Saturday’s “mini” Council meeting has been cancelled due to predicted rain but the only place to find it on the Borough web site is on their Twitter feed.
Also nowhere mentioned on the page, or on Twitter even, is that the town-wide garage sale has been postponed until next weekend, also because of the weather prediction.
It has been adjusted on the Borough calendar though.
But the calendar still shows Saturday’s mini Council meeting as being on!
Adding to the confusion is a Tapinto story this morning which is just a re-print of their story announcing the meetings but indicating at the top that all of the meetings have been cancelled.
I checked NJ Public Notices about it and there is nothing about any of this. Anyone know what’s going on?
Probably just another screw up
The tweet about closing L Street beach is misleading. It wasn’t closed “for testing”. It was closed due to the results of the test.
#2 Oh I smell a RAT. Liars that they are
Everything about this town is chaotic and unprofessional. Boro hall, beachfront, lifeguards, marina,pilot programs, over development, I could go on and on. We need to vote these people out of office, get rid of BA Colleen Connolly and get our town back.
So are all of the so called mini town hall meetings canceled as indicated in tapinto?
I personally thought they are unethical since McGovern is running for mayor. Using his appointed position and exsposure seems like a political contribution advantage to me.
Katrina I agree with you 100%. This is a ploy to campaign on the boros dollar. If I was Mark Walsifer I would show up to every one of these. Besides,who’s paying the overtime for all the police brass to be there to answer questions? They certainly aren’t doing it for nothing
Yes Katrina. and Jennifer Nicolay is now doing the Code Blue messages.
You know what’s confusing ??? All the stupid stop signs some idiot put all over town !
Code blue, code blue! Jennifer Nicolay cares about YOU! Vote for her, after all, she organized a pinky challenge a few years ago that made the Guinness World Record.
And Jen was the brains behind placing the most dangerous Miniature Golf Course in the nation on Route 35 in Belmar’s FLOOD ZONE, overflowin sewerage laden area.
Shake shake shake, shake yer – hair. Yeah, that be she. A real “how to run a town” kind of candidate. And with sportsguy Brian who was party to cutting down the trees to make room for the mini golf course, heaven help Belmar.
The next council meeting is?? Of course the notice was flushed out with th L Street sewerage enroute to France like the Diane Turton sign.
I agree with number 8. I don’t recall any chaos warranting all of the stupid stop signs. While I’m at it the traffic lights with camera sensors give seconds per car to pass main st. What is wrong someone sitting on Main Street for a few seconds and maybe discovering a new store to shop at.
Hey, bring back the designation F street. If it offends you go elsewhere.
what the heck is a “mini” council meeting…either its a meeting or its not. all public notices and record keeping apply..ugh…
6pm hit and run on F Street and Main last Saturday and no one saw it happen? HMMMMM, doesn’t make sense. St Rose churchgoers are leaving 5pm Mass right before 6pm. HMMMMM, could it be them or a drunkard who hit the bicyclist?
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