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Everybody’s Got To Get Into The Act

How serendipitous.  Just a week before we vote on a $7 million bond that they are getting $1 million of, Maser Consulting sends us a “Project Update” telling us the pavilions can’t be built any cheaper than the $7 million.  Are they allowed to do that?  It sure seems aimed at swinging the election in the bonders’ favor.


Well one way they could be built a lot cheaper would be to fire Maser and hire our own engineer.  And while they correctly stated that the project went to the low bidder, they didn’t mention that all the bidders had to comply with Belmar’s “Responsible Bidder” ordinance which drives up the labor cost by something like 40%.


Another corner heard from is the Building the Future Foundation in Jamesburg, NJ

Building the Future Foundation

Building the Future Foundation



  1. Pootsie wrote:

    Who are we going to hear from next? Don’t be surprised if we get additional mailings from anybody who stands to make a buck on this deal.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 6:36 am | Permalink
  2. VITO CORLEONE wrote:

    These people can smell that money coming in. They know if the bond is defeated, and it should be, they may actually have to work within tight profit margins.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 6:37 am | Permalink
  3. Sen. Charles Sumner wrote:

    Building the Future- was the Construction Union ( LIUNA ) funded foundation used by Maggie Moran for the school construction bond- item on the ballot Nov. 2012. Anyone surprised?
    LIUNA offices are in Monroe Twp. and they along with their training center in Jamesburg area use the post office.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 8:23 am | Permalink
  4. Eugene Creamer wrote:

    CHANGE ORDER #1 …. Maser would add 15% to the cost of the mailing and send the invoice to the BA.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 10:20 am | Permalink
  5. Venerable Bede wrote:

    Just got off the phone with the Maser, principal who authored the letter to residents. He was very proud of his letter. Turns out the Mayor requested that Maser present at a public meeting to deliver the facts. He refused to put his staff up to public scrutiny, hence they mailed the letter in an effort to answer all questions and build consensus ( humor intended ). After 30 minutes with this Maser executive, he could not answer any of my questions. He also failed the exam on knowledge of the NJ public Contract Law which he claims validates the position that we must follow through with the bond. Unfortunately four 4 reasons I presented to him based on that law, we do not. He eventually said in frustration, “I really don’t know the public contract law”.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 1:47 pm | Permalink
  6. katrina wrote:

    According to Ken Pringle, there were originally 10 contractors for the first bids. But after our mayor and majority of council added on that apprenticeship clause only 3 contractors could bid the job.
    Build the Future Foundation. LIUNA PAC money pouring into Belmars bond Vote, trying to convince us to vote Yes, so Epic can milk us for more. My goodness are the people in town that blind to what is in front of them? Ask yourself WHY all this influence on the vote. Those glossy adds cost thousands of dollars. How do we compete with that!!!! A grassroots movement trying to stem the tide. And Maser is another stinky issue. Why doesn’t that letter have a signature if they are so proud. Someone to hold responsible concerning their 1 mill fee? Who’s watching them?

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 9:14 pm | Permalink
  7. Teddy Ehmann wrote:

    American Association of Civil Engineers
    Code of Ethics:
    2. Being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public…
    Fundemental Canon :
    3 (d). Engineers shall issue no statements, ctiticisms or arguments on engineering matters which are inspired or paid for by interested parties, unless they indicate on whose behalf the statements are made.

    Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 1:38 pm | Permalink

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