because a student regurgitates certain answers on apiece of paper doesn’t show intelligence or success other than they have a bit of a memory. I’m not smarter than any of you. Just more experienced and I can smell a conjob a mile away and that’s what our schools are, a giant conjob. I know most of you are nice people and I do what I can to help the situation. I don’t like people pulling the wool over your eyes. Believe it or not, I’m with you and I want the best for the children.
#49. What’s obsolete about our system of education? You’re not specific in your criticism. What’s obsolete about modern literature and classics, pre-algebra and algebra, modern and ancient history, geography of the u.s., sciences of every discipline and foreign language? All these subjects are taught throughout the state, including Belmar School. The groundwork for these subjects, of course,is laid in the primary grades. Young people going onto successful lives and positions don’t regurgitate information. Why would they? They are where they are because of education. They’re successful because once hired most fit well into their adult lives and job choices.What facts do you have that they’re not successful? With with inclusion of technology with instruction, nothing is obsolete. Also, the NJ Department of Education plays a large part in determining what is taught, as the state testing program drives the curriculum. What con job? Students are taught to think by solving complex word problems, which incorporate reading comprehension. Sure, experience is a big part of life and decision making, but so is education. Don’t discount it as having no meaning . You still haven’t as yet specified what you find wrong with our education system. Con job? Pulling the wool over your eyes? Tell us exactly what , in your view, is so terrible about being educated in Belmar, the state of NJ, and the United States in general.
#50 – I’m not going into “specifics” All any lucid person has to do is look at these children and they can see they’re completely different from prior generations of young people. They’re getting close to developing into a different species. Technology has taken over their lives and these antiquated methods of teaching must change as well. Things are always changing and these administrators and teachers are fighting tooth and nail to hold back the future because the future doesn’t include their profession, or at least as it exists theses days. My guess is in the future, the brick and mortar schools will no longer exist.
#51-While technology may be not good in certain situations, it’s a benefit in the field of education. It’s used as a tool to enhance instruction. Yes, times have changed, and young people have transformed into a “new species.”; a great species. They volunteer in many settings, support family. And adapt well to any situation. My doctor is quite young. And is an outstanding media practitioner of medicine. He’s up on all of the latest proven medical in and applications. This generation, from my own experience, has made great strides in many areas. I know this because they return to my classroom, keeping me informed about the lives and successes. Their educational experiences have served them well. Realistically there are successful meeting in every generation, and then there are those who are not so successful. Don’t paint everyone by the same brush, #51. Experience is important, but so is education. Why are so so against teachers and educators? We work hard, follow mandates set forth by the state of NJ, and work hard to provide the best possible academic experiences for our children. All of my fellow teachers care about providing the best possible teaching to their students. We love what we do, and take our work home with us, literally and figuratively. We hold high standards for our students, and yet honor Indic differences. Methods used are current and proven to be effective. We Individualize instruction to those who have learning difficulties, and enhance learning for those who find school easy. Modern teaching methods seem to work well.
A Job Interview with a Millennial – YouTube
Video for A Job Interview with a Millennial 2:46
Jan 20, 2018 – Uploaded by Dream Tea
Accurate and too true.
53-While amusing, not true across the board. Don’t generalize. What is your point ? We get you’re against education and down on young people.
#54 – That was a joke. Lord, you people have zero sense of humor.
You don’t get it. It’s not being “down on young people” to understand this method of “education” is no longer viable these days. Just look at the young people. Their every movement and spoken word is telling you in every way possible they have zero interest in what is being said in the class rooms. This is a radically new era we’re living in and it calls for radical new methods of teaching which will probably not have children being taught in central locations as they are now. It’s long past time to start moving away from these antiquated concepts we’re now bogged down in. The longer we wait, the more young people we hurt.
55 – Totally not so. What do you know about teaching methods? Are you an educator? You’ve yet to come up with a solution to your so-called obsolete methods. Once again you’re making sweeping generalizations. Come up with methods which you think are appropriate. Have you taken teaching methods courses? Places of higher learning are teaching methods for the classrooms which are a fit for today’s schools and students.
#55-What concepts should be taught? You state that concepts presently taught aren’t appropriate. Do tell us what should be taught. Why are you against education and young people? Your video might have been a joke., but it was used to prove your point that you state over and over again. That your point is that young people are useless . What commentary about the exceptional young adults who do so much good, and many who are intelligent, great people and citizens. It’s a shame that you downgrade them over and over again.
#56 – Ah yes – a “solution.” The solution I think has to be come up with in a non-political setting which is almost impossible in this state. But I think the solution lies in a fluid concept of education with a lot of outdoor activity teaching the children about their physical surroundings, especially in the early years with little emphasis on classroom work other than teaching the abc’s and general math. At 10 yrs. of age slowly having them read all things with nothing banned. That’s just to start. Maybe it could be tried with one class. Maybe it could be tried with all boys class (boys do well outside). There’re plenty of other ideas but I’ll stop at that for now. Lastly, I hope you get to retire before this system falls apart for one reason or another. I’m sure you try your best.
