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DOT Fact Sheet On RT35 Project




  1. eugene creamer wrote:

    NJDOT has a lot on their plate … don’t forget replacement of the Main St (RT71) bridge over the Shark River … a portion of Klein’s property would be taken and Main St realigned.

    Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 7:14 am | Permalink
  2. Aileen wrote:

    So glad Mayor Walsifer requested this much needed study. Hopefully the drainage problem will get fixed – will be a big project.
    A shame the area from 16th to L St. is considered safe because its accidents were lower than average. I tried to get a guardrail on the sidewalk there but a DOT friend told me that can’t happen without shoulders. Space is needed for cars to bump out of the way in an accident. Out of the way means front lawns and sidewalk. I wish Rt. 35 connected to Rt. 18 just south of this area and reconnected with 35 by way of Rt. 66. Imagine how great that area would be for the neighborhood?

    Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 9:47 am | Permalink
  3. Craig wrote:

    #2 That is a great idea, it certainly would turn that section into a paradise. Businesses would probably suffer and route 71 and main street would see a significant increase as well, but the thought of no 35 in that section sure is a nice dream!

    Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 4:38 am | Permalink

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