I predict after townspeople see all these security restrictions, road blockages.We will rethink the police cost and Dpw cost of the parade.I would love to see a true accounting of the parade costs, that only seems to benefit a few bars, and some of these bars are outside belmar.
I agree,#6 seeing all the security precautions for parade made me wonder who’s paying for all this? After the incident at Seaside Heights we must always be cautious however the time has come to weigh the cost vs benefit to community.Hoboken and other towns have done away with their version of the parade and leave it New York where a CITY not town holds costly events.
In my household we look for the unvarnished truth. As a result of our scrutiny its our pleasure to announce that we love Dave Schneck better that we thought we loved Walter Cronkrite or Bill O’Reilly, ever.
No, I mean he could sign the bill sometime later, having denied them the 2017 parade revenues but still allow them to open earlier than before. And of course for all future parade days.
ADMIN – you are correct. I think the Gov has 45 days from the time it was approved by Senate to either sign or veto. So everyone should continue to contact the Gov to thank him for no extra booze this parade day….but ask that he veto the bill
had to run the kids to their respective spots for parade day and could not get home. Land locked again when an event is going on- this happens with some of the 5ks in town too….they need a better plan to let residents do what they need to do.
And is it really worth having the parade if all this money is spent on security and public workers out all day long??? I felt attendance was down and while the weather played a small part I would put my money on people not being able to get into town!!
Where da mob gonna get their Sambuca now on parade day?
This issue goes beyond parade day and the fight against the extended season must continue.
No orders put through the distributors? Yo, too many feds in town, yo!
I hope I am not premature in thinking that Gov. Christie no longer owes Mayor Doherty any favors.
#2 Absolutely right.
Bucky knows whether a deal or a donation will be made.
Council meeting …. a offer you can’t refuse.
I predict after townspeople see all these security restrictions, road blockages.We will rethink the police cost and Dpw cost of the parade.I would love to see a true accounting of the parade costs, that only seems to benefit a few bars, and some of these bars are outside belmar.
a real party pooper …. silent wisdom from the good Gov!
Some good news.
I agree,#6 seeing all the security precautions for parade made me wonder who’s paying for all this? After the incident at Seaside Heights we must always be cautious however the time has come to weigh the cost vs benefit to community.Hoboken and other towns have done away with their version of the parade and leave it New York where a CITY not town holds costly events.
In my household we look for the unvarnished truth. As a result of our scrutiny its our pleasure to announce that we love Dave Schneck better that we thought we loved Walter Cronkrite or Bill O’Reilly, ever.
The Governor has introduced to DJais his good friend VETO! Thank you Governor!!
I was losing faith in Gov.Christie it
appears he is restoring it. Thank you
Gov. From a small town resident and
Tax payer. Good luck in your future
He acted like a MAN!
Golden Boy comes up short , just like his political career.
Did I miss something, was there a veto or it just has not been address by the Governor yet?
Not addressed in time for parade day. Could still be signed or vetoed.
You mean there could be a ceremony tomorrow, say at the political brunch, if the Governor shows up? He is not that corrupt, is he?
No, I mean he could sign the bill sometime later, having denied them the 2017 parade revenues but still allow them to open earlier than before. And of course for all future parade days.
ADMIN – you are correct. I think the Gov has 45 days from the time it was approved by Senate to either sign or veto. So everyone should continue to contact the Gov to thank him for no extra booze this parade day….but ask that he veto the bill
I wonder if Red Eye made the trip back to Belmar only to be disappointed
they must not be open for the parade. sign out front promoting their terrible cover band Holme. they should be called Homely…faces for radio
I was going to run that story but I didn’t want to tip off the terrorists.
Sounds like an absurd amount of overtime,who pays for this?
nobody mentioned parade-balloon violations …. do the Irish get a pass?
Overall, sounds creepy to me. I hope no one blows up the train. Will all parade attendees be patted down?
This security is getting o be a bit much. No one cares enough to disrupt this ridiculous, insignificant party.
You bring Belmar down.
815am I could not get to Belmar bagels, this is crazy.Main street shut down.
#20 – as long as he left the mumps where he got them last time!
Acropolis Diner… Parade plans closed them down. Shame.
had to run the kids to their respective spots for parade day and could not get home. Land locked again when an event is going on- this happens with some of the 5ks in town too….they need a better plan to let residents do what they need to do.
And is it really worth having the parade if all this money is spent on security and public workers out all day long??? I felt attendance was down and while the weather played a small part I would put my money on people not being able to get into town!!
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