#57 – What makes you think I’m “against” education? I’m against doing the same wrong thing over and over. As far as the word “useless” goes, one of the main reasons many of them are in that situation is our so-called education system and of course the new manner of living they’re allowed to engage in. I’m only trying to help these young people with putting my thoughts out. It is you sir/madam who do them damage by attempting (successfully for now) to keep this dead system in place.
#58-Outdoor Ed is in place in modt schools. Children in a school setting take nature walks. Classes take excursions to Stokes State Forest. Students explore river beds. High school students do beach clean-ups. Most districts require outdoor programs. But districts can’t do away with academic subjects. People need all kinds of knowledge to succeed in this world. Damage is s nasty word. I put everything into my teaching. My students are happy, successful adults thriving in a complex society. Have you been inside a classroom lately? Other than outdoor activities, what other subjects should be taught? Not everyone can become a park ranger. ( That’s my joke! )
#59 – “Damage” isn’t a nasty word, it’s descriptive. That’s one of your problems. you attempt to use soft words. Life is what it is and the sooner children accept it the better. I’ve listened to this softening of words for awhile and wondered at it. for example, we’ve changed from using the word dead to passed/passed away/etc. There’s nothing wrong with the word dead. Same with “mentally challenged” instead of retarded. That’s what it is. You do the children no favors by playing word games with them.
You show no idea of understanding what I’m talking about. I’m talking about keeping children outdoors for the major portion of each day to offset the new manner of living they’re engaged in. I’m sure you live very much the same as these children, obviously on a higher plain because of your age as opposed to their. I saw the beginnings of this new way of living over 30 yrs. ago but we didn’t know what to make of it then. After all, we were only Ironworkers. But when I moved down here and saw people actually living as you do, that connected all the dots for me. At first, I thought you were all crazy but now I understand so much more about it.
60-No, I guess I’ll never understand your vision for educating our children.
#60-With your reference to the word dead, I prefer stating ,” going home to his/her Heavenly Father. ” it goes along with my religious beliefs.
What’s the point of keeping children outside most of the school day,#60? Seems like you’re getting off the point, going from academics to how people live and how our lifestyles are confusing to you.
#63 – Excellent – This system we have in place was set up (1860-1890) for young people who were active people – outdoors all day other than when they were at school and most of them would continue outdoors activities after their school days ended which were far earlier than these days. Todays young people are indoors most of their time. So the intellectual vs physical needs are reversed. All their gadgets make them far superior intellectually than those earlier generations of children, or at least they have the ability to be intellectually superior. The reason for their “seeming” (note the word seeming) stupidity is this stunted lifestyle they live. I can walk for miles and miles through neighborhoods of deserted streets. No sign of life other than a dog barking at me. Of course, this is not healthy, but it is the new way of living and I’m not going to change it. However, their are steps that can be taken to offset it but most people are too fearful to attempt it. They’re especially fearful that their children will be injured (unhappily, injury is a field of competence I’m expert in – my own) and they will be, but the benefits of taking that chance vastly outnumber the disadvantages. #63 – Sir/Madam I compliment you thinking beyond the idea that I’m a bad guy.
Must be oxygen deprivation from not being outdoors. We need more trees. Tell Mayor Brian. Then breathe deeply the clean air and clear your brains.
Why do Monty Python skits flash before my eyes when I see Mayor Brian written?
#64-What would be the curricula for outdoor education? Much is accomplished in the classroom. Also, I think Belmar School is great. So do neighbors and relatives.
I have not paid much attention to the blog in awhile. I thought when i saw the topic i would learn something about the two slates of candidates views on business issues in town and get some sense of what the business people were thinking. I was wrong. This thread degenerated very quickly and terminated in a pile of dung.
#67 – Good question – First though, I’d set up an experimental class, say 15-20 boys, aged 7-8 yrs. Of course, their parents would have to approve. The curricular would be to set off each day with a plan. Maybe the first thing would be rock throwing (homework would be gathering rocks to be thrown and each boy would be issued a backpack to carry his rocks and lunch in) at the lake between Avon and Bradley. Along the way, the instructor would ask boys what signs said (have them sound out the words as usual in a classroom). Not a test – no papers or marks. Boys would pick up papers and trash along the way (increases their awareness of their surroundings) and put them in trash cans. On arrival at the lake, each boy would be asked to throw his first rocks first for distance and then for ability to skip rocks – one winner would be selected. Then they would eat their lunch. They would come home along the beach (always altering the routes). Climbing small trees would be encouraged. It would be easy to see which boy was best, no honors need be given. Arrive back at the school in time to go home. The instructor would write up the results of the day (possibly at first certain boys would be thought not suitable for such a class and put into classroom work). Of course the instructor would have to be looked into completely to make sure he’s a suitable man. Another day could be used for watching and identifying birds, etc. There are hundreds of things that could be done. Of course, on days the weather was too foul to go out, inside activities would appropriate (even some classroom work with the girls – but only after they had run around in the gym for a couple of hrs.). Thanks for asking this very good question.
