If you watched the tape of the February 16 Council meeting you saw that resident George Skudera, who at the January 19 meeting pointed out numerous past violations of Summertime Surf’s lease with the Borough for it’s paddle board camp, presented the Council with a poster that explained several of his complaints. He also was insulted that after all the problems that he discussed at the January meeting, the only changes the Council made to the request for bids was to overtly allow Summertime to use the L Street beach (whereas in previous seasons they used it without permission) and to increase the minimum bid from a paltry $500 to a nearly as paltry $1500.
Mr. Skudera was shut down as soon as his allotted 5 minutes was up.
He was kind enough to let me photograph his poster before he left to go home:
And another one showing the conditions he encountered on one visit to one of the porta-potties. I must warn you it’s very disgusting but if you really want to see it click here.
BTW, you may recall that after a petition was presented at the February 2 meeting urging the Council to restore permanent toilet facilities to Maclearie Park the mayor told the Coast Star that the “petition was really useless” because the administration already planned to build permanent toilets anyway.
At the February 16 meeting it was announced that the toilets were to be on trailers, not permanently installed.
Mr Skudera should be praised and not denigrated for trying to protect Belmar by informing the council of violations that have been overlooked. Somebody within Code Enforcement has dropped the ball in their legal responsibility to correct and/or mitigate damages resulting in the Route 35 free beach at MACLAERIE PARK.
If one pays attention, the code officials have been neutered by the business administrator. To quote a borough employee, “there is a chain of command and the top, the general is C. Connolly. Recent resolutions and ordinances put her and DPW director in areas of enforcement and going around code. Case in point-the condemning of bulkhead Belmar Marina as unsafe, Sept. 2015 the responsibility of Belmar code official was handled by Nick DeCotiss and Colleen. Many other example besides the Paddleboard Lease which is enforced by her and Campbell.
None of this is new to Belmar. The residents who question the administration are always shot down and denigrated. Vicki Renner, ran for council, but before there she served on the planning board for years, started the community policing among other services to the town. She questioned Pringle, and they made her out to be the crazy lady on 12th. No Doherty does the same thing to people who he either doesn’t like, or who don’t support him! It’s disgusting for a small town, but it’s been going on for years! Until people start elected people who put the people first, what else do you expect?
I’ll tell ya what man.. If I was ever to go fishing down at the bulkhead and wound up getting hurt, I’d sue the shit out of Belmar for hundreds of thousands of dollars because they’re definitely at fault.
Meriam Webster: tyranny
:cruel and unfair treatment by people with
power over others
:a government in which all the power belongs
to one person
What is ironic is that the mayor and b.a do not under oath and the N.J. Constitution have power over others. Nor, other than in practice, does this local government in which the power belongs to one person.
Our fore fathers sacrificed everything to give us freedom from tyranny. The fact that hundreds of Belmar residents line up to kiss his mantle and grant him power is more a statement of the weak needing the strong and strong men in general. You are the boss, George Skudera is the boss. Sure now he threatens ” more police on hand should you use your power.” I for one was marching and getting arrested before the jek and his b.a. were born. Game on!
#5 – Sic Semper Tyrannis – thus ever tyrants.
#6 Latin required a little research for me, but I found that “the phrase has been invoked historically in Europe and other parts of the world as an epithet or rallying cry against abuse of power.” I want the tee shirt.
You guys do know that that is what John Wilkes Booth said from the stage of the Fords Theater after he shot Lincoln, right? Kind of ruined the phrase to ever use again.
Nix the tee shirt. Other suggestions?
Actually I’m wearing a t shirt today that says “Tu ne cede malis”
From the Roman poet Virgil, means don’t give in to evil.
Dear Admin. One should always consider the source. Unlike J.W., I have never assasinated a political figure. The thought however has crossed my mind a few times.
You know they’ll use that as an excuse to have 10 cops at the next meeting.
… a sentiment I share. Thank you. =)
Dave – Nothing wrong with that saying. Just because Lincoln’s assassin used it doesn’t take anything away from it’s meaning. It’s also the Motto of the sovereign state (in good standing last time I looked)of Virginia.
10 or 20 cops at a meeting and forced municipal employees attending council meetings? Who cares? This is not Selma or Kent State. Say whatever you want because they will dumby up anyway.
Let the cops get OT. LOCAL 50 will prevail.
Drone is going to pick up kick backs from chefs international from marina to inlet
Love the drone hot spot patrol with the proviso no erasure for one month (prosecutors review) chair of evidence controls.
Talk about holding the bars hostage just too funny.
If there is evidence viewed or picked up by the drone patrol and then the administration chosen not to acted upon or not followed up on prosecution of crimes is that aiding and abetting the commission of said crime(s)? Or is that irrelevant?
“Drones” – This town becomes sillier by the day. That’s what happens when inexperienced people are put in charge of anything. They’re fodder for every dumb idea that comes along.
I still think the goats were sillier.
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