Ran across a story this morning in NJTODAY that highlights the $1 million illegal contribution Birdsall scandal and the possibly illegal $1 million instant PAC for Steve Fulop:
BTW, if it’s a weekly, shouldn’t it be called NJTHISWEEK or something? Do they only cover events that happen on Mondays?
Anyway, these two paragraphs sort of caught my attention:
You will recall that aside from Mr. Einhorn possibly having interest in opening a Jersey City casino, sneaker mogul and casino guy Paul Fireman has hired Maggie Moran to help him get approval for a north Jersey casino.
Maybe the Dohertys’ connections to Fulop had something to do with his choice of lobbyists.
Although the push for north Jersey casinos is being spearheaded by his political ally, Assembly Speaker Vince Prieto, Fulop says he is still undecided about whether to support having casinos in his city. Last January there was an on line petition against the idea.
And an April 13 trip to Atlantic City apparently made the mayor think twice about whether casinos where really such a good idea.
But Fulop’s hesitation drew a quick rebuke from New Jersey construction union boss William Mullen, as reported below:
I think between Prieto wanting it, the unions wanting it, Moran pushing for Fireman to get one and the million dollars…possibly from David Einhorn…possibly to persuade Fulop to allow an Einhorn casino, if the voters approve north Jersey casinos this fall Jersey City will have them.
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Small world? Could there be a relationship between the DeCotiis lawfirm from Teaneck mentioned in the Casino Lobbyists article above and Borough Engineer Nicholas R. DeCotiis P.E. of Maser Consulting?
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