Yes! Then when we have finally purged the impure from the ranks we will finally have our master race. It will be glorious! We will start a fourth reich that will bathe this weak and sick world in the bright light of honor and strength. Forget caring for the poor and the marginalized for they are worthless. Women shall be mere vessels for our offspring for they are worth nothing more.
Belmar Uber Alles!
You’re kidding, right 69?
#69- Sounds ridiculous.
1959 – Children At Play In New York City Slums 220639-08 | Footage …
#s 70,71,72 – Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the kind of studies the children today need. But left on their own like the children you see in the video, they will never have it because of the new manner of living they indulge in. Look at how happy and how innovative the children in the video are (they/we were poor but didn’t know it). If the children were introduced to this type of thing they would be incredibly happy. Too bad people are so fearful of trying new things (we all are afraid of new things). Take care and have a good day.
Video for 1959 – Children At Play In New York City Slums 220639-08 | Footage Farm 7:23
Dec 2, 2014 – Uploaded by footagefarm
For broadcast quality material of this reel or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at …
Hey Dilbs – kids play like that today too. They also have video games, which many of them play for too long. That should be curbed by their parents. What you describe for boys at school is what kids should (and many do) on their free time. When parents are with them during free time they absolutely take advantage of teachable moments and have them read signs, talk about the science behind what they’re doing, etc. We’ve all seen that footage of slum kids over and over again. You may want to get checked out for Sundowners.
#73-Maybe, but the outdoor education has to be more than throwing rocks and climbing trees. You are more centered on physical activities inside of academic activities. Reading signs and naming birds don’t cut it either. Where are the thinking skills ?
73-How would schools meet the NJ State educational requirements? I don’t think it can happen. The state mandates cannot be overlooked. Don’t think rock-throwing and tree climbing would fly with NJ Dept. of Education.
#73-Lessons are not about regurgitating the times tables. Math is about solving word problems with more than one step. Number facts are applied in these problems. Higher-level thinking skills are incorporated in every aspect of the curricula. Thinking skills are integral for every facet of life. Breaking down information for understanding and applications is important in today’s world. This type of training ( thinking) begins in the primary grades. I don’t see this happening with climbing trees and throwing rocks.
Mr. Dilberger, You have stated that today’s education system is obsolete, yet you don’t have the faintest idea of what goes on in classrooms. Do you honestly believe that throwing rocks and climbing trees is “modern?” You have no idea what goes on in our classrooms, the academic and intellectual demands for our students, and the teaching methods which now include technology. How can you possibly say that today’s methods are obsolete? Have you ever sat and observed in a classroom? Have you been informed of the mandates by the state of New Jersey? Have you ever reviewed a lesson plan prepared by a teacher? You post a video from 1959 to prove what? You have no idea about education, and net you have in the past yelled and carried on at board of education meeting, and espouse the notion that young people should quit school early and go to work. A true education is key to success in life. Stop criticizing what you know nothing about. Rock throwing and tree climbing, please!!
#78 – With all due respect, you have no idea of the topic under discussion – I’m done.
Good job folks.
79, and you do? Rocks and trees and birds?
I am a school administrator and was told to check out these comments. What I don’t understand is an idea about outdoor education. I can’t grasp for the life of me how removing trash is in any way, shape or form an educational experience. The academic process is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the students given our times and circumstances. I’m proud to a part of the educational scene. I work extremely hard, as do the staff that works with me. We are up on current trends and method, and love interacting with today’s youth. We follow the guidelines established by the state department of education. It’s my thinking that we are doing everything right.
#82 – I work extremely hard, as do the staff that works with me.
You work “hard” because you don’t know (((HOW))) to work.
83-You’re confused. You equate all work with physical labor. Make no mistake. I know how to work in my field. We are dedicated to our profession and understand the importance of developing the minds of young people. You think you’re the only one who gets the concept of work. But you don’t understand anything about educating children. You don’t know me. You don’t know that I worked three jobs paying my way through college. Collecting trash is such an original idea as a school subject. I’m sure the state board of education would approve it for our schools. I’m a male, by the way. One of my summer jobs was in construction. By the way, climbing trees and throwing rocks are great ideas and will blow the state board of education away. Seriously though, Children of 8 and 9 years of age read much more than signs. Comprehension skills are the most important part of reading. You’ve got them sounding out words on signs ? You’re knowledge of education is extremely limited, or non-existent. Why are you so against teachers, administrators and schools? Your reaction to the comment: ” Belmar School is a wonderful place of learning ” is “Yikes.” Really? Your dislike of the school in your town is well-known. Based on what, no one can determine.
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